Please provide a software that runs on Linux!

Erik007 Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

I no longer have any ambitions to run my DAW under Windows. That's why I'm asking for NI support for Linux. It's time to make the switch!



  • maniacintosh81
    maniacintosh81 Member Posts: 773 Expert

    I don‘t expect NI products for Linux anytime soon. Therefore for now you either get a Mac or stop using Native Instruments products. Or continue using your DAW on Windows.

  • Erik007
    Erik007 Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    We just have to find enough users who say we want a Linux version, otherwise we won't buy any more NI software. It could be as simple as that :-)

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,866 Expert

    We already have a big linux thread. Best to post in that and not create duplicates.

  • Maciej Repetowski
    Maciej Repetowski Member Posts: 701 Guru

    Yes, all three of you. Well, maybe four 🤣

    Or perhaps, let’s be realistic about it? A novel thought, I know 🧐

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,090 Expert

    Been stated numerous times from NI that a Linux version is not planned at all.

    Would be nice, yes, but extra workload adding support, including user support and experienced technical support which seems a struggle as it is anyway seems highly unlikely.

    I never understood the mindset of people refusing to use a tool that works for the job. Hey, I like Linux too but I also own a macbook and multiple Windows machines because they do jobs for me. Is it the cost of a license that is the issue? I get WIn11 Pro for like $12 so that can't be your gripe. Is it the fact it's still cool to bash large companies for no real reason?

    Not sure several people boycotting a multi-million company's products will set a wave of panic flowing.

  • rschiener
    rschiener Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    We'd even not need native Linux applications! It would be fine, if the software keeps (!) running on Linux with wine! Though it's a shame that Native Access 2 doesn't…

  • Milkman
    Milkman Member Posts: 291 Advisor
    edited October 2024

    lmao OUTSIDE the NI brand forums, there are 100,000s of people asking for support for all manner of software on linux, and a lot of great progress has been made there lately. But here on the forum its seen as a "threat" to just try to find linux advocates? lol

    The Bitwig DAW is doing really well on linux, many video games are starting to work well, etc, but you wouldnt know that linux is making strides by talking to people here. Since this brand isnt interested in linux, so is the dominant culture on their forum uninterested and mocking of linux.

    Windows and apple are Cellphoneified and are no longer Personal Computing operating systems. Linux is far more Personal, and we should all move toward it.

  • DunedinDragon
    DunedinDragon Member Posts: 1,033 Guru

    I'm not looking for a "personal" relationship with my computer any more than I want a personal relationship with my refrigerator or my washing machine. I just want an appliance that helps me get my work done……

  • Paul B
    Paul B Member Posts: 169 Advisor
    edited October 2024

    lmao OUTSIDE the NI brand forums, there are 100,000s of people asking for support for all manner of software on linux

    Citation needed. Specifically, citation needed on the number asking for commercial audio software. More specifically, the number who would pay for NI software and would buy enough of it to justify the expense of porting and maintaining it.

    These are the numbers that matter.

    If there really are that many, and it is this important to them, why aren't they here asking for it, in the place best suited to be heard by NI?

    The Bitwig DAW is doing really well on linux, many video games are starting to work well, etc, but you wouldnt know that linux is making strides by talking to people here. Since this brand isnt interested in linux, so is the dominant culture on their forum uninterested and mocking of linux.

    If Linux is really making strides then it shouldn't be long before it appeals to NI. I'm wary, because I've been burned by Linux multiple times over many years. It has never lived up to the promises the Linux community have made for it. I put in the time to give it a proper chance, on multiple occasions, with different distributions, over the course of around a decade.

    I admit that in the last ten years I've not tried it again. I have better, or at least more enjoyable, things to do with my time. But I have observed nothing to indicate anything significant has changed.

    Might this be the time, finally, after many years of broken promises? Possibly. I'll wait and see and stick to a system I know works for me in the meantime.

    Questions like this being posted this year don't make a good case:

    This question, and the answers, are not things that should be needed. No one has to be concerned about this kind of thing on macOS and Windows. I have never once thought about this kind of thing on any OS other than Linux.

    You can take that as mocking if you wish. I prefer to be honest about the flaws of an OS. macOS has them. Windows has them. In choosing an OS it is best to recognise the flaws, as well as the merits, and work out which balance suits you. For me that's macOS.

    When Linux sorts out its mess of distributions and settles on at most two or three if that's still needed for specific purposes, e.g. a music distribution, a video distribution, and a general user distribution, and nothing needs special configuration, you just install your chosen distribution and go, I'll take it seriously as a possible platform for music production.

    The biggest obstacle to wider adoption of Linux is not opposition, it is Linux.

    Windows and apple are Cellphoneified and are no longer Personal Computing operating systems. Linux is far more Personal, and we should all move toward it.

    Define ‘Personal Computing’. I defy you to find a definition not met by macOS. I can't speak directly for Windows since I am not a regular user, but I know people who are and they feel it meets the definition.

    I don't see a single reason I should use Linux. I don't like it. I don't like Windows either. I like macOS. People should use the system they feel most comfortable using. This attitude of ‘my choice of system is inherently superior and should be the one everyone uses‘ is tired and boring.

  • macsoft
    macsoft Member Posts: 125 Member

    Its not a big enough problem that needs a solution. Any pro that needs to use specific audio software will had a machine tailored to that use case. Its not the other way around.

  • Milkman
    Milkman Member Posts: 291 Advisor

    Yeah that's hilarious lmao but I wasnt talking about that sort of "personal". Its the privacy aspect, obviously. Most peoples' machines resemble extremely expensive sales and ad kiosks lately. Im an advocate for the PERSONAL computer to remain personal.

  • Paul B
    Paul B Member Posts: 169 Advisor

    Most peoples' machines resemble extremely expensive sales and ad kiosks lately

    Again, citation needed.

    I see no evidence of what you claim.

    I'm not going to get into a privacy and security debate here. For anyone to whom privacy matters, they will know how to keep private what they need to regardless of what platform they use.

  • s0L4Rx
    s0L4Rx Member Posts: 5 Member

    but it all runs on Linux actually for a long time


  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,247 Expert

    "I'm an advocate for the PERSONAL computer to remain personal"

    As am I.

    But keeping all our Windows audio workstations personal - here - is about as easy as it gets.

    Not exactly sure what you are getting at to be honest.


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