Purchased Saffron and Native Access says "Loading Products" forever and doesn't

peteruno Member Posts: 11 Member
edited October 2024 in Native Access


I'm on an M1 MacBook Pro running Sonoma 14.5 and I've been waiting over an hour for Native Access to open. After more than an hour (thought maybe it was loading Saffron slowly so I waited and I'm on a fast gigabit network) I quit and reinstalled the latest NI version but its still doing the same thing. Any suggestions or is the server just down?


Best Answer


  • peteruno
    peteruno Member Posts: 11 Member

    It's still broken and even weirder. I did manage to get Native Access to install Saffron however when I launch Kontakt it shows Saffron as a "new instrument" and directs me to a link to purchase it!!!!!! I can still launch Native Access and see it. I've reinstalled and relaunched Kontakt but it still says I don't have it and it is a new instrument I can buy!!!!!!!

  • peteruno
    peteruno Member Posts: 11 Member

    Now I'm REALLY REALLY FRUSTRATED!!!!!!!! I keep going around in loops @ Native Instruments support and never get to a tech for help!!!!!

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    @peteruno So you are able to open Native Access now? Can you post a screenshot of "it shows Saffron as a "new instrument" and directs me to a link to purchase it!"?

    Our offices are closed on the weekends, so there's no chat, your request was turned into an email request, my colleagues will get back to you as soon as possible.

  • peteruno
    peteruno Member Posts: 11 Member

    Its now late afternoon your time and nobody has gotten back to me about this issue: Oddly enough while it shows up in Kontakt 7 as a new instrument I need to purchase it does show up in Komplete Kontrol with an error message saying "plug in/preset could not be loaded, as it may not support Apple Silicon…..

    Again, I reinstalled the program from Native Access and same issue

  • peteruno
    peteruno Member Posts: 11 Member

    Here's a screenshot

  • peteruno
    peteruno Member Posts: 11 Member
  • peteruno
    peteruno Member Posts: 11 Member

    Here's a screenshot of Saffron showing up in Komplete Kontrol while it still wont register in Kontakt 7. Oddly enough the sounds do preview however when I try to load them I get the error message in the screenshot:

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    @peteruno What version of Kontakt are you using? This library requires 7.10.5


    Regarding the error message in Komplete Kontrol. Can you reproduce the issue in Komplete Kontrol in standalone?

    What DAW are you using?

  • peteruno
    peteruno Member Posts: 11 Member

    I'm using the latest version of Digital Performer. I've updated Kontakt and Komplete Kontrol and DP now gives me a message saying I need to update either Kontakt 7 or Hardware Connection Service to continue using my Kontol S MK3 Keyboard. Where is the Hardware Connection Service?

  • peteruno
    peteruno Member Posts: 11 Member

    NVM: new issue. Found Hard Connection Service in the Native Access and updated and installed and now my Kontrol s61 boots up saying Get the latest update and none of the knobs allow me to navigate. I powered down, reinstalled from Native Access and same condition. The MKS is not not able to function

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,008 mod
    edited August 2024 Answer ✓

    now my Kontrol s61 boots up saying Get the latest update and none of the knobs allow me to navigate. I powered down, reinstalled from Native Access and same condition. The MKS is not not able to function

    If it is the S61 MK3 then maybe you just need to update the firmware in the keyboard to get that part to behave ? ( https://www.native-instruments.com/en/specials/komplete/kontrol-update/ )

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    @peteruno For the latest firmware update of the MK3, you need to update the Komplete Kontrol plug-in, the Hardware Connection Service, Kontakt and finally you have to update the firmware of the device itself. Please follow these steps: How to Update the Firmware of Your Kontrol S-Series MK3

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    Is the issue with Saffron still happening or updating Kontakt was the solution?

  • peteruno
    peteruno Member Posts: 11 Member

    Thanks to Poor Fellow for the suggestion to update the firmware in the Kontrol s61. I thought that the hardware connection service in Native Access did that!!! What does that actually do then? In any event let this be a lesson for anyone else going through the nightmare I just went through which started with simply purchasing Scene Saffron sounds. What the simple purchase of one library entailed was installing a new version of Native Access, then Kontakt 7, then Komplete Kontrol, then Hardware Connection Services and finally the Kontrol S61N firmware!!!!!!  

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