Kontakt doesn't work

JIGOKU Member Posts: 5 Newcomer
edited December 2024 in Native Access

Ive had 120 dollars stolen from me from Spitfire Audio after they told me their "in-build" plugin GUI would no longer be supported and was changed over to Kontakt which COST 300 DOLLARS. I have to pay for something I already paid for and lose it forever unless I pay. Absolute cum. Never bought a Spitfire product ever again. Anyway, I have Kontakt 7 and 90% of Libraries say, "This instrument belongs to a library that is not currently installed", even though everything is exactly with the other Sound Libraries and I can see the Libraries graphics in the left tab. Its this a joke? People buy youre overpriced products and we are left in the dirt? I've had it with this Monopoly Kontakt. Kontakt software is utter garbage. I have thousands of dollars invented in these ******** libraries and I cant even use them and face a problm every god damn second because Kontakt is ****** and the service is even worse. If this is not fixed I am reporting to the BBB for fraud. Im not that type of person but when a ****** company and ****** software keeps screwing you over and monopolizing the sample market, my hatred begins to burn. I supported you guys for over 8 tears.



  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,115 Expert
    edited December 2024

    "This instrument belongs to a library that is not currently installed", even though everything is exactly with the other Sound Libraries and I can see the Libraries graphics in the left tab"

    Can we see a screencap of what you have (on the left) and this actual error popping up?

    Also - see here

    Kontakt Error Message: "This instrument belongs to a library that is currently not installed" – Native Instruments


    JIGOKU Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    Yes give me one minute. I am in the middle of something. Will reply in ten mins. ty

    JIGOKU Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    Ok here you go this is what I get with some of my libraries but my old libraries work fine. Its only new or recent libraries. Makes no sense an old libraries would work on Kontakt 8 but a library made this year doesnt? Kontakt has an awful interface. Its ten years behind. This company need key improvements but would rather remain a stagnate buggy mess that it is more focused on overcharging and monopolizing sound producers. I know its not the devs at Kontakt, its clearly NI. They dont actually care about making Kontakt better, easier to use, intuitive, better GUI, ANYTHING. To believe these people at NI get paid.

    JIGOKU Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    Im getting down voted for acknowledging the truth bout the software and the monopolization of sound libraries and the fact I was ripped off? either bots, people who work for NI or just plain fools. Been in Audio Engineering since 14, my uncle was an audio engineer. I laud at people who think I dont know what I'm talking about when Ive been around it my whole life. I make money producing, do you? Do you think any of this is new to me?

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,115 Expert
    edited December 2024

    You are getting voted down because you are appear to be yelling for no reason - but judging from your screencap - you are going about this all wrong.

    You cannot load anything from Westwood Instruments from the Files tab. Westwood is an NKS partner and all partner libraries have very specific install processes. For Westwood specifically - see here:

    howtodownload - Westwood Instruments

    Once installed via the Pulse Downloader - you must register the library in Native Access 3.16 (or higher) - See step 7.

    Once your serial is entered and the library is authorized - fire up Kontakt and launch like this (FROM the Libraries tab):

    "Do you think any of this is new to me?"

    Well it appears in fact - some of this is new to you.

    Have a good night and enjoy your Alt Choir library.


    JIGOKU Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    So I have to use multiple 3rd party software just t use a product in Kontakt? Its no longer drag and drop?

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,115 Expert
    edited December 2024

    Not sure where you got "drag and drop" from. Literally no vendor uses the Files area any more in Kontakt. This is not 2009.

    There are many NKS partners (like Westwood) and many ways to install Kontakt libraries here in 2024/2025 - 99% of them involve Native Access for authorization.

    And yes - in this case - you need to use Pulse downloader followed by Native Access to get this specific library going.

    Just follow the steps and you will be ready to go.


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