X1MK3: Community Performance MOD (qml coding)



  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,146 mod

    Now i understand. I will check as soon as i reconnect my x1. In a bit.

  • mhollers
    mhollers Member Posts: 20 Member

    just wondering if you have managed to replicate this behaviour?

  • mhollers
    mhollers Member Posts: 20 Member

    Ah, just worked out that it was a conflict with some modifiers I had set up in another mapping. Noticed the same button didn't do anything on the effects page either and thought I might have a faulty unit. To be sure I went back to the default mapping and had the same issue, then remembered I had a mapping to add a track to the prep list. Deleted an unused modifier 2 and it's all now working as expected (I think).

    thanks again for this fantastic mapping.

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,146 mod

    Glad to hear you figured it out. Enjoy spinning.

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,146 mod


    • Added mods with hotcue colour changes on page 1 for TP 4.1.1.

    Can someone tell me if this works with MAC OS?

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,146 mod

    Also, what do you think about the two alternatives i am thinking about regarding stem controls?

    • Four knobs control stem volume. Four buttons control FX Insert ON/OFF toggle.
    • Four knobs control stem Filter (and automatically set Filter to ON, to OFF when using SHIFT while turning). Four buttons contol stem Mute ON/OFF toggle.


  • Pozzetti
    Pozzetti Member Posts: 42 Member

    Confirmed working on Mac OS 4.11.

    I currently have the following mapped for STEMS (might need to adjust after installing you mod which Ive not fully tested yet)

    Modifer 1 = Shift

    Modifier 2 = Rev

    Stems on A/B Hold Shift, buttons match colours of stem tracks, buttons disable that track (ive set to hold) dials are set to lower volume of each track.

    Hiding Shift > Rev and repeating does the same for decks C/D.

    Ive also got some other mapping for brownie effects ect using the arrows at the top in combination with shift, but I might remove all of my mods to test yours properly first.

    Huge thanks for the update.

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,146 mod

    I am having trouble understanding the description of your mapping. Care to upload the tsi to satisfy my curiosity?

    Glad to hear that it's fine on Mac.

    You should know that SHIFT+Top Arrows is natively used to assign FX to decks C+D (or FX Units 3+4, can't remember at the moment), which you have blocked with the mapping. Yeah, try the mod without any additional mappings first so you know what you are overriding. Please note the customization options on page 1. There will also be some changes to them once i am done with the stem overlay.

  • Pozzetti
    Pozzetti Member Posts: 42 Member

    Was just about to reply to you on reddit, but your active here so ill stay here lol..

    Not sure if I can post pics here..or find a text file with my mods to share with you?


    Ive coloured the buttons to match the stem track colours from Traktor V4, any of the STEM actions including colours only happen when holding SHIFT for decks A and B. if I hold SHIFT then REV (holding both) That enables the STEM function for decks C and D.

    So, holding SHIFT.

    all 8 buttons are brightly lit matched to Traktor colours to show all stem tracks are "on", when disabled with the button they are dimly lit (I have since changed this to HOLD) so the buttons are simply activating the track, On/ OFF, Ive set it to hold so I can hit the buttons like a manual gate effect if you like, or quickly silence a part and its back on after releasing the button. (sorry my explanation is poor).

    whilst holding SHIFT, the dials change each STEM track Volume (I use this to remove a section without needing to hold a button)

    Pressing REV after holding SHIFT repeats for tracks C/D

    Thisstill works with your mod (although I haven't checked to see if its overwritten something of yours yet)

    The reason I have set the buttons to HOLD rather than act as a trigger is because I can silence a stem track with the dial, so I wanted a different function with the button like I said above.

    Your idea might work better as I haven't used STEM effects yet, (or know how to FX sends???)

    I've basically set it up for 4 deck playing with 1x X1, it has limitations of course and multiple button presses to achieve things.

    The only other things Ive mapped are the top arrows to change between effects or switching to drum patterns and browsing them, agin with the use of SHIFT and REV mostly.

    happy to send over anything that explains it better

  • Pozzetti
    Pozzetti Member Posts: 42 Member

    to add, holding SHIFT does both functions now, activates my STEM controls as mentioned, and your key change mod without conficting (so it seems)

  • Pozzetti
    Pozzetti Member Posts: 42 Member

    stem controls activated by pressing shift

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,146 mod

    Your mapping should still work on the mod as far as i can see. Browser mode only changes the encoder functions and that's the biggest change. The rest is just refinement of the basic performance. The mod should make it easier to switch the x1 controls from AB to CD and back. I only have functions on the SHIFT layer when absolutely necessary (i don't like using shift much). MODE button has a triple function, short TAP, double TAP and hold 1 second. The first two change FX Units and Decks, the latter lets you reenter setup mode.

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,146 mod

    Nice work. When i am done you won't have to hold down anything, just switch the overlay like you switch FX Units with MODE as the page flipper.

  • Pozzetti
    Pozzetti Member Posts: 42 Member

    Absolutely agree with you, Id like to avoid multiple button presses etc.

    Ok, so I don't use or intend to use the Mixer functions (EQ, faders, filter) as i use those on my xone96 or will use the club mixer.

    Your mod is great being able to switch between decks A/B to C/D.

    For me personally, Id now love to be able to control Stems as mentioned for all 4 dekcks, currently Im having to hold SHIFT to enable A/B and SHIFT + REV to enable for C/D.

    If its possible to seperate those without holding so many buttons (even just shift is ok to be fair) it would be great.

    Now excuse my lack of terminology, when selecting a different mode on the controller (double TAP mode for example) do the buttons and dials now have new mappable addresses or is it the same midi "address"? meaning is it possible to do the STEM mod for each mode without having to hold SHIFT for example?

  • Pozzetti
    Pozzetti Member Posts: 42 Member

    Feature request..lol

    with the MODE button.

    on Mixer mode, double tapping changes mixer C/D and decks to C/D, or vice versa.

    on effects mode it only changes the decks, not the effects channels, this might be by design? but would it be possible to have the effects change simultaneously too?

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