why are demo versions displayed in native access?

dadahipster Member Posts: 5 Member

why are there entries of products in native access that i don't actually own turning out to be demo versions unmarked as such, only after installing? in case NI thinks that's a clever way to slip people stuff that they will buy after - it's just very annoying.

Best Answer


  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,080 Expert
    edited November 2024

    Like what?

    Never seen a demo version of anything slip onto my machine…


  • dadahipster
    dadahipster Member Posts: 5 Member

    I had Izotope stuff like Audiolens, VocalSynth showing and thought 'cool that's a Soundwide promo'. Once installed those are demos. Currently Kontakt 8 Expansions like NACHT and Leap Expansions are showing. I didn't buy those either.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,080 Expert

    Well. Native Access is simply a mirror of what is present in your NI Acct. If these products are not in your account - in some way, shape or form - they cannot suddenly appear in NA to be installed.

    Now - I have seen legit products get installed via NA and then a series of XML files go haywire (like in Kontakt) and the library "displays" a little blurb in the main window saying "Demo". But this is different here.

    For all my years of using NA - if a product exists in your actual NI Acct AND can be installed via NA - it will appear in NA. The iZotope items are a bit strange tho. I have a ton of iZotope stuff here - but none of it appears in NA - I use the iZoTope Product Portal to manage all that stuff.

    I would check your NI acct first and rule out any of these products being listed there. If you do not see these products in your NI acct - and do see them in NA - that is something completely different (and very strange) as I have never seen that happen.


  • dadahipster
    dadahipster Member Posts: 5 Member

    Well then it is something very strange indeed, as there is no "80s New Wave" Leap Expansion listed under my products and serials on the NI site, but there it is ready to install from Native Access.

    I suppose this might be a new feature to lure people into installing stuff that they might dig and buy then. It would just be cool t get informed about moves like these…

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,080 Expert

    That expansion is included with Kontakt 8.

    Do you own a version of Komplete?


  • dadahipster
    dadahipster Member Posts: 5 Member

    I do, but only Kontakt 8 Player. I guess these packs are to introduce the new feature then.

    It's still confusing.

    But thanks for the advice and your time, VP.

  • Mert_NI
    Mert_NI Customer Care Posts: 658 mod
    Answer ✓

    Hello dadahipster, there can be a typo on the account's email that you registered your products wi

    Can you please create a support ticket or open a chat support using this link below:


    So our team can help you further to solve that as soon as possible.

    I hope this helps☺️

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