Please provide a software that runs on Linux!

Erik007 Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

I no longer have any ambitions to run my DAW under Windows. That's why I'm asking for NI support for Linux. It's time to make the switch!


  • maniacintosh81
    maniacintosh81 Member Posts: 518 Guru

    I don‘t expect NI products for Linux anytime soon. Therefore for now you either get a Mac or stop using Native Instruments products. Or continue using your DAW on Windows.

  • Erik007
    Erik007 Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    We just have to find enough users who say we want a Linux version, otherwise we won't buy any more NI software. It could be as simple as that :-)

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,176 Expert

    We already have a big linux thread. Best to post in that and not create duplicates.

  • DunedinDragon
    DunedinDragon Member Posts: 824 Guru

    Good luck with that. Threats rarely work for product decisions especially when the company is well aware of what the Linux market consists of in their product space way better than you would.

  • Maciej Repetowski
    Maciej Repetowski Member Posts: 644 Guru

    Yes, all three of you. Well, maybe four 🤣

    Or perhaps, let’s be realistic about it? A novel thought, I know 🧐

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 2,822 Expert

    Been stated numerous times from NI that a Linux version is not planned at all.

    Would be nice, yes, but extra workload adding support, including user support and experienced technical support which seems a struggle as it is anyway seems highly unlikely.

    I never understood the mindset of people refusing to use a tool that works for the job. Hey, I like Linux too but I also own a macbook and multiple Windows machines because they do jobs for me. Is it the cost of a license that is the issue? I get WIn11 Pro for like $12 so that can't be your gripe. Is it the fact it's still cool to bash large companies for no real reason?

    Not sure several people boycotting a multi-million company's products will set a wave of panic flowing.

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