The new features of Massive X 1.4 update



  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,322 mod

    the coal mine preset i could not load and chordinating patch too (through massive x browser), but any other one from mechanix i tried so far worked, but i tried not all - and if i load coal mine through maschine browser it strangly works

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,358 mod

    Yes they load through KK and Maschine and if you resave them they also then load via Massive X browser from the user section but, this is weird, I tried copying one back into the original folder, overwriting the broken file, but it still complains about 'Type not found' even though it's the exact same file that loads from user and KK.

  • Ed Wolski
    Ed Wolski Member Posts: 5 Member

    In the email I received to announce the 1.4 update, they say there are 50 new factory presets, but there's no 1.4 category. Is there a list of the new presets somewhere?

  • robertroff
    robertroff Member Posts: 17 Member

    I thought Control Sensitivity might help with the fact that it is not usable on touch screens, but it didn't make a difference. Why have you guys not added a touch screen mode like you did for the effects? Just get the Massive X Developers to call up the developers of Dirt and Phasis and Choral and all those and get some pointers?

  • Choopy
    Choopy Member Posts: 3 Member

    the only thing I miss in this great synth is the activation of the mouse roll when you hover over a parameter. Maschine does it and it's a great time saver and convenience. I know the debate, some people don't like it, but I hope an option is available. I use a falcon in uvi maschine for this function (and the quality of synth / sampler but it is a bit too much;) This small function would make me go to mass x that is equally good for the synthesis part bcp and more visual. thank you for the efforts in any case already made on Massive X.

  • eggpls
    eggpls Member Posts: 15 Member

    This might not be the right place for this question, but as a beginner in synthesizers and sound design, I feel like I would learn extremely well with better visualization of the wavetable synthesis. Is this something that I should just never expect for Massive X and for the sake of learning, I should just use something like Serum until I better understand how all the routings work and exactly what my edits are doing? Massive/Massive X sounds amazing but until I have a better feel for sound design in general, would you guys recommend a different synth for the time being?

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,837 mod

    There is an update available in Native Access for the Massive Factory library update with the 50 new presets.

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,937 admin

    Hi @Ed Wolski you can find the new presets under the 1.4 tag in the browser. ✌️

  • ChrisH1785
    ChrisH1785 Member Posts: 11 Member

    Just returned to production after a break. I can't find my user presets or 3rd party presets now with this update? Please help banging head against wall.!!

  • ChrisH1785
    ChrisH1785 Member Posts: 11 Member

    Hi is there a fix for this I have so many sounds that i just can't find now?

  • ChrisH1785
    ChrisH1785 Member Posts: 11 Member

    This is stupid how can they possibly make something worse than it already was? I have thousands of sounds i brought and created that i cant load ?

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,322 mod

    On the upper right there is a little man sign, just activate it and all your missing presets should show up now.

  • Itai
    Itai Member Posts: 5 Member
    edited June 2022

    Big shut out to NI on this update. Mainly the browser enhancements! Finding favorites, categories and my own presets is now intuitive and flowing with my work.

    (talking about version 1.4.1)

    Next is the much needed Complete Control resizing improvements and you totally nailed it


  • sunbambino
    sunbambino Member Posts: 15 Member

    Really commendable update, sooo appreciated. No need to reiterate what others have said above about the crying need to organise User presets into folders. NI will surely build on this rock-solid foundation and give MX - as best soft synth ever bar Diva - the browser it deserves.

  • sunbambino
    sunbambino Member Posts: 15 Member

    And love Beatback's idea of a Random search button, YEAH. ;-))

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