Maschine+ projects and groups grabbing samples from the wrong folders

Warpt1 Member Posts: 34 Member
edited September 28 in Maschine

I'm running into an issue sampling my drum VST. Everything works like it should in the Maschine 2 software when I load groups/projects but as I'm adding more sampled kits to my arsenal the M+ in standalone mode is getting confused. (Yes.. the Maschine Plus is getting confused.)

It seems to be pulling up samples from different groups or projects, which are all in their own unique folders.. but the auto-sampler is creating a bunch of samples with the same name because of the velocity stride guidelines I follow, as well as the way my kits are midi mapped

So say I have two groups. One Named Plus808, samples saved in a folder named "Plus808"

Then I have another group called "FunkKit" and it has its own folder called "FunkKit" both groups with different sounds.. but samples contained in both folders share the same names..
I.e. both folders have "Superior Drummer 3 A#0 10.wav.

WHen I load the project or group in the M+ it's playing samples from the wrong groups.. like I'll load "Funk Kit' and it loads the kick samples from the Plus808 group.. or it was filling the velocity layers of one or more sounds with samples from both groups. I check my projects in Maschine 2.. everything sounds the way it should, I try to load them in the M+ in standalone? My kits are all mixed and matched.

Is my only solution to rename all 20 samples for each individual piece of kit in windows, dump them into a blank sound and resave my groups and projects? Is there a way to set a naming scheme or something with the auto-sampler to avoid this?

This is a little ridiculous.

Best Answer

  • Warpt1
    Warpt1 Member Posts: 34 Member
    edited September 29 Answer ✓

    Well I'm back to eat my words. It would appear I, not the Maschine Plus, was confused, and that the M+ is not ignoring folders in the FAT32 file structure.

    It would seem the problem was that I was dropping my groups into the "User Content" folder on my SD card from Maschine 2/Groups on my PC.

    Moving my group folders and group files to "Maschine 2/Groups/" on the SD card and so far so good.

    I apologize. I'm still in love with my M+ and there are only a couple improvements I'd absolutely die for.

    Ozon, thanks for the input that got me thinking straight, even though my initial reaction to it was coming from despair, apparently.


  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,829 Expert

    It’s more than a little ridiculous.

    In fact, the path handling in several NI applications is a desaster which I‘ve reported repeatedly over the years but it never got addressed. The main reason probably being that only those few users are concerned who dare to work on different platforms with different setups.

    Did you observe whether the M+ always chooses the sample of the same name with a path/directory name beginning earlier in the alphabet? Did you ever try to wrap your Group file and Group samples directory into an additional directory?

    Such as

    • Groups/Plus808/Plus808 Kit.mxgroup
    • Groups/Plus808/Plus808 Kit Samples/Kick.wav

    I have a feeling it won’t help either, because there’s too much (unhelpful) „auto detection magic“ going on.

    It’s probably best to use unique names for your samples, indeed.

  • Warpt1
    Warpt1 Member Posts: 34 Member
    edited September 29

    It seems like it'd be such a simple thing to add the option to set a name before you even start running the auto-sampler, and about 230954892308590238908 times less work than what I have ahead of me where any one given group can contain like 320 samples if I'm using 20 velocity layers per sound.

    Native, solve this. This is dumb. You've got a FAT32 file system completely ignoring the fact that folders exist, and the auto-sampler is forcing the names. There are solutions.. you just have to code it.

    I have been SO IN LOVE with my Maschine+ up until stumbling upon this headache.

    Ozon, thanks for the tips. I will try seeing if adding another layer of folders does anything for me. I have a feeling I'm about to have to rename each individual file. Open a new project, dump each renamed file into a sound, and then set the velocity range for each individual sample manually. AKA a lot of work. Should your suggestions prove fruitful, I'll come back to eat my words.

  • Warpt1
    Warpt1 Member Posts: 34 Member
    edited September 29 Answer ✓

    Well I'm back to eat my words. It would appear I, not the Maschine Plus, was confused, and that the M+ is not ignoring folders in the FAT32 file structure.

    It would seem the problem was that I was dropping my groups into the "User Content" folder on my SD card from Maschine 2/Groups on my PC.

    Moving my group folders and group files to "Maschine 2/Groups/" on the SD card and so far so good.

    I apologize. I'm still in love with my M+ and there are only a couple improvements I'd absolutely die for.

    Ozon, thanks for the input that got me thinking straight, even though my initial reaction to it was coming from despair, apparently.

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,829 Expert

    @Warpt1 thanks for coming back and reporting the solution.

    So, if I understand correctly the sample paths are correctly resolved if you place your Group and Group Sample folders in the Maschine 2/Groups folder, where they’re supposed to be located.

    While it is great that this solves your problem, it’s still odd that the path resolution for the same Group and Group Sample files does not work if they are located under User Content. The path to the parent directory shouldn’t have any impact as long as the file structure relative to the parent directory stays the same.

    Also, I agree that it would make sense to provide a name prefix for the auto-sampler, or even better to allow automatic renaming of all auto-samples belonging to a certain group.

  • Warpt1
    Warpt1 Member Posts: 34 Member
    edited September 30


    "So, if I understand correctly the sample paths are correctly resolved if you place your Group and Group Sample folders in the Maschine 2/Groups folder, where they’re supposed to be located."

    Seems to be the case, and I hope that is really all it took. I have a few drum kits put together for standalone mode and certainly hope it's not an issue I'll run into whenever I get around to making another.

    On another note, I've got some cool stuff going on with my sampled kits. I've got the tail end of a cymbal being choked sampled and working for a realistic sounding cymbal choke. Doubling up on sounds I might play with two hands allows for a bit of panning L/R to help reduce machine gunning effect for faster full velocity rolls.

    If they could work out round-robin and a way to create some hi-hat zones in the sample editor the M+ could be a pretty sick electronic drum kit module. Like maybe the best that ever existed.. I'm not holding my breath but if someone at Native should see this.. bro.. minds would be blown. $$ would be spent.

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,829 Expert


    On another note, I've got some cool stuff going on with my sampled kits. I've got the tail end of a cymbal being choked sampled and working for a realistic sounding cymbal choke. 

    Yeah, Link and Choke groups can be used to achieve cool effects. Your use of a cymbal choke samle is a clever application. I use Maschine mainly for electronic percussion where realism is no issue, but I love to use choke groups to mute long kick drums with short ones, cutting snare room tails with other (verb drenched) percussion to create space, and have different noises cut out each other for hi hat like uses.

    Still, I would like to see a Release Sample option, for cases where you don’t want or can’t use a different sound to choke the currently playing ones.

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