Traktor Pro 4 Hotcue CDJ

djtef Member Posts: 6 Newcomer


I have a technical problem with Traktor Pro 4 used in Hid with Pioneer Cdj 2000 nexus:
The cue points on the cdj that I had programmed no longer work on the tracks where I generated the stems. I can't record them from the cdj either.

On other titles without stems, it works.

Any idea of ​​the problem?

Best Answer

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,797 Expert
    Answer ✓

    You still see the cue points in Traktor, but accessing them with the CDJ does not work?

    Can you jump to them when you click on them in the UI with the mouse?


  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,797 Expert
    Answer ✓

    You still see the cue points in Traktor, but accessing them with the CDJ does not work?

    Can you jump to them when you click on them in the UI with the mouse?

  • djtef
    djtef Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    Yes i still see the cue points and i can click with the mouse

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,797 Expert

    Interesting, sounds like a bug.

  • djtef
    djtef Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    Yes, possible, I'm trying to find another possibility

    I could only try when I return to my club. With the NI S3 it works

  • DJ-Andre
    DJ-Andre Member Posts: 138 Advisor

    I have the same issue with DDJ-SZ (official Pioneer mapping). The Cue buttons are not working either. I thought it was related to the mapping which isn't updated since 2014, so i didn't bother in the first place. If it appears to be a bug in Traktor it might be fixed for me as well in a future version. If it is the same issue and it is in the mapping for the NXS, i would like to know how to fix it for myself.

  • djtef
    djtef Member Posts: 6 Newcomer


    No fix with new version ?

  • leesinthemix
    leesinthemix Member Posts: 344 Guru

    It's not great that this hasn't been investigated in nearly three months.

    Is it still happening?

  • djtef
    djtef Member Posts: 6 Newcomer
  • DJ-Andre
    DJ-Andre Member Posts: 138 Advisor
    edited December 2024

    On my DDJ-SZ it's not working. However it is working with the mapping from @dj_estrela. I think it's an issue with the official Pioneer mapping. It would however be nice if someone is able to tell me how to fix this.

  • leesinthemix
    leesinthemix Member Posts: 344 Guru
    edited December 2024

    I owned an SZ for about 10 years until very recently, so I know the pain you feel!
    My brother uses Serato and we would b2b and do weddings and private parties together.

    That mapping was always sketchy for me to be honest. Traktor would sometimes crash completely or it wouldn't work and the settings panel would take 30 seconds to open and close.
    It was pot luck at some gigs. Sometimes I'd have to reinstall Traktor and all the drivers each time.
    Pretty sure the mapping was originally intended for Traktor 2.7 back in the days of Windows 8 and hasn't been updated since, so you're always going to run into issues.

    If there's an issue with multiple devices using hot cues, then chances are it's not the mapping.

    Has anyone logged an official ticket about this with support?

  • DJ-Andre
    DJ-Andre Member Posts: 138 Advisor

    I never have any problems with Traktor. The slow settings panel is also fixed in later versions. At least, it's not that slow it once was. The mapping was intended for Traktor 2.6.8. Version 2.7 already had stems integration and was a beta version.

  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,189 mod

    I wonder what would happen if you just overmap the hotcues.

  • djtef
    djtef Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    J'ai fait une demande au support.

    Il me demande de réaliser une petite vidéo du problème. Je le ferai ce week-end

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