Native Access New Expansion Updates - October 9, 2024

FilmlessSoundtracks Member Posts: 27 Member

I just got hit with 9 Expansion Updates? I am running Kk/Machine on Sonoma Mac 14. Everything is working great, so I am hesitant to do updates.just because they are being put on my Komplete Access 2. I do major updates like on Komplete Kontrol and kontakt 7. Normally, I receive 2 or 3 updates at a time. Nine Expansions, however, is completely unusual. I have held up on the Machine 2 Update because, I have all of my files from 315 products plus Arturia, AAS, and etc. if I update, I need to rescan. When I do a total new scan, I will lose some of my products, just because Machine 2 is famous for snagging on a VST or Au problem. Appreciate any feedback. Been using Native Instruments for over 20 years, so I have some experience and more importantly, history with updates on N.I. Products. Thanks!


Best Answer


  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 4,159 mod

    @Jeremy_NI , the above appear to be needing your Mac and N.I. update insight.

  • FilmlessSoundtracks
    FilmlessSoundtracks Member Posts: 27 Member

    Sorry, but I don’t understand the below. Could you further explain. Thank for your quick reply.

    Mac and N.I. update insight. All the above are running perfectly. That’s why I
    Think I don’t need the updates.


  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 4,159 mod

    Sorry, but I don’t understand the below. Could you further explain

    Everything is working great, so I am hesitant to do updates.just because they are being put on my Komplete Access 2.

    I understood what you wrote perfectly , but unless that you wrote your post here just to vent then you might want some feedback and eventual an explanation on whatever. Without knowing what expansions have updates waiting then Jeremy_NI probably will not be able to give you any statements on the updates , but he might be able to give you an assessment of the risk factor of allowing the expansions to update , though again Jeremy_NI might want to know what is the expansions that want to update.

    Appreciate any feedback.

    Jeremy_NI is a Mac expert user as well as a N.I. software expert both as user and as someone with some deeper knowledge because working for N.I..

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 11,830 mod

    Can you post screenshots of these updates and what version of the expansions is installed? You can check all that in Native Access.

  • FilmlessSoundtracks
    FilmlessSoundtracks Member Posts: 27 Member

    Now 14 updates. The Kontakt 2 Libraries, I understand and will do. Those, not a problem Can you just check the Expansions that run from 400 mb to .428 kb? I have attached the screen shots on 2 pages that you requested. Thanks so much for your help! I just want to be careful not losing any expansions. Never seen an Expansion update for as small as nothing being shown as mb or kb to load?

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,405 Expert

    I would be careful also with the Kontakt Factory Library 2 update and read a little bit of infos before, just to be prepared.

    Depending on what product you use (Kontakt 7 or 8), updating the library could show in the browser instruments that can’t be loaded (the new multis)

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 2,079 Expert

    Agreed with @LostInFoundation

    Tread carefully with Factory Library 2 - as you could have issues with older versions of Kontakt

    And - I have many of the Expansions in your screen cap and I am not seeing "updates" for them.

    I am seeing the same "version" numbers as your screen cap - but my NA simply offers me "Install" or (greyed out) "Installed".

    No "Update" tags anywhere here. Strange.


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 11,830 mod

    @FilmlessSoundtracks This is really weird, it shows you updates that are already installed on your system, I would recommend to contact my colleagues to see what's up:

  • FilmlessSoundtracks
    FilmlessSoundtracks Member Posts: 27 Member

    You are correct that all the expansions work within Machine 2, so it’s really just a state of just showing up for updates. One question, would reinstalling Komplete Acess be a good idea? Everything in Komplete Kontrol 13 Pro works just fine.I went over to the site you said was my next step. Wow, I am lucky to not have the problems they are dealing with. If you could get back to me on reinstalling Native Access, I would greatly appreciate it.


  • FilmlessSoundtracks
    FilmlessSoundtracks Member Posts: 27 Member
    edited October 11

    Thank you to all that have taken a look at my problem. I greatly appreciate it! I have installed the new Kontakt 7 Library 2 update I just received and no problem. Same goes for the expansions that had a “realistic” download sizes. I have gone down to 9 updates, instead of the fourteen I began with my “screenshots”, I posted above. Like I said every expansion works on Machine 2. I am lucky! . I am thinking of reinstalling my Native Access program. I reached out to N.I. to ask if that would be a good thing to try.


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 11,830 mod

    Great, let us know if my colleagues find a solution to this.

  • FilmlessSoundtracks
    FilmlessSoundtracks Member Posts: 27 Member

    Hi Jeremy,

    My last question to get rid of the 9 expansion updates that show in Native Access. Should I try reinstalling the Native Access software? The 9 expansions you can see from my screen shots above have either a -0- update to 128K and others that have been updated already. I don’t think it would hurt to just reinstall Native Access, but I’d like to hear your opinion. Thanks for your patience!

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 11,830 mod
    Answer ✓

    You're in contact with the specialists, simply ask them!

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