Does Maschine Central replace Maschine 2 Library?

marcora Member Posts: 9 Member

I am confused about the fate of the Maschine 2 Library? Does it need to be installed with Maschine 3? Or has it been replaced by Maschine Central?

Best Answer



  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,640 mod


    That would cause all sorts of caos of missing samples, it's a new Lib just like any other Expansion.

  • marcora
    marcora Member Posts: 9 Member
    edited November 2024

    Thanks! When I install Maschine 3 on a new computer (no previous Maschine 2 installation), is the 6GB of content originally delivered as "Maschine 2 Factory Library" needed? Or are we going to get a "Maschine 3 Factory Library"?

  • Dvox
    Dvox Member Posts: 16 Member

    I'm trying to get through this myself. I hope this helps. From what I understand, as far as I can tell anyways, Maschine Central is the library. Maschine 3.0 Is a separate download/software/upgrade (like Maschine 2.0.) I currently have Maschine Central but no 3.0 available to download/ install yet. Been waiting all day. I'm unsure if it replaces 2.0 at this point or is installed as a completely separate entity.

  • marcora
    marcora Member Posts: 9 Member

    Thanks! I wonder whether there is anybody here who purchased Maschine 3 Bundle (not the update) and do not already own Maschine 2. Are you also getting the "Maschine 2 Factory Library" option in Native Access, or do you just get the Maschine Central option?

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,640 mod
    edited November 2024

    Everything is separate, hence the different names, nothing overwrites anything.

    You're not forced to install it but i don't see why you wouldn't, theres tons of content there.

    As I see it, "Maschine Central" is the new "Maschine 2 Factory Lib", IDK why they went about creating a new name, it confuses people. Both are libs are 6-7GB and fill a similar role: Give users tons of stuff to start with so you dont have to go buy Expansions.

    Good question, I assume so…

  • marcora
    marcora Member Posts: 9 Member

    Yes, that is my question. Does Maschine Central contain the content (and more) that was available in Maschine 2 Factory Library? It is not clear at the moment, I guess I will have to pull the plug and check for myself.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,640 mod

    What do you mean? Repeated content? No, it's a new library.

  • marcora
    marcora Member Posts: 9 Member
    edited November 2024

    I am talking about the projects, kits, samples, sounds, etc. Are the ones that were included in the Maschine 2 Factory Library also included in Maschine Central? In other words, can I open a project I created in Maschine 2 using its Factory Library in Maschine 3 installed together with Maschine Central? My question is about backward compatibility of the Maschine 3 + Maschine Central combo with the Maschine 2 + Factory Library combo.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,640 mod
    edited November 2024

    I am talking about the projects, kits, samples, sounds, etc.

    That is the content.

    Are the ones that were included in the Maschine 2 Factory Library also included in Maschine Central?

    Now you're confusing me, I feel like I just answered this question. No, the content is different. What one has is not included in the other. They are different libs.

    In other words, can I open a project I created in Maschine 2 using its Factory Library in Maschine 3 installed together with Maschine Central and everything works out of the box?

    Yes, projects made in Maschine-2 open in Maschine-3, it doesn't matter what library you used (but the opposite is not possible: MAS2 does not open MAS3 projects, again regardless of which lib you used.

    Matthew said that Maschine Central is compatible with both MAS v2 and v3 here:

    My question is about backward compatibility of the Maschine 3 + Maschine Central combo with the Maschine 2 + Factory Library combo.

    All libs work in both V2 and V3 versions, but MAS3 projects are not retro-compatible with V2.

  • marcora
    marcora Member Posts: 9 Member
    edited November 2024

    I understand that Maschine Central is a different library and all of that, what I am asking is whether the content that is included in MAS2 Factory Library is also included in Maschine Central or not, or whether I must have a Maschine 2 license in order to install the MAS2 Factory Library content.

  • DiosGnosis
    DiosGnosis Member Posts: 226 Advisor
    edited November 2024

    Maybe this helps:

    Registered to my account I have the following Maschine related products:

    • KOMPLETE 11 SELECT for existing MASCHINE
    • KOMPLETE ELEMENTS MK2 Maschine Edition
    • Maschine 2 Essentials Application for M32
    • Maschine 2 Factory Selection
    • Maschine 2 for Maschine Studio Black
    • Maschine 3 Bundle Update
    • MASCHINE incl. Komplete Elements
    • MASCHINE Plus
    • MASCHINE Plus Selection MK2

    Needless to say, I have no idea which of the above constitutes how Maschine 3 tags/categorizes my library, I just wanted to provide transparency.

    It appears from my library, MAS Central is tagged as an EXP (Expansion) while both Maschine & Maschine Sel. (Maschine & Maschine Factory Selection respectively) are containers for various Maschine Libraries (1.8, 2.0, 2.5 & 2.6)

    Again, I have no idea which of the products registered to my account offer which library iterations in my Maschine 3 browser, but I've been a Maschine user since the MK1 days so, my guess is the 1.8 Library could have come from back then..??

    I purchased a Maschine+ earlier this year as a hardware upgrade from my Maschine Studio which I mention only b/c I really wasn't paying attention to the various Maschine Libraries in the Maschine+ browser, nor the Maschine 2 software until this current 3.0 release.

    I've had a relatively flawless installation/integration process so far, without opening instances of every single VST in my library for empirical compatibility proof… yet. I'm missing one Waves graphic for X-Click Stereo so yeah, I honestly consider myself fortunate.

  • jacqui brookes
    jacqui brookes Member Posts: 47 Member
    edited November 2024

    Maschine Central doesn't show in Kontakt 8 to use with loops.all the other expansions are there? Anyone else notice this? thank you

  • cal
    cal Member Posts: 29 Helper
    edited November 2024

    No, they are different libraries. They are two separate and distinct products. They have no relation to each other and there is no overlap in the content.As D-One said, Maschine Central is a new library so treat it as you would any new expansion so yes if you want the Maschine V2 Factory library then you will need to install that separately as they are two different things.

  • DiosGnosis
    DiosGnosis Member Posts: 226 Advisor
    edited November 2024

    True. And neither are the previous Maschine Libraries (1.8, 2.0, 2.5 & 2.6) for that matter. Not sure if they are supposed to or not tho…??

    This is when opening an instance of Kontakt 8 thru Maschine 3 software btw.

  • jacqui brookes
    jacqui brookes Member Posts: 47 Member

    well, I.m opening in Live 12, will look in Maschine 3. thanks

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