Kontakt 6.8.0 Noire Is gone all of a sudden / missing samples

Iris Member Posts: 15 Member
edited October 2024 in Komplete Kontrol

Hello, can someone help please with this? I am on 16-core 2019 Mac Pro Tower with 384G of RAM with separate System, Session and Sample SSD's. Running Ventura 13.6.

I work daily in pro tools ultimate hdx and this morning a session that last night was fine all of a sudden says one or more instances of Kontakt can't find samples. Nothing has changed in my system or sample drive. I now try earlier session saves that were known to be working and they also have the same issue. I have done full system, and sample drive restores from 2 day old backups and there is no change. So everything is restored to a day before the issue occurs and opening a session from before the issue occurred also has the same problem.

What gives here? If the issue isn't in the session or on the system or sample drives, where is it? I also have Kontakt 7 but prefer the older browser sometimes. This version of Noire was edited without a save in Knotakt 6.8. When I relink samples they are found and then either noire opens or kontakt goes blank and Noire is not even seen in the left hand library tab. Subsequent opens exhibit the same issue.

Could some please advise on this? I need to print these mixes for a client today.


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