S88MK3 Midi works but locked out of deeper integration and browser/daw functionality..

Excited2LearnHappy4NI Member Posts: 10 Member
edited October 2024 in Komplete Kontrol

Okay. So.

I started off with a unit (S88 MK3) that didn't want to connect right out of the box. It ended up showing up as a corrupted driver connection and wouldn't show up as a named device in device manager, which also meant it wouldn't trigger a firmware update in the MK3Updater. After a few hours of staring at the serial key screen and pouring over forums I determined I might have a dud, I brought it back to the store where after a few minutes of grilling me sure it was user error, the techs confirmed it didn't want to connect and replaced it. We update firmware of the in show unit in store on their Mac (possibly relevant?) , bring it home and try again.

I have an older windows 10 desktop with an 7 or 8ish year old crosshair hero mobo, still runs great. It's my main rig and where I have all my music stuff installed. On the desktop, the MK3 refuses to move past the default midi template page, midi WILL send to Komplete or Ableton AND I can controll my VSTs and make some noise but any deeper browser integration or daw control is all dark and locked out. I'm using a powered USB C hub and have multiple fast high power data cables. I've reinstalled and updated all Hardware Connection Service, controller editor, Komplete and Kontakt a couple times. Updated windows, grabbed a minor update specifically meant for the Mk3 via windows update. It shows up now as an S88 MK3 in device manager but within Komplete or Kontakt... though it shows up in the midi page within preferences, it refuses to show up in the Controller/Devices tabs within the main windows drop down menu. It's just grayed out like all the other currently disconnected options, even though it both sees it in the preferences/midi tab and can trigger notes/sound??? And again, no browser or GUI.

It worked in store and I've confirmed it seems to work and connect on my slightly newer Intel laptop really easily. But my studio wasn't meant to be built around the laptop and I really really would love to use it as intended... With my main rig. πŸ˜…

Any advice whatsoever? Any direction? Should I have fully wiped the driver before trying the new board? Did I miss a file in some buried folder that screws with a registry file or something? What am I missing here. πŸ€žπŸ˜…βœŒοΈ


  • DunedinDragon
    DunedinDragon Member Posts: 1,034 Guru
    edited October 2024

    When you select File→options does it look anything like this?

    I'm not sure what you mean by not showing up in the main windows drop down menu. The keyboard isn't a "program", it's just a device and you configure it inside of Kontakt or Komplete Kontrol as the device you'll be using for input while in those programs. If you're using it in a DAW, you simply load Kontakt or Komplete Kontrol as a plugin for your track and it functions in the DAW on that track with whatever instrument you have selected. Likewise you can run Kontakt or Komplete Kontrol standalone and use the keyboard with different instruments as long as it's configured as your input MIDI device.

  • Excited2LearnHappy4NI
    Excited2LearnHappy4NI Member Posts: 10 Member

    Sorry, I was trying to be as clear as possible, but I am tired. I'm well aware it's not a program. I'm not that new. πŸ˜… Here. A photo. In the main window of KK when using the top bar (Controller) rather than when in Edit>Preferences>Midi. It does show up in there. But my on board integration won't work.

  • Excited2LearnHappy4NI
    Excited2LearnHappy4NI Member Posts: 10 Member
    edited October 2024

    Again. I AM able to get it to connect and send midi notes. I can play it, I can record, it works...ish. But whether I'm using a standalone plugin or my daw I have no access to my Mk3 s browser, daw, control buttons, any of it. They're all dark. Any deeper integration is locked out. I've read this is a USB communication issue and the solution is good cables and a powered hub. But I've done all that... And I'm still not getting past this last wall.πŸ™ƒ

    I have an S88Mk 2 as well as a Maschine, I'm very familiar with how the plugins work generally. I've been tinkering with the products for years... πŸ™πŸ˜… But this one genuinely seems a little bugged out for me. Usually I manage to fix these issues on my own, but there's not much information around this issue I've found online. πŸ‘€

  • DunedinDragon
    DunedinDragon Member Posts: 1,034 Guru
    edited October 2024

    Yeah there's something not quite right with your configuration apparently. On your Controller drop down menu the Kontrol S88 MK3 should be enabled (BOLD) with a check mark next to it. The only way I can duplicate that behavior is if I have my S88 MK3 powered off and am running Komplete Kontrol. I suppose I might get the same thing if it couldn't detect the MK3 such as a bad cable or bad USB port on your PC.

    You said you can play/record MIDI which would be through your DAW, but don't have any extended capabilities such as DAW control from the MK3. That makes sense only if your computer sees it as a simple MIDI controller from your DAW so that infers your USB connection is good. But there's something missing in the config of your Komplete Kontrol that's not allowing it to detect the Keyboard as an actual MK3. Is your USB cable plugged into the correct USB port on the MK3 which is the USB 3 Host port?

    What version of Komplete Kontrol are you using and what version of Native Access?

  • Excited2LearnHappy4NI
    Excited2LearnHappy4NI Member Posts: 10 Member
    edited October 2024

    It is indeed plugged into the correct port on the back of the S88. I've tried this set up via direct connection and hub... in both scenarios tested with and without a secondary for extra power. It powers on from the powered USB hub going into the sole USB C port on my motherboard. Does not like the direct C to C port connection. Kind of connects but doesn't power it enough when using the provided cable. Either in daw or in the standalone KK 3.3.3 I CAN play midi and have some sound. But then within the plugin, as you said, it's greyed out as if it's disconnected. Even though once again. It DOES read as "KONTROL S88 MK3" in my windows Device manager under (Sound, Video and Game Controllers)... And I've uninstalled and rebooted to hopefully reinstall clean drivers just incase they were corrupted from the first board.

    Maybe I'm missing some files but.... Honestly if I could just manually drop some file in some folder to fix this I would love that. I don't know why we only have access to the firmware updater. Manual driver files are so much easier to work with when you run into garbage issues like this. πŸ˜… Previous hardware on the support page has available drivers for manual install. I once had to manually install my MK2. Shouldn't there be a SOME similar solution for this? I know the board should work. This is killing me πŸ˜‚

    (Also Native Access version 3.14.0)

  • Excited2LearnHappy4NI
    Excited2LearnHappy4NI Member Posts: 10 Member

    Sorry a correction. The provided cable actually triggers a repeating cycle of connection and disconnection noises from windows when using a direct connection to the USB c port on the rear of my PC. As does a direct C to C to the same port, using multiple different 100w data cables that otherwise work beautifully anywhere else I've tested them. This behavior does not happen when used with a non powered OR a powered hub.

  • Excited2LearnHappy4NI
    Excited2LearnHappy4NI Member Posts: 10 Member

    Also forums are great and all but what happened to / how do I contact support? 😭 Do I just send an email out to info@native uk? It genuinely seems a little unbelievable considering the scale of this product ecosystem that users can't actually get a direct line to support. I get trying to control the flow of simple formulaic problems, but please tell me there's still some way to speak to an employee or specialist if all else fails? 😬

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