Native Access Version 3.10.3 (current version) 2024-04-19 = "ZERO ACCESS!"



  • LukeKeywalker
    LukeKeywalker Member Posts: 49 Member
    edited April 2024

    Same problem here… after latest update login doesn't work anymore and keeps loading until eternity. Every update makes me shaking because you never know if afterwards nothing works anymore.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,790 mod
  • LukeKeywalker
    LukeKeywalker Member Posts: 49 Member


    No time and energy to reinstall, find hidden files, delete registries, go to …paths etc. Been there, done that.

    Komplete Kontrol and Native Access are two major failures of NI. Instruments and the creative stuff though was/is nice.

    I'll wait that a future update will fix it and until then I keep avoiding.

    But thanks @Jeremy_NI for your constant patience in this forum. Not an easy one I guess.

  • Freddie Star
    Freddie Star Member Posts: 26 Member
    edited April 2024


    Hi Native Instruments!

    I have some direct questions for the Native Access team that working on try to fix the problems and issues we have.

    1. Have you change something with your servers or application server? Something has happened today in a good way! 👍️
    2. Its seem easier to get into Native Access today? The loading page has stopped and you get in to Native Access less then a one second.
    3. I did these updates yesterday.
    5. I don't know if just a coincidence or if that fixed the issues? I recommend anyone that use Windows 11 or 10 to go for it and made a try and see if that fix the issues.

    Have s great weekend!

    Best regards


  • Freddie Star
    Freddie Star Member Posts: 26 Member

    PS! I will report back if something negative in any way change back to the old behavior.

  • Freddie Star
    Freddie Star Member Posts: 26 Member

    Native Access 3 (current latest version v3.10.3) working perfectly since Friday 26 of mars! 👍️

    1. Q?: Native Instruments have you change anything or done something on your servers that made the behavior change? If you did any tweaks that made the trick for sure!
    2. From slow and "Loading…" to now → very fast opening and responding of the Native Access 3 application. Less then one second! 👍️
    3. I did an update of the system and after the update of Windows latest's updates, KB5036979 (OS Build 19045.4355) Preview and the NET Framework 2024-KB5037724 Cumulative Update Preview for .NET Framework 3.5, 4.8 and 4.8.1. everything works like charm. I don't know what changed it? The update or if you changed something on your server system?
    4. I recommend anyone having trouble with Native Access 3 to do the updates on Windows 11 or Windows 10 and the NET Framework.

    Have a great day!

    Best regards


  • SimonJan
    SimonJan Member Posts: 4 Member

    NI is going down. It's unusable, full of bugs. Native Access doesn't start even as administrator, Kontakt 7 starts after 50 seconds, Komplete Kontrol plugin scan taking forever. All I want to say, good bye NI. I will not buy any of your products again.

  • Freddie Star
    Freddie Star Member Posts: 26 Member

    Something has gone back to the old behavior. Yesterday it worked today it won't?

    Yesterday an update of the "Organ library" were released. It failed to download though?

    After couple of hours later it were removed from update section. This is getting more or less very irritated. You have had now over 2 weeks to address the issues. Nothing concrete of an new update of Native Access 3 has been presented or released yet? Why?

    Best Regards


  • SidePipe
    SidePipe Member Posts: 4 Member
    edited May 2024

    Maybe it will help
    I also had all the problems and bit into my studio table... the old NA version (MAC OS Ventura) was still on the system.
    When I uninstalled everything, I got the last working NA 2 version from the time machine backup.

    then I was back inside and saw that all my licenses were in DEMO mode :(

    Then I came up with this workaround

    I then: "2. Your activation fails because the activation tokens are corrupt or missing" deleted the entire folder.
    it was obviously an activation token problem.

    Result: Native Access starts very quickly and

    everything works.
    I hope there might be a suggestion to activate everything again
    Good luck

  • xkont
    xkont Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Again and again the same problem. Once I managed to get through with a complete uninstallation (macos) but even in this case scenario I had to go through system invisible and delete paths in places a uses should not be seen. Now this time I don't even remember where are these files to delete and reinstall to get it work and to be honest I start to do not care anymore. So sad for the money I spent….

  • skuske
    skuske Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    Same problem here, v3.10.3 not working at all, older versions work (v3.3.1 for example). However, older versions update themselves once closed, and then I am stuck again with a non working version. Unbelievable!

    No idea how to contact NI without getting stopped by the bloody QA support form, that does not show any contact phone number, email or contact form, but navigates me here. NI: you are masters at preventing direct contact with customer service!

    Get that sorted out and fix it, please.

  • niCKed
    niCKed Member Posts: 11 Member

    Exact same problem as you! The behaviour of Native Access is just SO appalling. Sometimes it works, sometimes it hangs on loading products, most of the time it won't do updates (the only message I get is "unable to download"). I knew it would be a disaster as soon as I got a message telling me "Native Access will update on close". Please fix this hot mess or give us back a legacy version that actually works!

  • Freddie Star
    Freddie Star Member Posts: 26 Member
    edited May 2024

    Native Access 3.11.1 - Latest version 2024-05-25

    Still same issues! Sometimes it work sometime it won't work?

    Native Team talk about it were when they added the option of "Subscription"- model that made the Native Access get out of order? Go and figure. 😏

    Perhaps the universe try to tell Native Instruments something about that business model. I have never liked "Subscription"-model when it comes to plugins and programs. Better to pay one time payment or let the customers split the total payment into 4 monthly payments- business-model as same as Arturia offer their customers already.

    Netflix, HBO and Spotify is another story that the subscription business-model makes sense. Plugins and programs don't! What happen now is that the "One time payment"-customers example Komplete-customers suffer because Native Instruments decided to add the option of subscription model.

    That can be risky move because of they don't get this bugs sorted out sooner then later they risk losing the real paying upfront customers that are the majority of their loyal user base. No point buy Komplete, Mashine or other hardwares if you can't install it. You can only install the hardwares and softwares by chance, that you have payed for.

    Do you feel lucky today? No, no luck today? Please try later or tomorrow!… Try tomorrow…No, no luck today either? Please try later or tomorrow? Who wants to invest their money and purchase anything when you don't even know, if or when you can use and get what you actually payed for?

    Best regards


  • Freddie Star
    Freddie Star Member Posts: 26 Member
    edited May 2024


    Native Access - Take a chance, take a chance, take a chance on me!

  • sa11e
    sa11e Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    I've done all or parts of these steps several times.
    Results will vary, but it is never possible to update any of the installed NI apps on the few times it goes beond "Loading Products"

    Exit Native Access
    Delete the "win" folder under C:\Program Files\Native Instruments\Native Access\resources\daemon\

    Uninstall Native Access & NTK Daemon using Windows app uninstall.

    Run the NI reg tool, and if NTKDaemon is there remove it.

    Then (if still there ) delete the following :
    The NTK folder from %ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Native InstrumentsThe NTKDaemon folder from %ProgramFiles%\Native Instruments\

    Reboot computer.

    Install version 3.11.1 AS ADMINISTRATOR


    Before running Native Access I also tried these steps:
    Install C:\Program Files\Native Instruments\Native Access\resources\daemon\win\NTKDaemon 1.18.0 Setup PC.exe AS ADMINISTRATOR
    Open Properties > Compatibility and mark "Run this program as administrator" for:
    C:\Program Files\Native Instruments\Native Access\Native Access.exe
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Native Instruments\NTK\NTKDaemon.exe

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