Basic Music theory can go a long way for making music

Mistro Member Posts: 9 Member
edited September 2024 in Komplete General

Some basic music theory can open up faster production and endless possibilities creatively with any of your music plugins or gear like keyboards etc. Especially learning how to make a scale and make your own chart by hand of the circle of fifths. The musical sky will open up. With so much stuff you get within Native Instruments, music theory can be a common denominator across all plugins.



  • DunedinDragon
    DunedinDragon Member Posts: 1,032 Guru

    What would make you think the general population of NI users wouldn't know basic music theory? I certainly wouldn't make that assumption.

  • Mistro
    Mistro Member Posts: 9 Member
    edited September 2024

    This post was for those who make music but did not take the leap. I was one of those for many years. Nothing wrong with that. I'm sure there are plenty of new aspiring musicians among these discussions. Not everyone who plays an instrument studied music theory and I don't judge anyone for it as long as they are creating enjoyment. Just saying what it did for me and sharing it forward.

    Also I made this tip for the k15 raffle entry.

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,080 Guru

    I'm with @DunedinDragon , but I still appreciate the message. There are an awful lot of people doing as you say, @Mistro .


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