DevineWavetable Synth and DevineAcid for Reaktor Blocks?



  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,441 mod
    edited November 2024

    To end speculations:

    1- Devine WaveTable Synth created with Reaktor 6

    2- Even if created with earlier version, it does not matter, since Reaktor 6 can load ensembles from any previous versions.

    …btw, on my side, it works fine

    Idea: Just delete the 3 problematic modules, save/replace the ensemble and enjoy! 😋

    Note: With all respect to Richard, there are hundreds of better ensembles in the User Library!

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,971 mod

    Devine WaveTable Synth created with Reaktor 6

    Even if created with earlier version, it does not matter, since Reaktor 6 can load ensembles from any previous versions.

    Thank you Sunborn, yes I noticed that a bit later after questioning version used, but at least the Reaktor 6 version might have been an earlier one ? (or it's library ?)

    Idea: Just delete the 3 problematic modules, save/replace the ensemble and enjoy! 😋

    Again , thank you, I did that also earlier while exploring and not only did I delete the modules in question I also deleted the ins and outs that were also in blue edited/demo (!?!?!?) but all one gets from saving that is that all the rest is blue when opening what you saved, actually that will happen whether or not that you delete anything or not before saving . It looks like this when opening again :

    btw, on my side, it works fine

    So at least now we know that it's not a Mac versus Windows thing since you are not a Mac user 😁

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,971 mod

    You seem quite knowledgeable and I'm prepared to accept your evidence ruling out a change in NI separate sales and activation of Blocks as well

    Your quoted yourself writing this so impossible to know who you are addressing , Sunborn ?

    Also Quote Sunborn : "Note: With all respect to Richard, there are hundreds of better ensembles in the User Library!" , so there is a lot more to try 😁

  • bravedog
    bravedog Member Posts: 62 Member

    ha ha yes trying to send Sunborn!

    We are truly living in a wonderful age for electronic music. I have so many great synths and more interesting stuff pops up all the time.

    But, I have a specific interest in Devine.

  • bravedog
    bravedog Member Posts: 62 Member
    edited November 2024

    Hm Reaktor 6 2015 indeed!

    Still, the Support agent at first told me Blocks was a separate purchase, but then apologized and told me it was now included as a recent change in Reaktor. So while I was wrong about a recent new version of Reaktor, there are still indications the change in separate activation of Blocks is very recent? You seem quite knowledgeable and I'm prepared to accept your evidence ruling out a change in NI separate sales and activation of Blocks as well - was the Support agent misinformed and this also goes back to 2015? If so, I agree, ruled out! But it was always the sepaerate Blocks activation loss in NI accounts I flagged. assuming this was part of a Reaktor upgrade was premature.

    Sorry for double post, sent it to myself 1st time and can't delete! [post in question deleted by Moderator]

  • KoaN
    KoaN Member Posts: 142 Advisor

    The ensemble works here,i am on PC and i made the activation a long time ago so,not recent.

  • bravedog
    bravedog Member Posts: 62 Member

    Thanks! Do you happen to remember if when you bought Blocks originally it had a septrate Activation? If not includedd in reaktor for you, my theory is ruled out!

  • bravedog
    bravedog Member Posts: 62 Member

    My habit of dashing things off and then editing later is serving me in poor stead here where I can't edit.

    I meant, that's great info! If you can remember that you DID make a separate purchase of Blocks, which would have been necessary long ago from the sounds of it so you likely did, my theory is fully ruled out.

  • bravedog
    bravedog Member Posts: 62 Member

    And, that's all wrong and again undeleteable.

    Old purchase sare what perhaps always work. It's new purchases since the activation separation of Blocks and Reaktor that is in question.

  • bravedog
    bravedog Member Posts: 62 Member

    I mean, my comments on your post were all wrong! Not meant to criticize your post!

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,971 mod
    edited November 2024

    You make it hard to follow when you do not address people directly by user name and if using this like if a chat interface.

    Anyway , the problem with the Devine ensemble appear as not a matter of products being in demo or needing activation in the normal sense since my Rounds modules are fully usable outside the Devine ensemble. , My guess is that is must be a version thing where those for whom it works have a license for the module version used , e.g. Reaktor library version , I think that mine stems from Komplete 14 (and later) (I do not have any Reaktor license earlier than that) :

  • bravedog
    bravedog Member Posts: 62 Member

    PoorFellow I'll take your advice and address by name rather than by quote. And I am really starting to rritate myself with all the poorly framed posts I'm making I can't fix. But now I've gotten interested.

    Are the Blocks that tested part of Blocks Base or Blocks Prime? Currently Base is free so only if they're Prime can that be concluded?

  • bravedog
    bravedog Member Posts: 62 Member

    PoorFellow, also, I don't think anyone with Reaktor full install has had any issues using these Blocks outside of an .ens file. The Blocks are licensed and run in Reaktor [did for me] but the .ens file triggers the Demo mode, not the Blocks themselves.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,971 mod

    PoorFellow I'll take your advice and address by name rather than by quote.

    I quote your post by using the quote function below your post on the page and then I also copied part of the text from the page and have marked that as quote text also.

    And using quote is quite OK and shows what it is that you are responding to. but you didn't use 'quote'

    Are the Blocks that tested part of Blocks Base or Blocks Prime?

    It can be seen to the left on my screenshot that the Rounds modules are Prime blocks but I will edit my screenshot above again and draw red around where that you can see that it's Prime.

    Currently Base is free so only if they're Prime can that be concluded?

    If you are referring to free as in Reaktor Player then so many changes has been made to the Komplete Start that I don't even know if the Blocks Base are free. Prior page changes were made and not the whole site were updated. The Reaktor full version page however says that "REAKTOR includes BLOCKS BASE and BLOCKS PRIMES" so that ought to be for sure.

  • colB
    colB Member Posts: 1,032 Guru

    This is interesting.

    So you guys don't have Blocks and Blocks Prime as separate entries in Native Access like this:

    It would make sense that this could be a potential problem in terms of compatibility with someone else's ensembles that use these Blocks.

    I vaguely remember (it was ages ago) that when I installed some version of Reaktor that came with Blocks, these Blocks entries didn't automagically appear in Native Access, rather I had to use the 'Add Serial' option:

    Interesting also, that I not only have Blocks and Blocks Prime, but 'Reaktor Blocks' in My Native Access.

    I did once have an issue related to beta testing and blocks licencing. Also useful to note that I've have lots of versions, and used various updates of both versions of Native access. At times I have had to mess about with 're-installing' and uninstalling/installing stuff to get it to work.

    The only time I had to reach out to the community was when 6.5 was released, and the update didn't appear in Native Access, that was when I learned that 'Native Access' and 'Native Access 2' are separate applications, so there was never an update notification, and the original thought it was completely up to date!!!

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