Traktor Pro 4 is here!



  • eevee
    eevee Member Posts: 13 Member

    WDYM you didn't have any advantages. I'm a Traktor Plus user, too. We had the Ozone Maximizer all this time. That alone made the Plus totally worth it.

  • sauce
    sauce Member Posts: 3 Member
    edited July 2024

    Going by the explanation that was posted in this thread it's a fundamental issue with how the new system works. Phase skips are disallowed, which means that the flexible grids only work correctly if the phase never changes throughout a track and tempo changes always occur exactly at the downbeat position.

    This also makes it impossible to correctly map tracks that worked just fine in TP3 (with constant bpm but changes in phase). The grid will be on beat, yes, but the downbeat positions will be incorrect and right now there is no way to change that.

  • Heisenberg
    Heisenberg Member Posts: 393 Pro
    edited July 2024

    How much space do stems use, for example if the original is 50 MB, how much is added on top and where is it stored (Windows 11)?

  • MrGrumpy
    MrGrumpy Member Posts: 12 Member
    edited July 2024

    I mean, that's great that you have such good gear. I'm just making an observation on software in 2024, as someone who has worked on software. It's the first thing that jumped out at me when I started using Traktor, I started looking for a setting to change the resolution. It's a superficial first impression thing, but it surprises me that they haven't addressed it given that those first impressions matter when selling software. That's all.

  • maniacintosh81
    maniacintosh81 Member Posts: 772 Expert

    Depends on original file format. If you have an AAC file you can expect around 5 times of original size as Traktor Stems are AAC files with 5 stereo tracks. If you have lossless audio the file will get smaller as Traktor will also compress the resulting Stem with AAC.

    You find the path to your Stem folder in Traktor settings.

  • Nick Painter
    Nick Painter Member Posts: 3 Member

    Promising update. Very nice to have a subscription free alternative to Pioneer/Alpha Theta. I hope that GPU acceleration for stem separation comes soon as CPU seems much slower than competing implementations like VDJ.

  • Hans-O-Matik
    Hans-O-Matik Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    If i buy today an X1 MK3 from an online shop other then NI and register it - will i get a free TP4 licence?

    Thanks in Advance

    SED GREEN Member Posts: 9 Member

    Excellent travail sur traktor Pro 4, pour l'instant mis a part le fais que le traitement des stems doit être fait par titre et pas par groupe.

    Mon probleme est sur mon Kontrol S8, Le signal sur mes ecran disparait des lors que je charge un stem analyse, je suis obliger de fare une restauration des paramatres Kontrol s8 pour qu'il puisse afficher correctement.

    Avez vous prévu de mettre d'autre fonction sur les bouton du Kontrol S8 comme Supreme EDITION qui ne fonctionne plus et qui rendait le S8 encore pluqs puissant.

    Si quelqu'un a une réponse ou si vous êtes dans le même cas.

    En tous cas sa fait un moment que j'attendait cette version et je pense que la suite va être BIEN.

  • Johannes Drakenberg
    Johannes Drakenberg Member Posts: 4 Member

    ****** takes FOREVER to analyze, when batch generating stems (45 tracks) takes me about 2 hours with an m2 macbook.

    As of now, this is fairly un-usable, i hope this will improve in the future.

  • maniacintosh81
    maniacintosh81 Member Posts: 772 Expert

    Asked the same, didn't get a clear answer. Depends on many things…

  • Owner
    Owner Member Posts: 594 Guru
    edited July 2024

    I took a 79.9MB, AIFF audio track, with 44.1KHz and 16Bit/s and a total playtime of 7:31Min to test it for you.

    Result: 71.3MB after generating Stems.

    So, as @maniacintosh81 mentioned before → Lossless Files will not increase in file-size, but compressed ones will do. I don't think, that someone have a 50MB mp3 of a Song, so that's why i used a lossless one for this test. Feel free to download the Demo Version of TP4 to do further investigations in this regard.

  • Scott Frost
    Scott Frost Member Posts: 82 Advisor

    You h ad free updates for almost a decade, $75 is a small price to pay.

This discussion has been closed.
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