Traktor Pro 4 crash! Blurry Waveform and lost sound!

Davidr_7 Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

Today working i had 3 moments in the night where Traktor has left me without sound and I have to restart the computer leaving everyone silent. The problem was the waveforms become blurred in the middle of the song and there is no way to make it respond making the club silent. After exiting Traktor the Macbook Pro does not close completely. I have a Kontrol S4 Mk3 new and Traktor Pro 4.0.2 in MacBook Pro 2015, Monterey 12.7.6, i5.

anyone know anything about this?

Best Answer

  • S. Leo
    S. Leo Member Posts: 6 Member
    Answer ✓

    Hello everyone! I believe that I have found the cause of this problem that has been causing all the crashes (at least for Windows pcs). The problem is not Traktor, it's ASIO4ALL. Every time I am analyzing new songs or trying out new music without plugging in any of my controllers and I am using ASIO4ALL (because Dj Endo recommended this on the "How to optimize PCs for djing") and I close the program with the last interface being ASIO4ALL when I go to play with my controller the blurry waveform crash occurs. I stopped using ASIO4ALL and no crash in any gig.

    @Native Instruments please check this issue and if that is the case, issue a fix or stop recommending ASIO4ALL.



  • djvic91
    djvic91 Member Posts: 92 Helper

    just had the same thing happen. my right deck got blurry and sound cut off. i tried to close traktor but it was frozen. it started when i upgraded to 4.0.2. right before it did that i noticed my tempo meters were vibrating up and down. can some one explain

  • alec.tron
    alec.tron Member Posts: 76 Pro
    edited October 2024

    This has been a random bug that s never been solved afaik, and a showstopper if it occurs...

    Been around since v3:

    Don't think I've ever had it with v2. But, as said in the above old thread - there doesn't seem to be a reliable way to reproduce this, but it randomly seems to occur; making it (imo - as I had this occur for a wee while randomly, but way back in early v3 version I believe) a rather scary bug for professional live music software... And unfortunately very well alive still - seeing a fair few posts about people experincing this in v4 now regularly as well :/


  • Darren of London
    Darren of London Member Posts: 18 Member

    Traktor appears to be in need of a lot of work on mac, I've been repeatedly reading this same problem for a while now, in every case it has involved apple silicon but you have an i5, so I'm thinking it's likely just OS related. I'm sure Native are very aware of this issue so hopefully you'll get a fix in the next update, I don't know of any work arounds because I'm on windows.

    Traktor 4 is still needs a lot of bugs ironed out, I personally won't use it for live sets yet, I use T3 for that, T4 is a little too buggy and the remix decks are often unusable especially if you edit them. Traktor 4 just isn't reliable enough yet, but they'll get there, it's really frustrating for professional software but today's reality is we're expected to be patient while the developers finish their products long after release and that's just normal practice for all software companies.

  • DJ-Andre
    DJ-Andre Member Posts: 145 Advisor
    edited October 2024

    There is a whole team of beta testers testing the software prior release. As always there are unforeseen bugs which pop up when the software is used by a larger userbase. Frustrating? Yes, absolutely! Does it need time to get these bugs fixed? Yes, but the cause must be found first. As long as the cause is not found, it's pretty hard to fix an unknown bug/issue.

    Are there any crashlogs? That will certainly help. The more crashlogs shared, the easier it is to fix the issue(s).

  • alec.tron
    alec.tron Member Posts: 76 Pro

    This bug is not Mac exclusive; I've had it on PC.

    And - look at the old thread; there's 0 interaction/involvement from NI in 4 pages of reports on this, and when I flagged it in 2021 or so, there was little interest to dig into this from NI side iirc neither. So I very much doubt NI is actively on this.


  • OliverGross
    OliverGross Member Posts: 68 Helper

    Hi at all,

    I have a question. Has anybody experienced such a crash with

    -Using another device as the S4mk3?

    -With doing a restart before opening Traktor on a Silicone Mac?

    -Having “Loading only into stopped deck” disabled?

    -Playing less than 1-2 hours?

    I had these crashes last year when changing to a new Macbook Pro M2Pro using TP3.

    These crashes happens to me when I was playing some hours with a S4mk3, I didn’t experienced this with my Vestax VCI 400 or the Pioneer DJM mixers in the club.

    Since these crashes I have done always (!) a complete restart of my Silicone Mac before starting Traktor. I also disabled the Loading only into stopped deck setting.

    With these changes, I never had a crash with Traktor ever again and no one with TP4 but I didn’t play often with the S4 whole gigs nowadays and I do every time the restart. I have now also enabled again the Loading only stopped deck,

    It’s really difficult to reproduce such a crash. Unfortunately, you have to force Traktor to quit and so you get no crashlog for this event.

    I'm not using WIN at all, but maybe there could be a related problem, when users have this with their PC, too.

  • SpirosG
    SpirosG Member Posts: 23 Helper

    Good luck getting any reaction or help from NI on this bug. I've been trying to get a single response in the forum about it for far too long.

    The problem has nothing to do with the operating system, loading only in stopped decks, settings, hardware used, or anything else that has been mentioned in the past.

    Traktor does not produce any crash logs when this crash occurs.

  • OliverGross
    OliverGross Member Posts: 68 Helper

    Why do you think it has nothing to do with any of the things mentioned?

    What is your assumption regarding the cause for this crashes?

    I'm just curious if you have a suspicion for it. At the end, it's software, and there have to be an event which causes this fatal crash.

    My assumption on these things mentioned were that I noticed that a lot of people who had such a crash were using the S4.

    The interesting fact with these settings is, that since I have done these changes I didn't experience any crash or problem anymore. So I try to narrow down what has changed and could be a reasonable cause.

    For example, the new Silicone Macbooks no longer switch off completely, so that they are starting up when opening it. Therefore the restart before using Traktor. Because the crash happens also with windows, it's not Mac specific but it could be a cause at least when the OS is on standby.

    The greatest suspicion from my side is actually the S4. That some event there causes the crash.

    Therefore my question if there has been other devices used as this occurs.

  • SpirosG
    SpirosG Member Posts: 23 Helper
    edited October 2024

    Long story sort, i explained everything here

    Traktor 3.9 is -almost- "crashing" (no sound, blurry waveforms)

    I have never used S4, happens with Load only into Stopped Deck enable or disabled.

    I lately assume that it has something to do with USB interfaces/devices, like external HDDs, "short" disconnection/reconnection from/to the system, even if its not an HDD with a current loaded track on any deck. Mostly Because there is nothing else explaining what is the root of the bug.

  • S. Leo
    S. Leo Member Posts: 6 Member
    Answer ✓

    Hello everyone! I believe that I have found the cause of this problem that has been causing all the crashes (at least for Windows pcs). The problem is not Traktor, it's ASIO4ALL. Every time I am analyzing new songs or trying out new music without plugging in any of my controllers and I am using ASIO4ALL (because Dj Endo recommended this on the "How to optimize PCs for djing") and I close the program with the last interface being ASIO4ALL when I go to play with my controller the blurry waveform crash occurs. I stopped using ASIO4ALL and no crash in any gig.

    @Native Instruments please check this issue and if that is the case, issue a fix or stop recommending ASIO4ALL.

  • alec.tron
    alec.tron Member Posts: 76 Pro

    Was that 100% reproducible @S. Leo ?

    If it is, good find! Then NI could finally reproduce this reliably and finally fix this...(?)


  • S. Leo
    S. Leo Member Posts: 6 Member

    @alec.tron To be honest I am too scared to try to reproduce it that is why I asked the community (at least Windows users) to give some feedback on this. So far however, 20+ gigs no blurry crash.
    Also for Mac users, maybe the problem isn't necessarily the ASIO4ALL driver maybe it has to do with the usage of a different ASIO driver other than the one Native created.
    Most of the times that I analyze new music or check new tracks I don't have my S4 plugged in and I simply use the built in laptop speakers. Windows doesn't have built in ASIO drivers and this is why dj Endo was recommending downloading ASIO4ALL.
    If Mac users are using the Mac ASIO drivers close the program, and then when they open it they have their controllers and the blur occurs maybe they need to only be using Traktor with controllers. Maybe when you switch between interfaces you need to first close Traktor with the interface you want to use and re-open it.

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,364 Expert
    edited January 4

    Macs don't have/use ASIO. I would not recommend using ASIO4ALL either. It's really not necessary.

    Windows doesn't have ASIO "built in" because the drivers are not generic. They're always specific to the exact audio interface you're using - so they're supplied by the manufacturer of the audio device.

    If your device does not have ASIO drivers then it doesn't require them.

  • djdexfrank
    djdexfrank Member Posts: 1 Member

    @OliverGross I‘ve had the same crash last weekend. After two hours playing with my S4MK3 / Macbook Pro, M2, OS Ventura 13.6.6. The waveform wents blurry and the sound stopped. Luckily i was able to start a five minute song with my backup system and restartet my Traktor system. It worked for the rest of my gig, around three hours

    That was the second time in the last 1,5 years. At the first time i didn‘t mentioned about a bug and deleted the track that stopped.

    Now i think, it must be a Traktor bug because i played the track, that stopped last weekend again, it worked seamless with Traktor. Additionaly i tryed to play the track with my Denon engineDj system and iTunes. Both worked.

    If i create playlists only with my Macbook (without S4MK3) it works fine for hours.

    Before my next gig starts, i‘ll do a few livingroom sessions with restart an load into stopped deck.

    It‘s not a good feeling to play gigs with a buggy software, NI has to fix the bug!

    To be safe on my next gig, i‘m going to play with my Denon SC6000/X1850 System. X1850 as the Mainmixer connected with S4/MBP as backup.

    It‘s a shame to use this solution, only to do a good job for my customers and clients.

    A great hello to the Traktor community!

  • RH_2013
    RH_2013 Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I have the same problem with the crashes both with and without S2MK3. It's disappointing to have to use Traktor Pro 2 again, I left it on the PC after upgrading to Pro4 just to be on the safe side.

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