GUI Scaling

Codevyper Member Posts: 1 Member
edited June 2022 in Komplete General

I know this was a topic mentioned on the old forums. I searched here to see if someone had taken up the cause. Nothing came up in my search so I apologize if this is a duplicate to another thread, but I’m hoping Native Instruments at some point in the not too distant future will make the effort to provide scalable GUI interfaces for their instruments. Specifically I was working with FM8 and Battery on a 32” 4K monitor for the past two nights.

Trying to work on sounds was so bad, I literally had to take a picture of my screen with my phone and look at the name of the banks and patches to determine what I was seeing. I thought it might be compatibility with Ableton so I tried loading the instrument stand alone but it was set to the same resolution. Eventually, I had to load the patches into Arturia DX-7V and work with it in there because I just couldn’t read the text in the bank browser within FM8. Battery 4 is marginally better for me to read, but I was just using a standard drum set within it, so I wasn’t spending too much time in that UI.

The user experience is… challenging to say the least. Some of these tools have been in existence long enough that NI has had ample time to rework the code base to provide some level of scaleability. Please NI… your tools would be far more useable if those of us on newer monitors could see what we’re working with.



  • Tony Jones
    Tony Jones Member Posts: 261 Pro
    edited May 2022

    +1 though I’m not holding my breath

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert

    NI has to address Apple Silicon first.... Maybe that later on scalable interface might come. I would be surprised if it comes this year...

    In the mean time. What about connecting low resolution monitor side by side with the 4k one?

  • Nico_NI
    Nico_NI Administrator Posts: 1,123 admin

    Scalable GUI is a long time requested feature. However, I'm not sure FM8 will ever be scalable as it's a pretty old plugin.

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    So to solve this...

    Does NI currently have a sizable team diligently working to emulate vast quantities of old bit-mapped resources in a scalable form?


    Does NI currently have a sizable team diligently working to "re-image" old products in a totally new form that does NOT try to emulate any old looks.


    And if you know, but aren't allowed to tell us.. why not? What could be so super secret that needs to be kept from the competition? Would it honestly matter if they knew?

  • Monochrome
    Monochrome Member Posts: 1,405 Expert

    "And if you know, but aren't allowed to tell us.. why not? What could be so super secret that needs to be kept from the competition? Would it honestly matter if they knew?"

    I doubt that's a case of "not being allowed to talk about", rather it's about "not making false promises". And sometimes, it's simply not feasible anymore for a company to rework a very old piece of software.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert

    Even Guitar Rig 6 is not scalable and it is brand new plugin two year's old....

    NI has to address Apple Silicon and VST3. Scalable interface maybe one day for certain plugins....

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    Yes.. a release date for AS and VST3 is sooner than scalable GUI.. but I hope that the development of all are happening simultaneously. And NI could give us some sort of roadmap and rough timetable if they had some degree of confidence in themselves.

    Hard for us as users to have confidence in NI, if they don't have it in themselves and their abilities.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert

    NI does not publish plans or roadmaps. When it comes, it comes.

    If there is not scalable UI even in Guitar Rig 6 (two years old plugin), it does not look like scalable UI seems to be hot topic for NI.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    Hey all, we know it's been a pain point for our users for a long long time. It is very well known by everyone in the company. Unfortunately the portfolio is rather big and some of these plug-ins are quite old, so it means a lot of work. There are other priorities at the moment, like M1 compatibility and VST3.

    @Kubrak In Guitar Rig 6 you have GUI size options, so it's not as bad as older plug-ins:

    There is already a thread about it here: Please make all UIs scalable

    I will close the thread now to avoid redundancy. Feel free to follow, comment or ask any question you might have.

This discussion has been closed.
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