Cool trick for Beatport Playlists

zephry Member Posts: 692 Guru
edited November 2024 in Traktor Software & Hardware

For anyone making playlists on Beatport. I have a cool organization trick.

When you name your playlist use this symbol \ the backslash I believe.

For example:

House Music\My top tracks

House Music\2024 New grooves

This type of naming results in the first part House Music being shown as a main folder (in Traktor) and the part after the backslash as sub folders. (In Traktor). Essentially you can make a bunch of playlists in the Beatport application and the result is perfectly organized.

I use the Beatport phone application a lot and stubbled onto this. It really cleans up the Beatport playlist area and makes things easier to find. When looking at your Beatport Playlists in Traktor.

I would assume this works for Beatsource as well. @Owner


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