K2/Traktor 4. Add in to mute all Stems (except the Vocals Stems).

Ramonihm Member Posts: 20 Member


Traktor 4 -Xone k2 / Windows 10 .
I'm looking for an Add In Control to mute all stems at the same time. (except the Vocals Stems).

Thanks for your help



  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,176 mod

    Just set one button to mute slots 1+2+3 and unmute the slot 4.

    You need four commands set to type=button and mode=direct.

    This will give you possibility te select values 0 and 1 for each command.

    Set first 3 slots to vakue 1 and your slot 4 (vocal) should be set to value 0.

    If you still need help, upload the TSI.

  • Ramonihm
    Ramonihm Member Posts: 20 Member

    It's done Stevan, thanks again, a piece of cake :-)

  • macsoft
    macsoft Member Posts: 122 Member

    wait.. so theres no solo button for each stem channel?

  • Owner
    Owner Member Posts: 589 Guru
    edited October 2024

    Sorry if I'm abusing this thread, because my question is not related to a Xone K2. But the principle I'm following is the same. As an example, I'm using a Reloop Elite two-channel battle mixer with 8 pads on each side of a deck.

    I simply took the top row of the 8 pads on Deck A and mapped them so that the on/off state and the in/out state of the respective Stem slots work.

    However, if I want to take it even further and use the pads with Shift as solo buttons, I don't get very far. I manage to map the pads so that the solo state works, but if I want to change it, e.g. from solo Slot 1 to solo Slot 3, it doesn't work. (In this case, Slot 1 is muted, Slot 2 is unmuted, Slot 3 is muted and Slot 4 is unmuted, when I try to switch).

    What do I have to pay attention to so that it works as intended and how can I also map the in/out state of this scenario correctly?

    Here is a screenshot of my mapping entries:

    Can one of the professionals please help me here? @Stevan / @Sûlherokhh / @nachopenades

    Addition: In the second row, the same scheme would be provided for the slot fx on/off and in/out states, which I would then like to link with the channel mixer fx. But I'll probably do that later.

    Attachment: TSI File

  • Owner
    Owner Member Posts: 589 Guru
    edited October 2024

    Anybody? 😕

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,061 mod

    Short answer: Don't use toggle. Use direct (on/off, 0/1) and work with modifiers to store solo status of stems.

  • Owner
    Owner Member Posts: 589 Guru
    edited October 2024

    Yeah, thanks mate! :)

    I will give it a try next week.

    Actually, my layout doesn't allow for adding another modifier for this. It would be cool if everything could be on one level and Shift could be left as such. For most of the battle mixers that I need, I don't have to define Shift as a modifier. But I'll probably use the second function of the Slicer Button (Slicer Loop) to try it out with your solution.

  • Owner
    Owner Member Posts: 589 Guru

    So, I've implemented it as follows and so far it works quite well with the solo status and changing it from solo 1 to solo 3, for example. However, I'm still missing the option to cancel the solo status by pressing the same button a second time. I'm not entirely sure how to do this. I'd like it to be possible for me to activate solo 3 with a single press and deactivate it again with a second press (i.e. simply on/off).

    Also, when changing the modifier from mute on (M1 = 3) to solo (M1 = 4), something gets mixed up and the respective out state isn't displayed correctly from the start. It's only when I press all the pads a few times that it's correct again in the respective modes.

    @Sûlherokhh can you please help me again with this?

  • Owner
    Owner Member Posts: 589 Guru
    edited October 2024

    Anybody? 😎

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,061 mod

    My mind is too fuzzy at the moment for the multiboolean. Dip in my health i am sorry to say. Until i recover, anyone else want to help out?

  • Owner
    Owner Member Posts: 589 Guru
    edited October 2024

    Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stress you out. Get well soon!

  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,176 mod

    I actually was in process of building this kind of mapping for @Owner and S11 and we didn't understand each other and wasted time. Sorry.

    It would be more useful to have TSI provided than the list of commands that we cannot see the setting for the following ones.

    It also sounds like you are remapping the S9 mapping! Why not remap the one I made with a second modifier for the right-side pad modes?

  • nachopenades
    nachopenades Member Posts: 290 Pro

    You have to force the press of each pad how you want the 4 pads to act. For example:

    You press pad 1:

    PAD1: direct 1
    PAD2: direct 0
    PAD3: direct 0
    PAD4: direct 0

    You press pad 2:

    PAD1: direct 0
    PAD2: direct 1
    PAD3: direct 0
    PAD4: direct 0

    This should work..

  • Owner
    Owner Member Posts: 589 Guru

    Thanks for your input guys! I'll try again this evening and share the .tsi here too.

    @Stevan you're confusing something here. I'm trying to do the mapping for a Reloop Elite and only for Deck A in this example. Just for practice purposes for me, because I want to learn it myself. We started by embellishing the whole thing with integrating the FX, which was much more complex in itself, and I'm too stupid to understand your more complex magic there straight away. It's no use to me if I try it with your template, because I'll just screw it up. So for this exercise I'm really just interested in the basis of my idea of ​​mapping the on/off and solo states. I can add a modifier for a second deck later. (I'm also doing my own mapping for the F1 now, which is also helping me learn/understand the whole thing better).

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