Not all of my owned products are considered in the upgrade price in my Kömplete 15 offer. Why?

barta sas bela
barta sas bela Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

Dear NI, would it be please possible to consider all of my owned products by calculating the upgrade price for the new Komplete 15. I do not want to buy 2 times e.G for the Guitar Rig 7 pro or any other, in the meantime separated purchased item. Thank you in advance! Best Regards BSB



  • emetoy001
    emetoy001 Member Posts: 6 Member
    edited September 2024

    I'm in the same boat. I purchased most of the plugins that come in 15 standard and it would be really cool if NI offered Komplete 15 Ultimate for the $199.00 for people like us.

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,229 mod

    Unfortunately that's not how Komplete works - it's sold as a complete package regardless of what products you already own. You can always sell duplicate products if you don't want them.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,243 Expert


    It is not up to NI to tap you on the shoulder and say "don't buy that - it will be part of the next Komplete package" - just as you are loading up in the NI Store.

    It is very common knowledge that you should either be comfortable with buying a product well before it appears in Komplete - or accept the fact that you will need to deal with duplicates at some point in the future.


  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,364 Expert

    All you have to do is work out which products 15 provides (that you don't have) then divide the upgrade cost by that number. For most of us it will still be a bargain.

    I also bought things between 14 and 15, but the quantity of new things is still worth the asking price.

    If you really do have 99.9% of the contents already, then don't buy the bundle. Just upgrade Kontakt.

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