Why won't the new Komplete Start plugins show up?

nickolau Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

I've had Komplete Start for almost a year, and I have all of the plugins from the previous Komplete Start bundle that came out before this latest update. However, with this new update, I don't see any of the new plugins that were added; that being the new Leap plugins and Trash Lite. I've gone on the website and readded Komplete Start to my account and updated my computer, but they don't show up under "My products and serials" nor do they appear on the Updates section in Native Access either. My Native Access version is 3.16.0/, and I'm unsure if the issues I'm having are because of Native Access needing an update? Help????


Best Answer


  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,261 Expert
    edited December 2024


    "However, with this new update, I don't see any of the new plugins that were added; that being the new Leap plugins and Trash Lite."

    K Start is free and intended (I thought) to simply give a brand new user - a very small "taste" of the NI experience at a specific point in time (their sign up).

    I did not think "Start" is intended to give that free trial user an "updatable" experience until the end of time.

    I would think if you really want the newer bundle - you need to start over. Like from scratch. New NI acct. New email etc.


  • nickolau
    nickolau Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    I imagine that would not be the case. That seems like a pretty bad business model, and online it does say that Komplete Start does receive updates that the old and new users have access to. That being the case, why do I not see these new plugins?

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,261 Expert
    edited December 2024 Answer ✓

    I reached out to NI on this - and have confirmed that you will need to reapply and re-request the new bundle starting next week.

    You will not be getting updates for your existing Start package via Native Access.


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