When will Reaktor7 come?



  • Simon A. Billington
    Simon A. Billington Member Posts: 122 Helper

    Still… It may mean there is hope for Massive X and Battery yet.

    Especially Massive X, considering the way its been "main staged" in the promotion. It's getting top billing like it's a new prize stallion.

    Though, appearances can be deceiving, so I wouldn't read too much into it.

  • Arial
    Arial Member Posts: 1 Member

    Port to Android: I would like the entire reaktor service (at least version 4 or 5) to be ported to Android. There are countries where there is no power for a long time and there is Android, but the iPhone is too expensive. Snapdragon models are more or less accessible! Have a couple of grooveboxes from the 4-5 library! Now ARM processors are already very powerful! Why don't you make an emulator to run the reactor! This would be a salvation for millions of users, especially in countries where there is no power for 8-10 hours!! (( I believe in the Android port!

  • colB
    colB Member Posts: 1,031 Guru

    Thanks, I looked and found this:

    …not sure how this signifies Reaktor being 'dead', maybe I'm missing something?

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,222 Expert
    edited September 2024


    "not sure how this signifies Reaktor being 'dead', maybe I'm missing something?"

    Looks like some corrections were made to the K15 config charts between the time they first appeared and some days after. Reaktor6 was clearly added back in after a few users started noticing it was not there.

    But like Battery 4, FM8, Massive etc - I remain convinced that all these "legendary" instruments remain in Komplete as simply a courtesy move. Battery 4 and FM8 have been in Komplete for years without any action.

    R6.50 works as designed and folks can continue to access it as part of this bundle.

    Enjoy it for what it is (I know I will) and be happy it's still there.

    It could be like Absynth when K16 arrives in the future.


  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,124 Expert
    edited September 2024


    It could be like Absynth when K16 arrives in the future.

    Why would NI remove it, if maintenance does not cost much. It may need few changes here and there when Apple changes something, as usual, but that is all….

    It adds few instruments to list, so why to remove them?

    Absynth was another story, back then. It needed AS port and VST3. And maybe more. Possibly pretty big investment.

    And K16 will come in two years. That time there might be W12… So, Reaktor will work on Win at least 10 more years.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,222 Expert
    edited September 2024


    "Why would NI remove it, if maintenance does not cost much. It may need few changes here and there when Apple changes something, as usual, but that is all…"

    Totally agree. But who knows what will happen?

    I never assume anything - regardless of how cheap or easy it might seem to be.

    The "why" could be the owners of NI suddenly decide they don't want it in K16? Or - the "why"
    could be - any developers that had Reaktor development knowledge have left the company for better gigs elsewhere. Or NI gets sold again by it's current venture capitol partners. Or any number of other oddball scenarios.

    There is nothing we can do about any of these - except remember to enjoy what you did get and that strange things can happen just when you least expect it.

    Making too many assumptions can be a setup for disappointment.


  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,124 Expert

    But you do not need developers for basic maintenance of SW.

    Sure, anything may happen, but in probability space, removing Reaktor from NI portfolio seems to have rather low probability. I would estimate it 1% in next five years. Other words, I see 99% propability that Reaktor will be in K16 and K17.

    IMHO, Reaktor might become EOL the moment Apple changes CPU for Mac again. Or comes with completely new OS breaking all backward compatibility.

  • Maciej Repetowski
    Maciej Repetowski Member Posts: 701 Guru
    edited September 2024

    IMHO, your view that NI is basing all their business decisions on what Apple will do is, to put it nicely, naive.

    Reaktor is in maintenance mode, no active development is going to happen, so by all means and purposes it is EOL already. So is Battery, FM8 and original Massive.

    They are being kept in portfolio to make percepted value of Komplete to appear better than it is, understandable business decision on NI side.

    The moment NI decides the value of maintaining (bug fixes/compatibility) those has diminished - they will be discontinued the way of Kore and Absynth.

    There’s still hope for Massive X, as NI is making it a star of Komplete 15 in their advertising.

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,936 admin

    Yep there was an oversight in the comparison chart where we accidentally left out Reaktor 6. We corrected it as soon as it was flagged. Reaktor 6 is definitely part of Komplete 15.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,124 Expert

    @Maciej Kulczycki

    You have missed the point….

    Most of the maintenance costs of Reaktor or any NI SW are Apple invoked. Reaktor has survived Apple Silicon transition, but it had to cost fortune.

    And I am not sure, it would survive one more such "event". So, whether Reaktor stays at NI portfolio or not heavily depends on what Apple breaks on backward compatibility and how much would it cost to adapt Reaktor to it.

  • Paul B
    Paul B Member Posts: 169 Advisor

    The chance of an event such as Apple Silicon occurring again, at least within the next 15 to 20 years, is effectively zero. This last event was based on the first major change in consumer computer architecture since the advent of smart phones. Anyone who thinks this might happen again soon is dreaming. Anyone who thinks 15 to 20 years isn't a good enough time frame to "take a risk" on using Reaktor is either a minority in a very specialised field or paranoid.

    I admire anyone from NI commenting on this thread. We know well what the response – if not silence – will be. Statements that can be in any way (mis)interpreted as "Reaktor is dead" will be taken as a clear statement of incontrovertible fact, while anything that says it is not, no matter how definitive, will be ignored. The evidence is apparent from this exact thing happening as seen in reactions to the last big Reaktor thread and references to it in this one.

    Reaktor is dead! Long live Reaktor!

  • KoaN
    KoaN Member Posts: 142 Advisor

    To be fair…without going from one extreme "Reaktor is dead" to the other "Reaktor forever" the reality might be in a few places between.

  • Maciej Repetowski
    Maciej Repetowski Member Posts: 701 Guru
    edited September 2024

    The reality is simple, Reaktor and Massive, FM8, Battery 4 are not actively developed anymore. They are being kept in NI portfolio due to historical/prestige/business reasons (hence “Legendary” moniker), they will have maintenance and compatibility updates, but that’s it.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,124 Expert

    I say the same. Reaktor may be in that state happily 10+ years on Apple, 15+ years on Win. It equals in IT terms eternity.

    And concerning Apple changing CPU used. PowerPC CPU has been used for 12 years, x86 for 14 years and we have already 4 years on AS. So, one may anticipate another switch in 10 years or so…. I expect it sooner as Apple seems not to able to deliver strong CPUs.

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