Maschine 3.0 General Discussion



  • Milkman
    Milkman Member Posts: 287 Advisor

    Most of us routing maschine into DAWs arent using the maschine sequencer. That's what a DAW is for… we arent double routing anything. This is why Ive fallen back to using my mk3 as a MIDI-mode controller for Triaz and other things - its just too annoying to use in plugin mode.

    The issue is the use of groups and sounds, routing those groups and sounds to corresponding input/output channels in your DAW. If you have a single instance and single group, its simple. Add another group/instance, and it breaks down, stops working in some DAWs, creates loops, etc.

    This wasnt fixed because it isnt a priority for NI to help people NOT USE the sequencer in maschine. They want you to use the sequencer, so they are not focusing on making routing in/out of DAWs any easier.

  • ekwipt
    ekwipt Member Posts: 36 Member
    edited November 2024

    Are you able to manually copy over everything to the new Maschine 3 library (i have everything on an external drive) and manually delete then Maschine 2 library??

  • Beatsandmore
    Beatsandmore Member Posts: 210 Advisor

    Yes thank you for the video i use cubase a little different setup but yes that's how I use it and save a template in maschine software plugin.. thank you

  • Milkman
    Milkman Member Posts: 287 Advisor

    What? I dont quite understand what you are saying. I was replying to the NI employee.

  • Beatsandmore
    Beatsandmore Member Posts: 210 Advisor
  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 816 Pro
    edited November 2024

    depending on the DAW you use, and/or external audio applications you use

    i dont box myself in or limit myself with respect to what a DAW can do….

    the routing within Maschine is more than sufficient for what i can achieve, even loading up a another maschine project to take the place of another is relatively easy with the Reaper DAW i utilise…

    if of course the DAW you utilise doesnt save Maschine routings as a DAW preset… the problem is the DAW

    knowing which DAW's save ALL the maschines values& routing within a project as you saved it , is indeed a good DAW to use!!

    edit: for Reaper it's the FX templates that can be saved… which keeps all the values&routings intact (remove a maschineFX plugin and replace it with another saved maschineFX plugin)

  • Milkman
    Milkman Member Posts: 287 Advisor
    edited November 2024


    Years ago, when I was Jeremy S on the forum (before the reset), you and I spent years talking about maschine2 routing. I participated in 100s of threads about it, thanked you for the guide, sent dozens of others from KVR and elsewhere to your threads to benefit from your guides, etc. You remember that, right?

    I became fairly expert with maschine2 routing inside Cubase 10, 11, 12, 13, and now finally 14, as well as Bitwig 4 through 5.2.5. I built my own templates, created my own guides, and helped others. Then back at the end of 2023 something changed, to do with Bitwig + maschine2 routing, and all the years of templates and projects I had suddenly stopped working, causing me to make a support request with Bitwig. Cubase routing, somehow, was not affected.

    Long story - Bitwig support couldnt solve it and claimed something in maschine had changed, and maschine's routing (1 instance of maschine, multiple MIDI tracks connected back to it) was now causing feedback loops that were killing Bitwig's audio engine.

    I brought this to this forum a few times, but didnt get any traction. Then, I mentioned this in one of the big "culture change" threads that happened here, and you seemed to think I was attacking you personally. That was really shocking because I was talking about overall customer service and overall maschine2 development, to do with routing. I dont know what happened there…

    No, routing for maschine2/3 is only easy when you leave it alone and do it internally. When you try to use your DAW to route midi in/out of maschine (really just out), it introduces problems and works differently DAW by DAW. I know all of this like the back of my hand at this point.

  • Beatsandmore
    Beatsandmore Member Posts: 210 Advisor
    edited November 2024
  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 816 Pro
    edited November 2024

    i dont know if you are familiar with the blue cat connector FXplugin… but it has some useful functions in that as long as a external application can utilise VST's… then you can use it as a routing tool.. to go from an external application to a DAW

    the bluecat plugin used with VirtualDJfree… allows me to have 4 separate isolated track outputs to route out of VDJfree… with the vdj2.0 stem features still in tact! very useful plugin

  • Beatsandmore
    Beatsandmore Member Posts: 210 Advisor

    I have same problem in cubase 12 to 13 I just purchased 14 I have not installed you but I have made templates and they seem to change i have most likely make a new template which is a pain the ass when it don't work on the next session this should be a no Brainer to fix in my opinion..

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 816 Pro

    a person who makes a impulse purchase without knowing what they are buying… have themselves to blame for the disappointment

    i probably wouldve been kicking myself if there wasnt something i liked in the update…

    that said, it would make little difference if i purchased it today… or 3 months from now waiting… becos eventually the added updates would bring added value…. but as i saw 1 thing of value when making the purchase(independant tempos)… i was happy to pay for it…

    upon looking deeper into the changes i found there was the added bonus of increased input amounts… that for me made it worthwhile….

    for people who dont see the added value of both aforementioned features, are likely project oriented people who dont route audio between applications!

  • Beatsandmore
    Beatsandmore Member Posts: 210 Advisor

    They just need to make a sound module version of maschine with there expansions and expansions as a plugin..

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