Komplete 15 Collectors Edition - Worth it?

George Wood
George Wood Member Posts: 11 Member

Hi guys,

I've currently got Komplete 14 Collectors edition, and am considering upgrading to 15 Collectors edition when it's released.

The upgrade pricing seems a little steep at £449; I'm now wondering if I'd be better waiting for a sale? What's the general consensus on what 15 has to offer, and is it worth the additional cost?

Kind regards,




  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 1,856 Expert

    Hey George

    On paper - just two or three of the major "new" products you would get with K15CE would easily crank up to £449.

    Next sale on K15 would be Summer of Sound 2025 if history serves.

    But it's really only you who can decide if the cost is worth the value.


  • iNate
    iNate Member Posts: 211 Advisor
    edited September 3

    The prices are high and kept that way to make bundling a no brainer. Once you've recouped the production costs, there is no need to sell libraries at insane prices, because the margins are high - at that point - and you can keep them on the market for a decade+ without having to invest heavily in maintenance.

    This is why many other sample library developers push their products down via perpetual promotional pricing (East West, 8DIO, IKM, etc.) or have [far more] frequent sales on them (Musio, Spitfire, etc.).

    So, saying "But Choir: Omnia is $399 on its own…" doesn't really hit as hard as you think it does. There are viable alternatives that are routinely being sold at far lower price points.

    Personally, I think I am done upgrading Komplete (on Komplete 13 UCE) and I think I'm going to sit on Kontakt 7 for as long as possible instead of upgrading quickly - as I did off of Kontakt 6.

    I don't need more Library and Expansion bloat…

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 1,856 Expert

    Certainly not disagreeing with you. We all know how this works.

    For me - the cost/value analysis comes down to what I can get AND what I am going to use - at the best price point.

    It’s a free market. Buy or don’t buy. It’s all up to the user. Each will have their own reasons.


  • pnutbutta
    pnutbutta Member Posts: 20 Member

    Im thinking about upgrading to CE15 from Ult 13. Most interested in the expasions than the additional orchestral libraries. So I am wondering what expansions they are adding to that version...or if its still just all the old expansions.

    I wish they would make a CE expansion upgrade or "update".

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 1,856 Expert

    There is a comprehensive listing of what is in each on the Native Instruments Site.

    Here is what is new for expansions in K15CE:

    Maschine Expansions


    Borough Chops

    Drift Theory

    Drum State

    Echo Versions

    Hazy Days

    Higher Place

    Rare Vibrations

    Rolling Tides

    Velvet Bloom

    Void Eclipse

    And the new Leap Expansions

    80s New Wave

    Acoustic Drums


    Drum Breaks

    Disco & Funk

    Latin Trap

    Lo-Fi Vibes

    Platinum Pop

    Progessive Trance

    R&B Licks

    Soul Gold

    Hot Vocals


  • pnutbutta
    pnutbutta Member Posts: 20 Member

    Thanks! Much appreciated!

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