Komplete 15 Collectors Edition - Worth it?

George Wood
George Wood Member Posts: 14 Member

Hi guys,

I've currently got Komplete 14 Collectors edition, and am considering upgrading to 15 Collectors edition when it's released.

The upgrade pricing seems a little steep at £449; I'm now wondering if I'd be better waiting for a sale? What's the general consensus on what 15 has to offer, and is it worth the additional cost?

Kind regards,




  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,088 Expert

    Hey George

    On paper - just two or three of the major "new" products you would get with K15CE would easily crank up to £449.

    Next sale on K15 would be Summer of Sound 2025 if history serves.

    But it's really only you who can decide if the cost is worth the value.


  • iNate
    iNate Member Posts: 272 Pro
    edited September 2024

    The prices are high and kept that way to make bundling a no brainer. Once you've recouped the production costs, there is no need to sell libraries at insane prices, because the margins are high - at that point - and you can keep them on the market for a decade+ without having to invest heavily in maintenance.

    This is why many other sample library developers push their products down via perpetual promotional pricing (East West, 8DIO, IKM, etc.) or have [far more] frequent sales on them (Musio, Spitfire, etc.).

    So, saying "But Choir: Omnia is $399 on its own…" doesn't really hit as hard as you think it does. There are viable alternatives that are routinely being sold at far lower price points.

    Personally, I think I am done upgrading Komplete (on Komplete 13 UCE) and I think I'm going to sit on Kontakt 7 for as long as possible instead of upgrading quickly - as I did off of Kontakt 6.

    I don't need more Library and Expansion bloat…

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,088 Expert

    Certainly not disagreeing with you. We all know how this works.

    For me - the cost/value analysis comes down to what I can get AND what I am going to use - at the best price point.

    It’s a free market. Buy or don’t buy. It’s all up to the user. Each will have their own reasons.


  • pnutbutta
    pnutbutta Member Posts: 30 Member

    Im thinking about upgrading to CE15 from Ult 13. Most interested in the expasions than the additional orchestral libraries. So I am wondering what expansions they are adding to that version...or if its still just all the old expansions.

    I wish they would make a CE expansion upgrade or "update".

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,088 Expert

    There is a comprehensive listing of what is in each on the Native Instruments Site.

    Here is what is new for expansions in K15CE:

    Maschine Expansions


    Borough Chops

    Drift Theory

    Drum State

    Echo Versions

    Hazy Days

    Higher Place

    Rare Vibrations

    Rolling Tides

    Velvet Bloom

    Void Eclipse

    And the new Leap Expansions

    80s New Wave

    Acoustic Drums


    Drum Breaks

    Disco & Funk

    Latin Trap

    Lo-Fi Vibes

    Platinum Pop

    Progessive Trance

    R&B Licks

    Soul Gold

    Hot Vocals


  • pnutbutta
    pnutbutta Member Posts: 30 Member

    Thanks! Much appreciated!

  • _Boris_
    _Boris_ Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Just upgraded in June 2024 299.-€ from Ultimate to Collector 14. 3 months later, my upgrade price to Collectors 15 is 499.-€, whereas the Ultimate upgrade to v15 would also be a 499.-€. In other words if I want to upgrade today to 15 then I would be at upgrade price in 2024 for 799.-€. Hmmmm, this is truly odd. I could have purchased almost the SW as "new".

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,088 Expert
    edited September 2024

    Moving from K14 Collectors to K15 ULT is not an upgrade. It is in fact a downgrade.

    And as such - you are buying a new license for 15. And will pay for that

    Your best value at any moment - for any version of Komplete - is to always maintain your current level. You are already at the "Collectors Edition" level (K14 CE) - so you need only consider the K15 CE Update (not Upgrade). Pay 499 once and you are back at the highest level and you are done.

    You could also wait until the Summer of Sound next June and update for half the price.

    Of course - if you want to spend less - you can - like say using your K14CE license to drop way down to K15 Standard - but all that does is guarantee you will need to pay again later if you want to upgrade that license in the future.

    Makes little sense.


  • _Boris_
    _Boris_ Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Oh, I meant an update, of course. I think I have to wait until next year then and will come out at the same level as I would have saved my money in June 2024 this year and just have it spent now three months later. With the latter, I would be now at 15 CE for 499.- and not one year later in 2025. It is not thought through for customers like me. I'd recommend NI that if a customer updated in a calendar year like me in 2024 to 14 CE at 299.-€, any update that follows in the year of purchase will get an extra 50% discount for the update ahead. Customers would be safe for a year not to have the emotion to get pulled out the money out of their pockets. In addition, a mix tool VST like the Neutron from Izotope is for those who spend for the CE worthless anyway, as you might expect a professional or semiprofessional musician who will have an arsenal of plug ins already on their DAWs. :)

  • aka
    aka Member Posts: 69 Member
    edited December 2024

    I have similar situation.

    I owned KOMPLETE 11 Ultimate. I purchased extra plugin to add to the collection. Later I decided to upgrade to KOMPLETE13 Ultimate and after that I ended up with two licenses for the same plugin. I asked for some kind of dicount or refund etc, but they refused it. I tried to sell it at 20% off, but no success.

    Year later I paid for an upgrade to KOMPLETE 14 Collectors Ed. (I guess around $500). 6-10 month later month later they released KOMPLETE 15 Collectors Ed. and ask me to pay again $500 ? This is rather unfair.

    I understand they have to pay bills and be rewarded to their work but why would I have to keep extra license (for extra plugin), which costed me around $150 ? That is very unfair. For that reason I WOULD NEVER PURCHASE ANY STAND ALONE PLUGINS FROM NATIVE INSTRUMENTS AGAIN.

    About a month ago I checked the pricing for KOMPLETE 15 upgrades and my KOMPLETE 14 Collectors Ed. upgrade to v15 was around $500.

    TODAY we have "Cyber Monday".

    I was hoping to get some extra discount, but the price is exactly the same. I would probably buy the upgrade, but since they keep the same pricing for existing users and do not offer any "Black Friday" discounts I will simply pass (and they loose an opportunity to make a sale).

    WHAT THE ZUK is going on ? NI pricing policy really, really sucks. I am really getting fed up with this company.

    BTW. My main reason to purchase KOMPLETE14 was added Zoom feature to Kontakt-7.
    I was so limited on reading the screen from this super obsolete program called "Ancient Kontakt", that I decided to pay, so I can use it and read its super unreadable ugly screen.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,101 Expert

    You have to wait for Summer Sale. Certain companies do give discounts on upgrade/update, if one has individual licences purchased… Other companies do not. NI belongs to the latter. But on the other side, selling licence is easy and is not charged for.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,088 Expert
    edited December 2024


    "6-10 month later month later they released KOMPLETE 15 Collectors Ed. and ask me to pay again $500 ? This is rather unfair"

    Seems you are conveniently skipping over the part where NI "added" some $3000+ in value (New products, Expansions and Play Series instruments) to K15 CE (from K14 CE) - and your price is for ALL this new stuff is just $500 - and that is somehow unfair?

    And now you are upset that Ni is not offering you even a bigger discount? Wow.

    If it were me - I would be jumping up and down with joy at the fantastic deal I just got. But that's me.


  • aka
    aka Member Posts: 69 Member

    I purchased stand alone library (arkhis). I WILL NEVER EVER PURCHASE ANY LIBRARY AGAIN.

    Why ? few months later they added this LIB to KOMPLETE and I ended up with 2 duplicate libs. Asked for a discount - they ignored it. Tried to sale, but I woudl have to get sale it for penies…
    NI USER LICENSING POLICY sucks! really sucks.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,088 Expert

    To be fair - Arkhis was released on July 8, 2020 and then first appeared in Komplete 13 in the fall that year.

    That is about 5 years since it was added to a Komplete bundle - not a few months.

    Respectfully - you had a lot of time to analyze your purchase and determine that it was already available in several Komplete bundles (13, 14 and now 15)


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