Need legacy product help, NI Support ended. Battery 3.2.3 and Maschine 1.8.2

loco__51 Member Posts: 10 Member
edited October 2024 in Native Access

Hello everybody

I am looking for help because i have suddenly a bigger issue in my recording studio related to Native Instruments Software.

I already was in contact with the support, but it seems they dont understand my issues or dont want to help me?


Battery 3.2.3 and Maschine 1.8.2 were suddenly "deactivated", and not showing up in NI Access anymore.

Most of my older Projects (Cubase) use these 2 vsts, now i am unable to proceed with the work, because my licenses of the 2 vsts got somehow deactivated for no reason.

I installed them like it is described on the NI FAQ (legacy installers) and they were working for about 2 years without problems.

The answer from the support is not helping me: "we dont support these older products…. "

The ticket got closed without solving my issues.

I paid alot of money for all the komplete softwae etc., now i feel fooled, i cant use these plugins anymore or what?

Important fact again: it worked without problems for about 2 years till last week.

I did not change anything on my Studio PC (Hardware / Software)

Another fact: on my second System at home, Battery 3.2.3 and Maschine 1.8.2 are still working (Similar PC Hardware and Software) and both plugins are showing the same Serial Number like in my Studio, only difference is, in my Studio the license is in "Demo mode" and at home it is still "Full"

But how long will it work at home? Is there something happening with the NI Access software (update without not knowing it?) Is there something broken at the moment?

Has anybody experienced similar problems with Battery 3.2.3 or Maschine 1.8.2?

Is somebody still using both plugins, Battery 3.2.3 and Maschine 1.8.2 successfully activated on Win 10?

FabFilter as example has a clever solution for legacy products, is NI not able to implement something like this for the older plugins, to get them still working without activation problems?

Thank you very much

Best Answers

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,459 mod
    edited May 2024 Answer ✓

    Perhaps you just need to install a different version of Native Access to activate Battery 3 ? and then switch back to whatever version that you are using now ? However it should be noticed that sometimes installing one version of N.A. afterwards can make it difficult to get another version to install or work afterwards (though it has generally improved over time). Most basic way of cleaning is to uninstall N.A. and NTKDaemon using Windows uninstall (the latter might require you to close the process in task manager to achieve this) and then run the the NI reg tool and remove anything Native Access and NTKDaemon , but in case of problems , especially if going from old V1 to V2(3) then it has been seen that there is required considerably more cleaning.

    E.g. old Windows version here : Native Access 1.14.1 , and latest version of Native Access for your OS

    Again you might want to wait and just let support tell you how to fix it.

    Alternatively then it is entirely possibly that one of Jeremy_NI's 'magic' XML download could do the trick when he arrives in next week and if he swings by here .

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,093 Expert
    Answer ✓

    Loco, try to install legacy Native Access 1. The version for Win 7/8 might work on Win10. You have to uninstall current Native Access before installation of NA1.

    Also, do you have enabled shoving legacy SW in current NA? Maybe you need just that….


    By the way, I have licence for Bat3 and use Win10, I will try to install it and authorise it in current NA. Now, downloading ISOs…. Current NA does not show Bat3, but it maight, when I install it. At least NA1 did work it so.

  • loco__51
    loco__51 Member Posts: 10 Member
    Answer ✓

    @Kubrak @PoorFellow @Jeremy_NI

    With the Help of you, finally i got Battery 3 and Maschine 1.8.2 back to have a "Full" license on my Studio PC.

    So Thank you very much!

    Here are the steps i did to get it back to work:

    • Uninstall Native Access 3.10.3
    • Clean the registry choosing "Battery 3" and "Maschine" with the NI Uninstall RegTool_64bit
    • Install Native Access v1.14.1
    • Install Battery 3
    • Start Battery standalone
    • Start Maschine 1.8.2 standalone

    I am checking now if this did change any other applications from NI to "Demo", but for the moment it looks fine.


  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,459 mod

    Quote Jeremy_NI , May 8th , 2024 :

    My colleagues got back to you with installers I believe and their answer was a little more nuanced:

    Please note that the Maschine 1 software was discontinued in 2013 and therefore is not supported on Windows 10.
    There is a workaround you can try, however we do not offer guidance or support.

  • loco__51
    loco__51 Member Posts: 10 Member
    edited May 2024

    Hello everyone

    Now im at my studio and collected the data about my system. So i hope tech support can work with this data and help.

    First i will write some additional Infos (thanks to @Vocalpoint to mention i should give more details), then i will post the screenshots with data:

    • My PC is connected via RJ45 to a router to the internet.
    • Also with a Wi Fi Dongle and my iPhone hotspot when the wired connection does not work.
    • My location is Zurich, Switzerland
    • Other Apps: Steinberg Cubase 12 and 13 Pro, Steinberg DDP Player, FabFilter Total Bundle, Meldaproductions MTotalFXBundle, iLok License Manager, eLicenser Control Center, Native Access 3.10.3, Komplete 13 Ultimate Collectors Edition, Maschine 2, SSL 360°, SSL Vocalstrip, SSL Meter, SSL Bus Compressor, Xfer Serum, Spectrasonics Omnisphere and Trilian, Output Arcade, Arturia Augmented Strings, Plugin Alliance Free Bundle, Cableguys Shaper Box, GoldWave 6.57, iZotope Ozone 9 Elements, occular Scope.

    Now the screenshots:

    As written many times before, this problem happened suddenly about 2 weeks ago.

    before that, everything was working fine for at least 2 years!!

    I do not need help with the installation for the legacy products. I need help with the activation of them: Battery 3.2.3 and Maschine 1.8.2

    Thank you

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,075 Expert


    "I do not need help with the installation for the legacy products. I need help with the activation of them: Battery 3.2.3 and Maschine 1.8.2"

    Thanks for the details. I do have to ask - why with access to Komplete 13 UCE - are you not using Battery 4 and Maschine 2.x?

    I think I know the answer - but thought I would ask.

    As far as your issue at hand - despite your thoughts on nothing changing - something most definitely has changed if this was working two weeks ago and suddenly not now.

    My money is on Windows Update or possibly something changing within Native Access etc.

    Service Center was the only way to authorize these old apps and it has long been retired as mentioned by Poorfellow.

    However - this thread is relatively recent and talks about activing Battery 3:

    Maybe give that a shot?


  • loco__51
    loco__51 Member Posts: 10 Member

    I am using Battery 4 and Maschine 2.x. But i started with Komplete 7 and most of my Projects were made with Battery 3 and Maschine 1.

    Since i know that Battery 3 and Maschine 1 are not longer supported, i am in the process of updating my older Cubase Projects with the new VSTs. But now, not able to load the older Plugins means that i lost all information what samples were used.

    I have to clarify some fact here: I successfully installed Battery 3.2.3 and Maschine 1.8.2 on my second WIN10 System at home (about at December 2023). And it is still working, showing both Plugins with the Full License:

    If you look on the NI FAQ about Battery 3.2.3 you find this information:

    So i think the only way is to hope that someone from NI can help me.

    Thank you

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,459 mod
    edited May 2024 Answer ✓

    Perhaps you just need to install a different version of Native Access to activate Battery 3 ? and then switch back to whatever version that you are using now ? However it should be noticed that sometimes installing one version of N.A. afterwards can make it difficult to get another version to install or work afterwards (though it has generally improved over time). Most basic way of cleaning is to uninstall N.A. and NTKDaemon using Windows uninstall (the latter might require you to close the process in task manager to achieve this) and then run the the NI reg tool and remove anything Native Access and NTKDaemon , but in case of problems , especially if going from old V1 to V2(3) then it has been seen that there is required considerably more cleaning.

    E.g. old Windows version here : Native Access 1.14.1 , and latest version of Native Access for your OS

    Again you might want to wait and just let support tell you how to fix it.

    Alternatively then it is entirely possibly that one of Jeremy_NI's 'magic' XML download could do the trick when he arrives in next week and if he swings by here .

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,093 Expert
    Answer ✓

    Loco, try to install legacy Native Access 1. The version for Win 7/8 might work on Win10. You have to uninstall current Native Access before installation of NA1.

    Also, do you have enabled shoving legacy SW in current NA? Maybe you need just that….


    By the way, I have licence for Bat3 and use Win10, I will try to install it and authorise it in current NA. Now, downloading ISOs…. Current NA does not show Bat3, but it maight, when I install it. At least NA1 did work it so.

  • loco__51
    loco__51 Member Posts: 10 Member

    @Kubrak Thank you for your answer. I will try this with NA 1, i remember i have seen Battery 3 and Maschine 1 showing up in Native Access in the past, now it does not.

    Yes, legacy SW is activated in Native Access.

    Thank you!

  • loco__51
    loco__51 Member Posts: 10 Member

    and also thank you @PoorFellow

  • loco__51
    loco__51 Member Posts: 10 Member
    Answer ✓

    @Kubrak @PoorFellow @Jeremy_NI

    With the Help of you, finally i got Battery 3 and Maschine 1.8.2 back to have a "Full" license on my Studio PC.

    So Thank you very much!

    Here are the steps i did to get it back to work:

    • Uninstall Native Access 3.10.3
    • Clean the registry choosing "Battery 3" and "Maschine" with the NI Uninstall RegTool_64bit
    • Install Native Access v1.14.1
    • Install Battery 3
    • Start Battery standalone
    • Start Maschine 1.8.2 standalone

    I am checking now if this did change any other applications from NI to "Demo", but for the moment it looks fine.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,459 mod

    Thank you very much for returning to confirm the fix and for sharing the fix 🙂

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,459 mod

    P.S. Now would maybe be a good time for a backup of the setup 😁

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,093 Expert

    @loco__51 Great it did help.

    From one side it is unfortuned that NI has blocked possibility to authorise SW that does not have support for given OS….

    But on the other side I fully understand it. People have authorise SW that did not have support for given OS version and than demanded support, because something did not work (mainly on Mac). And wrote to forums how bad NI support is and how bad their SW is….

    But, older versions of NA is the way, if one may run it on his version of OS. So far. One day NI may close even this "gate".

This discussion has been closed.
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