C: drive fried. Libraries are on D: drive. Cannot relocate

Reber Clark
Reber Clark Member Posts: 21 Member
edited October 2024 in Kontakt

Hello, My C: drive is fried. I replaced it and downloaded Kontakt 7 and Native Access. Kontakt 7 shows as registered/activated as does Native Access 2. Native Access shows the correct installation paths for the libraries on D: drive. There are no "repair" buttons or links in NA. Still, my libraries do not show up in Kontakt. I know I'm missing something simple. Please help. All info appreciated.

Best Answer


  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,228 mod

    You have to go to each product library individually and click the "Locate" option. Unfortunately NA isn't smart enough to locate multiple items at once, that only works for "Relocate" when you've already installed everything. "Locate All" is a well requested feature so hopefully it'll appear at some point, hopefully before I have to rebuild a PC again! Also, things like Maschine expansions can't be located, they have to be installed from scratch.

  • Reber Clark
    Reber Clark Member Posts: 21 Member

    Well, in Native access I do not have a "Locate" option on any of my libraries. They all read "Installed" and the path is correct. My problem is that my new install of Kontakt 7 does not see them and apparently cannot be made to see them. I did some experimenting by "reinstalling" a few smaller libraries and they DO show up in the new Kontakt install. I am afraid I will have to do this with most of my Kontakt libraries. Some are very large.

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,228 mod

    OK that's odd - did you reinstall Windows or did you reload from a backup. One thing you could try is renaming the folder containing your libraries (eg from d:\NativeInstruments to d:\NativeInstrumentsNew).

    Then when you start NA it should find the libraries are missing and give you the "relocate" option.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,998 mod

    You could try resetting the XML file for both Native Access and for the individual products :

    try resetting the Native Access XML file , look at section 8 here : My Product is Missing in Native Access / My Products Are Showing As DEMO in Native Access , especially '2. Your activation fails because of corrupted or missing activation tokens' and '3. You have corrupted XML files' (delete both NA XML and offending Kontakt product XML)

    If the above doesn't help then try Jeremy_NI's latest 'invention' : the replacing of the XML file.

    Quote Jeremy_NI :

    It looks like the Native Access.xml file downloaded by NA is damaged/incomplete.

    In this example it is missing the Kontakt 7 entries, please try the following:

    Delete the Native Access.xml in the following location and restart your computer and open NA

    Windows: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Native Instruments\Service Center

    Mac: Macintosh HD > Library > Application Support > Native Instruments > Service Center

    Repeat until the missing products reappear/the products in demo recognise their activation again.

    If this doesn't work, please download this zip file, unzip it and and replace your xml file with this one.


    You can also try reinitialize the KONTAKT Database

    And in case that your problem is yet another bug in the newest version of N.A. then you could try v. 3.8.1 ; Courtesy Mert_NI , 11 June , 2024 : N.A. 3.8.1 WIN , N.A. 3.8.1 MAC INTEL , N.A. 3.8.1 Mac AMR (M1/M2/M3)

    Else here is links for respectively N.I. Native Access and Installation Support and N.I. Kontakt Support

  • Reber Clark
    Reber Clark Member Posts: 21 Member
    edited June 2024

    @PoorFellow Thanks! I have tried everything except v3.8.1. Nothing works. I CAN download i.e. "reinstall" all of my libraries but they are installed in the D: drive as duplicates of the existing libraries that are in other folders on that drive. Installation paths are correct in NA but they install in this new location. So weird. No matter what I've done I can never get a "repair" or "relocate" button. My only solution may be to bite the bullet and just "reinstall" all of my libraries.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,998 mod
    Answer ✓

    As an experiment then exit N.A. and then try

    deleting the XML of a product from C:\Program Files\Common Files\Native Instruments\Service Center

    and then also

    delete the file with same product name from C:\Users\Public\Documents\Native Instruments\installed_products , then reboot computer and try restart N.A: to see how it responds to that.

  • Reber Clark
    Reber Clark Member Posts: 21 Member

    @PoorFellow That worked! "You have successfully installed … etc."). Nice. A bit rattled at the moment. How to proceed with the rest of the libraries?

  • Reber Clark
    Reber Clark Member Posts: 21 Member
  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,998 mod

    How to proceed with the rest of the libraries?

    Follow the same procedure for the rest of the stuff with problem. I still suggest that you remove both the XML and the JSON file for the products in question.

    That worked!

    Great that it worked , thank you for providing feedback 😀

  • Reber Clark
    Reber Clark Member Posts: 21 Member

    @PoorFellow Yes, I have removed the .XMLs as well - however some .XMLs were not listed. But when I deleted the corresponding .JSON files everything worked. I thought I was dead in the water and would have to download everything (massive amounts of data) again. Thank you so very much for this great solution.

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