A kind of pseudo "init-filter" which is sending zero?

strg+v Member Posts: 67 Member
edited October 2024 in Reaktor

Is there any kind of pseudo "init-filter" which is just sending zero/or really blocking the inport?

Espacilly for the G-port of primary-sampler.... i want an really (blocking) INIT_FILTER on the last stage before the G-port....


  • colB
    colB Member Posts: 1,035 Guru

    more detail required :)

    There are different types of init event, different associated problems, and various potential solutions.

    What problem are you trying to solve, best to post a more detailed description and a .ens with an example that exhibits the problem.

  • Quietschboy
    Quietschboy Member Posts: 47 Helper

    Hi STRG+V

    i think this may help you:

  • strg+v
    strg+v Member Posts: 67 Member
    edited April 2024

    Sorry,,, didnt see that anybody answered to it...

    The problem was solved, two afternoons later,,, by myself: using by simple using ONE init-Filter in the FIRST of this xxxxxxxl-chain.

    But thanks ColB to answer... i didnt noticed that theer is an answer --???

    The BASED "Init-Stuff-itself" cames form a BASIC/Clock... this MAIN-pramary-96-clock (Stop/start/96....) itself..

    If you INIT-filter this module as such, you will "protect" so much-later-hanging- on-this-chain... I thought there is something init-filter-inside is... but there it is not???!

    So keep this in mind: Often the start/stop/96... is the "primary-problem even if stopped" in double sense problem!

    Thank you Quitschoy!

    i guess this force-to-Block/Re-init -macro, i will use for other "fast-dirty-fix"!

    Sag mal, ganz andere Frage --- lebt Hersch (dein Professeror-Vater eigentlich noch, weisst du was???

    (und mein ... ich sag mal indivudalistischer alter-weisser-Mann-Begleiter... ich hab INDIVIDULITÄT/eigenes DENKEN von ihm mitgelernt... deshalb bin ich jetzt ja erst ANTI_ Temperatur-HYSTERIE, ANTI-pseudo-ANTI-FASCHIST, ANTI den ganzen MSM-Märchen...

    HERW hat mich zum FREIEN DENKEN angeregt.... Ich hab dann tausend Stunden verpasst... aber auch das war in seinem Sinne... MANCHE lernen mehr, wenn sie sich selbst rantasten (diejeniegen die ohne Freiheit überhaupt nichts lernen ürden....) , ANDERE lernen mehr, wenn sie sich an Lehrplan halten...

    ANARCHISTEN damals )alle links-grüne ASSIS, die nach noch mehr STAAT/STAATSKNETE rufen ) und ANARCHISTEN heute (libertäre STUERN sind Raub. Vollversager... ja, ich habe Vollversagt, aber es war meine FREIE ENTSCHEIDUNG... damals lieber XY zu ficken, statt Hausaufgaben zu machen... Ich kann NIEMANDEN für meine FEHL_Entscheidungen von damals verantwortlich machen--- ich muss jetzt die Konsequenzen tragen....

    DAS ist tatsächlioch gerecht und sozial: Entscheidungen tragenm KOnsequenzen!

  • colB
    colB Member Posts: 1,035 Guru

    We miss Herwig.

    Best to keep it in English here though... and probably also avoid politics ;)

  • Quietschboy
    Quietschboy Member Posts: 47 Helper

    Yes, i miss @herw too.

    You´re right, @strg+v , Herwig indeed was my mentor taking me by hand in 2010 or 2011. Herwig did not help me to think more free than i did before, but to think Reaktorish ;-)

    And @colB , btw, teached me a lot about how software in computers really works, or could work, or not ;-) Thank you very much Colin!

    Unfortunately, i haven´t heard something from Herwig since a long, just that he writes (or wrote?) articles for amazona.de, a german music instrument magazine.

    @herw Are you still listening? Would be nice to hear from you :) Maybe just a "Hello, i am fine" ???

    Start/Stop Module:

    In earlier times i read some stuff about initialization problems and hacks around that, i can´t remember today (in Deutsches Reaktor Forum or the old NI Forum). I myself never observed initialization problems whith that module for my purposes, so that´s why i cant remember the issues ;)

    But nevertheless, the init blockers are no simple "hacks", they are really useful and daily tools. There are more aberrations than that example posted above. Unfortunately they are lost in the old NI Forum... LOL, not really, but it is so unsatisfying seeing those personal livetime inputs fading to grey...

    If you wish, i post them again!

    Your text in German:

    Es scheint so als sprichst du mich hier persönlich an. Ich habe leider keine Ahnung davon wer du bist, noch wovon du sprichst, geschweigedenn von deinem "Vollversagen". Schreib mir doch einfach eine PM, wenn du wieder nüchtern bist und meinst dass es notwendig ist über Reaktor-fremde Themen mit mir zu diskutieren.

  • strg+v
    strg+v Member Posts: 67 Member

    Well well… in this case the INIT block,,, was to FIND FIRST the INIT_Source itself (in this case 2 hundreds Maros-"Lefft"….. it was just the 96-clock/the POS - macros behind it…I needs 2 afternoons two find the SOURCES…. ) … maybe a "quick/dirty HACK" (doesent matter wehre the source is… i "Filter" all this stuff) would be more usefulll?

    As long as NI/REAKTOR-Debug….(ACEW… does not help to finde the source????)….

    ….I dont know, but i afraeided we LOST herw, since so many in the last 2-3 years since…. well, what is difference sincde 2-3 Yxears…??????? wqaht the pink elepahant, nobody want/ will see???? We lost so many good people since 21/03… what happend sice there?= Wahts the BLUE_Print since 03/2?????1 So please lovely HERW R:I:P:
  • herw
    herw Member Posts: 2 Member
    edited July 2024


    I'm doing well and I'm also very active. However, my interest has shifted from software to hardware.
    Since 2007, I have been realizing my dream of a big modular synthesizer in a “real” modular system.
    REAKTOR no longer offers me the fascination it used to, as there has been no more development for several years.

    My latest purchase is the MPE+ keyboard OSMOSE from the French company Expressive E. I would like to familiarize myself with the programming of the Haken Eagan Matrix. It is the basis of the sound shaping of the OSMOSE (as well as Haken Continuum).
    I have also been writing test reports and workshops for the online magazine AMAZONA.de for several years.

    For a few months now, I have also been playing (again) in a retired band with a total of six members: Old man rock like Eric Clapton, Carlos Santana, Rolling Stones John Mayall, but of course only at hobby level.

    ciao herw

  • colB
    colB Member Posts: 1,035 Guru

    Hey Herw, good to hear from you, we were getting worried!

    And rightly so, seems you have a Eurocrack addiction, you have even more Doepfer than I do! :-D

    Hope that OSMOSE works out for you, looks more accessible and intuitive than a Seaboard rise, but its a lot of $$

  • herw
    herw Member Posts: 2 Member

    … but it is every € 😉 worth. It is a dream to play. 😎 the Haken Eagan Matrix is very komplex.

    … and it is not the only one: Iridium Keyboard 🎹

  • Studiowaves
    Studiowaves Member Posts: 705 Pro

    Yeah, that's nice having polyphonic after touch, I had an Ensoniq that did that years ago. It was a sampler with a floppy disc. I'm looking into the breath controllers that respond to the tilt of your head. I've seen a few demos and the players really new how to use it. It beats typing up your feet to simple things like pitch bend and volume. I assume they have a dead zone for up and down or side to side as it would be touch staying at a consistent level without it. I think it would be a lot of fun. Enjoy your new keyboard!!!!

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