More information on future updates M+



  • MaikR
    MaikR Member Posts: 243 Pro
    edited July 11

    And, if possible, consider a faster release pace for some smaller or separate improvements.

    Yes, I know some things are related to each other, but when it comes to the GUI or File Management aspects, there are some relatively quick wins that should be part of isolated parts within the code.

    I really think two more smaller releases this year, next to the one that’s in Beta right now, would really benefit the image of the M+ product as a whole.

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 1,527 Expert

    Akai's stem separation is now available standalone for MPCs.

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,580 Expert
    edited July 11

    @MaikR wrote

    the one that’s in Beta right now

    I don’t see „Beta“ mentioned anywhere. It’s vital to read Matthews posts very carefully. And avoid assumptions. Then people would already have „known“ about the upcoming 3.0 months ago.

  • growers
    growers Member Posts: 14 Member

    Push 3 Standalone just had a big feature update too. More surveys aint gonna cut it NI 😉

  • MaikR
    MaikR Member Posts: 243 Pro

    @ozon I’m referring to the shared change log above for the upcoming M+ update. This in reply to my request for more details about what is in test right now:

    Meanwhile, there are some smaller interim updates coming (a Maschine Plus update is in test right now, and we hope to have it out in the next few weeks, for instance).

    So yes, I’ve translated the ‘in test right now’ and estimated release to ‘Beta’. I don’t think we should play word games or politics, because there should be an update released anytime soon.

  • solsta
    solsta Member Posts: 114 Helper
  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,580 Expert
    edited July 13


     I don’t think we should play word games or politics, because there should be an update released anytime soon.

    Looking forward to your next post asking when we’ll hear some news about the annonced update… 😉

  • djadidai
    djadidai Member Posts: 460 Pro

    I just hope my M+ will remain as stable and fast and trustworthy as it has been since I bought it. Lovely to hear M3 is coming. Stability before all. Peace and love to yall

  • AdelV
    AdelV Member Posts: 269 Pro
    edited July 23

    Guys C'mon I need to transfer some project made on Maschine Software to play it live with M+ and there is no update with compatibility. How long will this taking?

  • djadidai
    djadidai Member Posts: 460 Pro

    which version do you need? There is both 2.18.4 now available without bugs and 2.18.1. Both available in another post

  • AdelV
    AdelV Member Posts: 269 Pro

    I need updated Maschine Plus compatibile with software not M2 SW. This is taking too much time.

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 1,527 Expert

    Probably the Plus update is/was held back because the team was working on Traktor 4. Now that's out of the way perhaps we'll see some progress.

  • djadidai
    djadidai Member Posts: 460 Pro
    edited July 23

    I’m probably wrong but I thought the versions are compatible, that you can work on same project file both on computer and in the M+ standalone. As it is now, you can transfer from M+ to computer but not the way around?

  • AdelV
    AdelV Member Posts: 269 Pro

    Yes, I need transfer Maschine projects made with current Maschine SW to Maschine+ and im it's newer version so it will not open probably and I'm aware that can cause some incompatibilty issues.

  • djadidai
    djadidai Member Posts: 460 Pro

    so why not downgrade your sw version to the one that is compatible with the M+ atm? There is 2.17.5 also in the post about 2.18.3 and its bugs. Don’t know how to link to it. Which sw version is the one that is cross compatible?

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