More information on future updates M+



  • MaikR
    MaikR Member Posts: 403 Guru

    If you have an iPad you could have a look at MIDI FX, which is an app that can be used to transform incoming MIDI messages (note values) to other data like PC messages. I also think Blokas MidiHub or Retrokits RK-006 (or other devices from the RK range of products) can do this, but I’m not sure.

    Still waiting for the firmware update to fix audio interface compatibility and overall stability of the M+. Despite the collected feature requests I don’t hold my breath for any other additions to the current hardware. If Akai releases a new MPC Live 3 or Elektron a new Octatrack MK3 before that, I will definitely move on. I’m done with the way NI is doing business.

  • Fabio Barbon
    Fabio Barbon Member Posts: 27 Helper

    Never thought about using a Blokas MidiHub (that I actually own) as a workaround for MIDI handling on the M+, thanks!

    I feel your frustration about NI: they clearly switched to a profit only driven company, and a niche market like Maschine Plus is marginal to them compared to selling puerile LEGO like tools such as sample libraries.

    I don't know if that's the case for NI, but this strategy shifts often happen because the original management was very inspired and inspirational but horrible on marketing and financing, so I wouldn't blame current NI top management (the other option likely being to bankrupt the company).

    By the way, the latest firmware is quite stable on my side (and it used to be a disaster years ago, like 10 crashes a day). Just in case, here's my standard template:

    • external 16 I/O usb audio interface (X18 mixer by Behringer) on the first M+ usb port,
    • 1 to 4 external synths MIDI connected via a powered usb hub to the second M+ maschine port,
    • a Maschine Jam also on the usb hub,
    • 1 to 4 Massive instances,
    • 1 or more FM8 instances,
    • RAUM everywhere like there's no tomorrow,
    • some custom REAKTOR FXs (the ones by boscomac),

    The workflow I use: build scenes, "mount" them to a linear sequence in song mode, then resample each synth track, then export to stems the remaining internal tracks, and do the mixing and mastering on ableton live

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,954 Expert

    @MaikR wrote:

    If Akai releases a new MPC Live 3 or Elektron a new Octatrack MK3 before that, I will definitely move on.

    Why wait? Get the current devices and start making music today.

  • MaikR
    MaikR Member Posts: 403 Guru

    Well, because I’m not that desperately needing another sampling device at this point. The M+ is doing its job as a stereo sampler and FX unit, but simply isn’t playing nicely with my available audio interface(s). It also frequently hangs during startup. As these are known issues I’m waiting for the promised firmware update. Sequencer updates or STEMS would be nice to haves, but I’ve already left the Maschine centered workflow.

    Other dissatisfiers with NI as a company are the lack of communication, ongoing problems with the Traktor and Kontrol platform, same goes for Native Access as the center piece of their platform strategy (including lock-in), and their really bad support and response times.

    But as I’ve put my money on them due to past purchases and upgrades, I simply have to wait before moving. But it also influenced future decisions, like the mentioned MK3s and skipping the traditional summer sale… for the first time in years.

  • MaikR
    MaikR Member Posts: 403 Guru

    Sounds great! Probably you have a slightly different batch of hardware, because it’s not freezing on startup.

    Besides that, it seems that the Behringer probably is one of the interfaces that does work… like my Audio4C did before the latest update. I also have a Focusrite Scarlett 18i8, but it also doesn’t work with the M+.

    The only interfaces on my side that do seem to work stable over usb are the Roland SP404mk2 and the Elektron Digitakt (OG), both not intended to expand the number of outputs.

    I’ve also used the Syntakt a couple of times with the M+, but I think it was running through the Digitakt. Not sure, but it reminds me testing it as an output device for its FX Track… 🤔😉

  • Cretin Dilettante
    Cretin Dilettante Member Posts: 234 Pro

    At this point, I'm just about to go completely ITB and never bother with hybrid solutions again. Nobody seems to be able to get this whole "standalone" thing right. MPC, Force, Maschine+, Push 3… all half-baked and too expensive for what you get. Not to mention, very few manufacturers provide service manuals to normal people or independent repair shops, so almost all new gear has the potential to become a paperweight and/or doorstop, with time. I'd rather just troubleshoot & replace the components of regular computers.

  • AdelV
    AdelV Member Posts: 384 Guru

    Good laptop computer + controller and you have amazing music power and versatility. I like standalone things but companies are slow in terms of support and progress of internal software.

  • growers
    growers Member Posts: 16 Member

    As a Maschine Plus customer I'm so confused. Are the recent (and not so recent) surveys gathering input for a new/replacement product, or are they to inform further software updates for the current hardware? What's with all the cloak and dagger ****** from NI, why not just come out with some real information so we customers can decide whether to remain faithful or move on?

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,954 Expert

    @growers asked:

    why not just come out with some real information so we customers can decide whether to remain faithful or move on?


  • MaikR
    MaikR Member Posts: 403 Guru

    Yes, I can understand that not ALL internal choices are made public, but more then two months have past since the ‘expected’ release date for the announced firmware update…!!

    And. I can also understand that all those surveys more and more feel like one way traffic / involvement, as it seems nothing comes in return. As mentioned before, no word on the future of the current M+ during the latest quarterly update from the man in charge. Nothing, not even in reply to the comments.

    @Matthew_NI @Kai_NI @Simon_NI @Kaiwan_NI

  • dogbreath11
    dogbreath11 Member Posts: 112 Member

    i too am dissapointed at the progess with maschine+

    the onboard compressor and delay are pretty uselss for me, it would be great if more komplete products were compatible such as replika/super charger/vc76. also, more kontakt libraries

  • AdelV
    AdelV Member Posts: 384 Guru

    It seems that they do not publish updates during the promotion. Now the promotion ends after July 8. Maybe then something will appear and we will get some information. Again, info was sent about a survey on development. Too many surveys, not enough results. :(

  • MaikR
    MaikR Member Posts: 403 Guru
    edited July 2024

    @Matthew_NI thanks for your reply and basic information on the planned update on the Maschine software later this year, including compatibility of version 3 with the (current) Maschine Plus hardware. Much appreciated 👍🏻

    When it comes to the release of the core update for M+ I hope you can give us a bit more information as it seems to be already in Beta. I’m not looking for (information on) new features, but some information on the fixes that were expected to be released about two months ago. So what’s in the Beta software update now? Thanks.

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