Kontakt 7 Unusable on my Mac Studio After Updating to Kontakt 7.10.0



  • Adil_NI
    Adil_NI Member Posts: 12 Product Team
    Answer ✓

    Hi all,

    We’ve just published Kontakt 7.10.1, which we believe addresses the issues introduced in 7.10. If you are running 7.10, please update to this version, and respond to this message if you are still encountering performance issues.

    Thanks again for the patience and understanding whilst we’ve worked to resolve this.

    Have a great weekend,


  • FosterMoose
    FosterMoose Member Posts: 20 Member

    Confirmed here, too. 7.9 re-installed fixed Kontakt. HOWEVER, Komplete is now super choppy when a Kontakt instrument is loaded within it, even with Kontakt 7.9 installed. Installing previous versions of Komplete didn't help. Any ideas how to resolve that?

  • robbiemacman
    robbiemacman Member Posts: 5 Member

    I just installed the new 7.10.1 update from native Access and all seems to be working well again

  • Inversible
    Inversible Member Posts: 13 Member

    Same for me. The lags are gone.

    @NI Thanks for the fix. BUT...

    I work in the IT industry myself. Sometimes bugs sneak in, most of which are so small that they only occur in very specific situations. But this is such a serious error that you really have to ask the question: Was this tested beforehand? I don't think so.

  • prodbywuski
    prodbywuski Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

    I keep getting this, no matter which version of kontakt, I've tried EVERY possible re-install method etc and it still keeps showing error. Haven't been able to use kontakt for 2 days....

  • Electromusicproject
    Electromusicproject Member Posts: 27 Member

    Will try kontakt in komplete today to check if the 10.10 upgrade has messed it up. Is fine in maschine after rollback to 10.9. However, the project I opened in 10.10, after upgrading has lost all of my settings, tweaks, sounds etc as it gives me a message ‘needs a newer version of kontakt’.

    All my instruments in the sound slots in maschine now just have an init kontakt instance. so lost a days work there, as didnt save some of the snapshots.

    I hope 10.9 now works in komplete, as I personally dont feel comfortable installing 10.10.1.

    my new approach will be to not update anything unless its already broken.

    that goes for things like Sonoma too, which I wont upgrade to until Im forced to by new audio app upgrades requiring it.

  • jriede
    jriede Member Posts: 7 Member

    I can't seem to get this to work no matter what. I've deleted the files many time and redownloaded the 7.9.0 and it still crashes GarageBand when opened with in it. I can open standalone with no issue but will not work within GarageBand. Any help would be great.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,848 mod

    @jriede Please try to update to 7.10.1, it's the hotfix. Then try these steps again: Kontakt Crashes

    Make sure to delete the files in the user library (and not the local one).

  • jriede
    jriede Member Posts: 7 Member

    Doing now. Would there be a reason that I haven't received the email to download the new version? I've typed in my email and have been checking the inbox/spam. Nothing. (and yes, I've checked that its not blocked or anything like that)

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,000 mod

    Would there be a reason that I haven't received the email to download the new version?

    Kontakt 7.10.1 ought to be available for download by you in the Native Access client app !

  • jriede
    jriede Member Posts: 7 Member

    Yes it is but it’s version 7.9.0 for me and still crashes. I apologize if I’m becoming difficult. First time I’ve had to go down this kinda rabbit hole. Thank you for everyone’s patience. 🙏🏻

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru
    edited April 2024

    Kontakt 7.10.1 has been pulled for Sonoma users.

    Somona users have beed advised to revert to Kontakt 7.9 as of earlier today.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,000 mod
    edited April 2024

    All I have in my link collection to offer is KONTAKT 7.8.1 PC & Mac which might be too old for your purpose ! (in case of any problem downloading then try logging into Google !)

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,848 mod

    @jriede 7.10.1 was removed from Native Access for Sonoma users, because of another issue.

    One important question, do you have a Kontrol mk3 keyboard and do these crashes also happen when the keyboard is disconnected?

    If the steps for the Kontakt crash article didn't work, even with 7.9 and you don't have a mk3 keyboard, please reach out to support here: https://bit.ly/NI_support_kontakt

  • jriede
    jriede Member Posts: 7 Member

    I've reached out to support, put in tickets, commented on this community board to only waste hours of my time with no results. I guess just let me know when the product works?...

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