how do I get Native Access to update properly

sushidog Member Posts: 1 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Native Access

NA has been trying to update Kontakt 7 for 2 days. I stopped it, uninstalled old Kontakt 7, but then when I started NI back up, it's still trying to update K7. So I completely uininstalled NA and reinstalled it. As soon as it started, it says it's installing Kontakt 7. I'm at a loss as to what to try next.

Best Answer

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,012 mod
    edited May 2024 Answer ✓

    Native Access saves information which can make it hard to 'reset' failed downloads. Also remnants of previous download attempts can block . To 'clean' you will have to both uninstall/remove the app using Windows uninstall (or with library content delete from Content library destination) and then also delete the XML files and maybe RAS3 - all as follows below :

    (the following is only meant to try to reset the download, it's not meant to completely remove N.A. because that would take more)

    Try the following to see if it helps :

    Exit Native Access , then uninstall Native Access from your computer.

    Then delete anything related to failed downloads from Download folder destination as well as from Content folder destination .

    Then follow trouble shooter here : My Products Are Showing As DEMO in Native Access , especially '2. Your activation fails because of corrupted or missing activation tokens' and '3. You have corrupted XML files' (delete both NA XML and offending Kontakt product XML)

    Then (if still there) delete the whole Native Access folder from %AppData%\Native Instruments\

    Reboot computer

    Then download N.A. from here

    Then run the downloaded N.A. installer as an Admin and allow it to do it's setup. (the above did not include removal of your NTKDaemon which ought not matter in this case)

    By now N.A. ought to be started and logged in , but else then run the N.A. app as an Admin and log in.

    Check to see if that helped

    While also doing the above then it is possible that you will end up needing need to remove Kontakt 7 all together , if so then try the following :

    For e.g. Kontakt 7 substitute the 'insert program name' with Kontakt 7

    Exit Native Access then

    Delete the 'insert program name' XML from %ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Native Instruments\Service Center

    Delete the 'insert program name' %ProgramFiles%\Native Instruments

    Delete the 'insert program name' %ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Native Instruments

    Delete the 'insert program name' C:\Users\Public\Documents\Native Instruments\installed_products

    Run the N.I. reg tool to remove and delete the 'insert program name'

    After doing that for all the items then also Delete the Native Access XML from %ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Native Instruments\Service Center

    If download keeps failing after reset then you could try downgrading to NATIVE ACCESS 3.8.0 (in case of a download problem then try log in to Google) and then immediately turn off the auto-update. (Please notice that the turn off auto-update has nothing to do with fixing broken downloads, that is the intend with trying V. 3.8 instead)

    Down-grading will however require that you uninstall both N.A. and the NTKDaemon since V.3.8 from what I can see comes with NTKDaemon 1.15.1 . Also to uninstall NTKDaemon you might have to close process in task manager to prevent uninstall from hanging.


  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,332 mod


    do you get any error prompt or does it just run forever installing kontakt 7? Has your account admin rights or have you tried to run na with admin rights, also clearing the download folder or changing it can help.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,012 mod
    edited May 2024 Answer ✓

    Native Access saves information which can make it hard to 'reset' failed downloads. Also remnants of previous download attempts can block . To 'clean' you will have to both uninstall/remove the app using Windows uninstall (or with library content delete from Content library destination) and then also delete the XML files and maybe RAS3 - all as follows below :

    (the following is only meant to try to reset the download, it's not meant to completely remove N.A. because that would take more)

    Try the following to see if it helps :

    Exit Native Access , then uninstall Native Access from your computer.

    Then delete anything related to failed downloads from Download folder destination as well as from Content folder destination .

    Then follow trouble shooter here : My Products Are Showing As DEMO in Native Access , especially '2. Your activation fails because of corrupted or missing activation tokens' and '3. You have corrupted XML files' (delete both NA XML and offending Kontakt product XML)

    Then (if still there) delete the whole Native Access folder from %AppData%\Native Instruments\

    Reboot computer

    Then download N.A. from here

    Then run the downloaded N.A. installer as an Admin and allow it to do it's setup. (the above did not include removal of your NTKDaemon which ought not matter in this case)

    By now N.A. ought to be started and logged in , but else then run the N.A. app as an Admin and log in.

    Check to see if that helped

    While also doing the above then it is possible that you will end up needing need to remove Kontakt 7 all together , if so then try the following :

    For e.g. Kontakt 7 substitute the 'insert program name' with Kontakt 7

    Exit Native Access then

    Delete the 'insert program name' XML from %ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Native Instruments\Service Center

    Delete the 'insert program name' %ProgramFiles%\Native Instruments

    Delete the 'insert program name' %ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Native Instruments

    Delete the 'insert program name' C:\Users\Public\Documents\Native Instruments\installed_products

    Run the N.I. reg tool to remove and delete the 'insert program name'

    After doing that for all the items then also Delete the Native Access XML from %ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Native Instruments\Service Center

    If download keeps failing after reset then you could try downgrading to NATIVE ACCESS 3.8.0 (in case of a download problem then try log in to Google) and then immediately turn off the auto-update. (Please notice that the turn off auto-update has nothing to do with fixing broken downloads, that is the intend with trying V. 3.8 instead)

    Down-grading will however require that you uninstall both N.A. and the NTKDaemon since V.3.8 from what I can see comes with NTKDaemon 1.15.1 . Also to uninstall NTKDaemon you might have to close process in task manager to prevent uninstall from hanging.

  • Rafal
    Rafal Member Posts: 2 Member

    Thank you so much! This worked for my Native Access that accidentally got stuck in the never ending process of setting itself up.

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