Native Access can't be installed on windows 10

newnative Member Posts: 5 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Native Access

I want to echo that Native Acces can't be installed on my windows 10 system despite all the solution shown on native website that i tried. I had an old version 1 that was working fine whith all my plugins and libraries then i wanted to try the Ozone Eq that seems to need the latest Native Acces to be installed and i downloaded it. It was stuck at "the installation takes much longer time than usual.."something like that, then i uninstalled my older version to try again and it failed again .Now when i try to install the older version it doesn't work anymore (can't create directory on appdata... something" This is very frustating, not acceptable and unprofessionnal from Native Instrument because this problem exist for years. Don't have the nerve to contact support, lost all my night trying to make it work and i'm giving up for the moment. I really hope that you will take a look at your installer because this one is really not on point and mess up all our previous installations. Really wished Izotope gave us the installation for only the eq...


  • MartinHines
    MartinHines Member Posts: 37 Helper

    Native Access or Native Access 2?

    you should be using native access 2:

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,607 mod

    If you are upgrading from version 1 to version 3 then you might be particularly prone to problems when installing the new version of Native Access. If you are on Windows 10 and have the required access privileges on the OS and if there are no conflicting software (including AV) then most often it is a matter of cleaning the system deeply enough (both drive and registry) of the previous versions of Native Access and the NTKDaemon. Since you , quote : "Don't have the nerve to contact support" and all the work entailed then I all I can suggest is that you get someone else to try to deep clean the OS prior to another re-install attempt (while deep cleaning from traces of previous installations often works then it is not guaranteed to be a fix for all people !)

  • reffahcs
    reffahcs Member Posts: 865 Guru

    Izotope does offer standalone installers. All the Izotope products included with the Komplete bundles can be downloaded as individual products from the Izotope website.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,607 mod

    Actually that is not correct ! Both the Ozone 11 equalizer and the Ozone 10 Standard from Komplete 14 are downloads in Native Access and further more then neither of these products appear on my iZotope account !

  • newnative
    newnative Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    I had the version 1 previously, then because i wanted to test Ozone 11 eq, i installed... well try to install the latest version of Native Accès (version 2) and it is a mess honestly.

  • newnative
    newnative Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    Yes i upgraded from version 1 to the latest. I didn't uninstall the version 1 first and directly tried to install the latest version, That normally should not be an issue with any well done software. It's my computer,so i have all the privileges. I installed the version 1 when my pc was on windows 7 and it was working perfectly when i upgraded to windows 10, i think i also upgrade once Native acces on windows 10, it was still on Native acces version 1. Thanks for your suggestion on how to solve the issue, i will try to find what's wrong when i got the time, for now i will just let it go and put my energy on my working plugins and software. Reinstalling my OS is out of question, i'm a professionnal and can't even imagine the time it take to reinstall my system and all the software.. But It's not normal for a company like Native Instruments to release a piece of software that is not well coded and push people to cumbersome troubleshootings

  • newnative
    newnative Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    Izotope don't offer an installer for the Ozone 11 eq, you can only install it with the Native acces. I would jump on Izotope website it there was one, never had any problem with their plugins

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,607 mod
    edited March 2024

    Agree that it ought not be necessary , but it is as it is...

    As always , if you want to be sure to be able to revert any doings then use manually made restore points + have a full image based system backup !

    With respect to cleaning then N.I. got a registry tool but I would rather suggest using Revo Pro's forced uninstaller of both Native Access and NTKDaemon from registry (Revo Pro has a working trial) , then delete all files and directories named Native Access and NTKDaemon from the whole drive including destinations (if there) such as :

    C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Local\ and C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Local\Native Instruments

    C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Roaming\ and C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Roaming\Native Instruments

    C:\ProgramData\ and C:\ProgramData\Native Instruments

    C:\Program Files\ and C:\Program Files\Native Instruments

    C:\Program Files\Common Files\ and C:\Program Files\Common Files\Native Instruments

    After a deep cleaning + reboot in particular no Native Access or NTKDaemon process or service must be present.

    Deep cleaning as the above prior to a new install of newest version of N.A. has a high chance of solving the problem but it is not guaranteed to do so !

  • newnative
    newnative Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    manual restore point and backup are something that i do regularly, but i not very familiar with doing stuff with the registry so i will follow your advice if i ever wanna try the troubleshootings, for now i will just continue to use my working tools, hopefully for me, what's in the Native acces is not essential for my daily work, so i move on. I hope their will be a correctly made version in the future. Thanks you very for your time and suggestions

  • JonAnderhub
    JonAnderhub Member Posts: 1 Newcomer


    Why can't Native Instruments get this stuff right?

    I have had an issue every time I have installed Native Access on every single computer I have owned.

    Geeze I hate Native Instruments and I was sorry to see that they bought Izotope.

    There goes what used to be a good company.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,607 mod
    edited March 2024

    The above problem were due to the user upgrading from versions 1 which, at least at that point in time , gave problem installing a newer version. Generally then Native Access runs rather great on Windows , at least on Windows 10 like I have !

    Recently then a few Windows users have had an issue with Native Access in-between but these are not many as far as I know !

  • greens
    greens Member Posts: 4 Member

    Nope, it's happening whether you upgrade or not and Native Access has NEVER worked properly.. ridiculous they can't build an installer that functions on all systems without you needing to 'deep clean' your system. That's complete ******… and we pay for this ******? NI needs to put resources towards solving this issue — because it is a major time sucker and has little to do w/ moving from v1 to v3…(and that shouldn't even be a blip on the map) — it happens across the board, at least on Windows.

  • DunedinDragon
    DunedinDragon Member Posts: 1,011 Guru
    edited May 2024

    To be precise, it's never worked properly on YOUR system. It's worked fine for me on Windows 10 in all previous versions and on this current version as well as it has for tons of other users. And I've never had an install of Native Access fail. This issue is clearly associated with how you have things setup on your computer and without knowing more specifics about version numbers, type of system and memory/storage being used and so forth there's not a prayer anyone can help you set things right.

    One thing that is absolutely true and has been documented extensively is Native Access must have administrator rights on you computer to work properly. Did you do that?

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