Lores download, 24+ hours and still downloading?

Rob Ainscough
Rob Ainscough Member Posts: 63 Member
edited October 2024 in Komplete General

I realize it's 72GB … but I have a real 1 Gbps bandwidth ISP (measured several times), yet the Lores download is about 75% complete and taking "days" to download.

I tried to Pause and then start again, but that made no difference.

Is there a problem with the hosting server?

Best Answer

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,848 mod
    Answer ✓

    If you're having issues with the downloading of Lores through Native Access, here is an alternative link: LORES


  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,244 Expert

    Your measured speed has no bearing on how fast you can download things - it all comes down to the endpoint.

    Are you on a wired or wireless connection? Are you in a part of the world with a robust back end infrastructure? Are you in a country that is simply not that close to a NI server node?

    Also note that NI servers are bandwidth regulated so no one user (or users) can commandeer all the available bandwidth.

    There are many reasons for slow downloads.


  • Rob Ainscough
    Rob Ainscough Member Posts: 63 Member

    It’s both that determine speed and other routing between the two. Yes the NI server is obviously capping speed, way too aggressively! Either the server is very busy and they should consider adding another server in the US. Or, they’re being cheap annd don’t want to pay for more bandwidth.

    Busy = more $ … a good thing so don’t be cheap.

    Just being cheap = less revenue as the end user experience is bad and deters future purchases.

    Don’t get me wrong, I’m enjoying NI software and hardware, but just many cost cutting issues that have me concerned about NI’s future:

    1. Staff cuts
    2. Not spending the money to address Windows driver issues
    3. Extremely slow downloads that take days for just 1 product
  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,244 Expert


    I am not seeing slowdowns whatsoever and I am in Canada.

    There is no factual data indicating they are cost cutting, staff cutting or purposely making your network experience negative in any way. You are just another user out there like all the rest of us.

    If you are in US - this should be just fine - but if you need 17 hops to reach a server and hop 12 is down - well you know what that means.

    Also - there have been MAJOR tech issues with Crowdstrike, MS and other systems across the US today - maybe this has something to do with your issues.


  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,365 Expert

    I was just about to mention the IT thing too - might possibly be having some effect.

  • Rob Ainscough
    Rob Ainscough Member Posts: 63 Member
    edited July 2024

    SoundWide (aka Native Instruments) cut 8% of their workforce in 2023, see article.

    Crowdstrike issue was around Midnight, not yesterday and prior day.

    Server bandwidth capping is pretty common, most organizations that serve data to the public have such a policy in place. If hosted on say AWS then more likely restrictions are in place to minimize costs. There are many tools in place that can restrict bandwidth even by IP if a specific IP has been downloading more than some determine threshold (which is very possible given how much data Komplete Collector contains).

    Just to be clear, this issue was ONLY with “Lores” (70+GB download), none of my other downloads took what I would consider excessive time.


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,848 mod
    Answer ✓

    If you're having issues with the downloading of Lores through Native Access, here is an alternative link: LORES

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,244 Expert

    Still haven’t let us know if you are wired or wireless. Where you are located etc.

    Slow downloads are a fact of life for everyone sometimes.


  • Rob Ainscough
    Rob Ainscough Member Posts: 63 Member
    edited July 2024


    Thanks for alternate link, but I was able to get the entire 73GB in 24 or so hours.

    I’m aware of slow downloads, this was abnormally slow hence my reporting. FYI, software engineer by profession starting circa 1981 and published, I do have a very competent grasp of client/server environments as I manage a software development team.

    Again, the issue was specific to LORES and only LORES, all the other downloads completed within a reasonable amount of time. I just wanted to report the issue in case NI IT were monitoring. My company uses Orion to monitor hardware, software, bandwidth and we get automatic notifications if problems (defined thresholds). Again, just trying to help, no need to get defensive.

    Cheers, Rob.

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,365 Expert
    edited July 2024

    I didn't understand when you first posted, and even less so now (when you have a fast connection, other things downloaded fine, and you have a "competent grasp" etc etc) when you noticed the download was slow, why did you just leave it? 🤷‍♂️

    You said you paused it, but why not cancel it completely? Why not close Native Access and have another go maybe an hour later? Reboot your router and/or switch. Pop round to a neighbour/friend and try from there. Use a VPN (a forum search would indicate that VPN worked for others in the same boat).

    I have a full fibre connection too, and have only ever had a download issue once (over 300 products installed) which cleared itself when I tried again later.

  • Rob Ainscough
    Rob Ainscough Member Posts: 63 Member

    Because I had other things to do so why not just leave it especially when I had 25% already downloaded?

    It was downloading at reasonable rate for about 25% thru (which took about 2 hours) … since I don’t sit and monitor my downloads (especially long running downloads) … to cancel the download there is no guarantee it will be any faster later or just have the exact same issue, so I wasn’t going to waste another 2 hours to get back to 25% mark on the download.

    A VPN is unlikely to be any faster as it just introduces more servers in the route.

    By your own admission you had a download issue that “cleared itself” by magic? Or did someone report this issue and/or did IT get notification of the issue and resolved the problem? There is no magic with software/hardware, there are however problems and resolutions, hence the birth of IT departments.

    I really don’t understand why you folks are getting so defensive of NI servers?


  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,244 Expert
    edited July 2024

    "I really don’t understand why you folks are getting so defensive of NI servers?"

    Just as I do not understand any need to bring up "NI cost cutting", waving the "software engineer" badge and so on - just because a download is slow?

    If you are as well versed in network analysis as you indicate - you would know how to troubleshoot your end of this, do some trace rt analysis and for possibly need to accept the fact that just maybe your specific ISP may not be as good as you think it is - regardless of your rated speed.

    Or maybe this Lores download is just a huge file and needs more time. Or it is sitting on a server that is not ideal to your location. Or lots of other users worldwide are banging that server.

    Again - tons of reasons the endpoint may be less than ideal. That is life on Internet.


  • Rob Ainscough
    Rob Ainscough Member Posts: 63 Member

    Ah, so it’s the NI reduction in staff and my knowledge base that bothers you. Both are facts and not meant to trigger defensive responses and exist to provide more context.

    It seems you are intent on blaming end user or my ISP which frankly makes no sense … as I stated a 50GB download from NI had no problems, took about 1 hour … the LORES 73GB download took over 24 hours. It isn’t a connectivity issue because data was being transferred, just very very very slowly.

    As far as diagnostics the tracert was the same with the 50GB and 73GB (I do monitor/test) … each hop was within a respectable response time and no timeouts.

    No 24+ hour download is not “life on Internet” … everything has cause and effect. People report problems in the hope they get fixed, one of several reasons this website/forum exists.

    Anyway, I think this topic has run it’s course and I hope future product purchases I make don’t exhibit this issue. Most “normal” companies would say “we’ll look into, thanks for reporting the issue”.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,244 Expert


    I am not "blaming" anything or anybody. Merely suggesting what it could be.

    Topic has most certainly run it's course. Continued success.


  • Monty Q
    Monty Q Member Posts: 3 Member

    Seconded: The slowdown issue is specific to the Lores file via Native Access, which is indicative of an issue with access to that file alone. It repeatedly starts fast and slows to a crawl or hang and a reset or reboot won't rev it up again. The result is consistent even after NI-recommended download speed actions are taken. Every other Komplete Ultimate Collector's file installed without issue or delay. Solution: Downloading via the alternate link provided takes the expected amount of time (about a half hour). It would be nice if the issue were fixed within NI Access 2.

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