The Usual Suspects NKS



  • Diam
    Diam Member Posts: 321 Advisor

    Maybe a bit long winded, but I found this thread. Not sure which Cubase file he is talking about, but there are some Cubase tutorial downloads in the manual section of the Access site. Worth a look maybe. I will have a dig through my archives also when I get an opportunity tomorrow.

  • jggorman
    jggorman Member Posts: 208 Advisor
    edited September 2024

    I think the issue is that the presets from firmware 5.1.7 are probably slightly different from previous Virus TI2 firmware. Since most of the presets are the same, no one has bothered to create an updated patchlist in over a decade. Here are the presets for the first four TI2 rom banks with audio previews.

  • jggorman
    jggorman Member Posts: 208 Advisor
    edited September 2024

    TI presets are in the manual, at least all but the last two. Cannot find Snow presets. There are a heck of a lot of presets with MOSTLY the same names, that are likely duplicates between TI, TI2 and snow. Here are eleven of them. They are the two Ram Banks A, B, Snow Roms B-H and TI2 banks W-Y. If you look you will catch a bunch of presets that are not duplicated. I may or may not decide to sort this out. I am also seeing near entire Virus C banks.

  • Diam
    Diam Member Posts: 321 Advisor

    As you say I believe there are a good number of duplicates. Will have a dig through your uploads as it seems you have turned out a lot of presets.

  • Diam
    Diam Member Posts: 321 Advisor

    Yeah, I can see the dilemma. A lot to trawl through so hard to know where you are replicating things. I would be happy with just the TI2 Roms as we already have a lot of presets covered in the Virus C banks. Thanks for these though. Great work.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,408 mod

    Very good work mate, thanks!

    I have checked all the presets with my tools, and have found 3 more duplicates in the "good" banks:

    The Phobic MH exist in both TI2 Rom B and TI2 Rom D (i removed it from D)
    The Distort AV exist in both TI2 Rom A and TI2 Rom B (i removed it from A)
    The RinkDing AV exist in both TI2 Rom A and TI2 Rom B (i removed it from B)

    All the rest are good, and, what you send as duplicate is indeed a duplicate (at least by name).
    But anyway, 512 unique presets are more than enough! Thanks again

  • cozido
    cozido Member Posts: 9 Member
    edited September 2024

    It appears that the NKS are not tagged for the TI2 ROM A-D, even though in OsTIrus' Browser, there are catagories for the presets. But since there are tons of duplicates in the Browser, I prefer not to use it if possible.

  • Diam
    Diam Member Posts: 321 Advisor

    Spent a couple of hours this morning, tagging banks A

  • Diam
    Diam Member Posts: 321 Advisor
    edited September 2024

    This site has gone haywire. So attached are banks A to D with tagging in line with the plugin categories. The ‘various’ category relates to all uncategorised sounds and the ‘synth/other’ tab relates to the decay presets. All other categories should match the plugin pretty much. Have a go anyhow. No preview to save upload size, so just replace preview banks on your side. Thanks @jggorman for all of your work here. If it works for you maybe you can replace your upload with these new updated tags.

  • Diam
    Diam Member Posts: 321 Advisor

    Something like this.

  • jggorman
    jggorman Member Posts: 208 Advisor
    edited September 2024

    Thanks for tagging Diam! Working on the other TI2 banks. I have banks E-L done. I may skip N-P (these are in Osirus). That will be 15 more banks. Suggestions from anyone appreciated.

  • Diam
    Diam Member Posts: 321 Advisor

    Sounds great. That said I did tagging manually, so it was slow and laborious. Not sure I could do the rest of the banks in the same way as it would take too long. Not sure there is a workaround though.

  • cozido
    cozido Member Posts: 9 Member
    edited September 2024

    Thanks for your hard work! One question: does each sound in Maschine loads an instance of OrTIrus? I tried the Multi mode (MODE button), but the preset wouldn’t load there, even if it loads fine in Single mode… Thanks!

  • Diam
    Diam Member Posts: 321 Advisor

    The NKS is optimised for using in single as opposed to multi mode. If it was possible to flick through the 8 channels internally (which I haven't explored), essentially you could use one instance of Komplete Kontrol for instance as a multi in your DAW. Maschine too I guess.

  • Diam
    Diam Member Posts: 321 Advisor

    I have made a quick edit to the category tags as I forgot the FM category. Revision is in process and working on additional banks.

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