Using all notes of S88 in Maschine Pattern

Robertogodas Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

Hi everyone, I'm trying to use scarabe bass on maschine software using S88 as input source but i can only play one note (C2). In Maschine patter view when i show the piano roll i can play all the note of the bass with the mouse but not with the keyboard, is there a way of doing that? In other words, can I use maschine software to record all midi notes of a plugin and not only the sixteen linked to the pad witvh my keyboard? Thank everyone.

P.s. The same problem with abbay road drums, i can play only sixteen of the sound included but it will be cooler if i could play evry sound on my entire keyboard and creating a pattern wich read midi notes and not single sounds. Hope i got to explain me in order to be hepled.

Best Answer


  • Paul Opp
    Paul Opp Member Posts: 58 Member

    Think you need to change to keyboard mode not pad and it should work then.

  • Robertogodas
    Robertogodas Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Thank you for the answer. I tried and now Pads on Maschine work as a keyboard of course but when i play them the keys on the s88 illuminate but if i play the s88 no sound come out, any ideas?

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,837 mod
    Answer ✓

    Check this in the software side:

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