Missing Images in Komplete Kontrol



  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,302 mod
    edited April 2024

    Tags are in front of you, in your own image, above the instruments. :-)

    Just click on the "Brand", instead of the "Sound Type" and you will see the developer names (Native Instruments, Korg etc.). Right now you only see the Native Instruments!

    All these (Brand, Sound Type, Character), are tags.

  • Kompletely Mad
    Kompletely Mad Member Posts: 16 Member

    The problem is...I already did click brand...Korg is not listed. That is sort of what I was saying...Korg is not under tags (thanks for clearly defining tags!) as I clicked around. You can't load up anything like the other plugins. Is that something that has to be registered through NI to show up?

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,480 mod
    edited April 2024

    For it to 'register' then I think that you are back at Jeremy_NI's Restart your computer and try these steps again: Product Pictures are Missing in the Komplete Kontrol / Maschine 2 Browser , or perhaps the Resetting the Komplete Kontrol Database instead ?

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,302 mod
    edited April 2024

    If Korg does not appear on tags, then you put the NKS files in a wrong folder and not in your User Content.

    Please check where they are and let me know.

    Note 1: Just in case you did, we do not put User Content folder inside the NI Resources!

    Note 2: You can use more folders for your user content, as many as you like, but you have to tell Komplete Kontrol, where they are! So, you go to Preferences ---> Library ---> User, click "Add" and insert your other folders. Finally, click "Rescan". All your extra folders are there now.

    Note 3: The default location of User Content for Mac is at:

    Users/your_name/Documents/Native Instruments/User Content

    Your Korg folder with the NKS files should go there. NOT the entire folder you downloaded! ONLY the Korg folder which is inside the downloaded archive at the User Content folder (the downloaded one, not the one who is already on your computer). There is no way to explain it simpler....

    ...and by the way that is why you should never drag n drop the NKS archives you download. Because the 2 main folders which are inside them, going to 2 different locations on your computer!

  • Kompletely Mad
    Kompletely Mad Member Posts: 16 Member

    Thanks for your help but I am still not there yet and getting into more trouble...

    The Korg brand still does not show. Here are some images below...maybe you will see something that is an error?

    Here is the NI Resources area. I notice it has the "korg" folder but also the "wavestate native" as well. These were the folders that were supposed to be put in that location according to the NKS instructions unless I am incorrect on some point.

    This is the user content area

    Image files area

    Along with all the messing around with everything, rescanning, etc, now I started seeing this...

    This is really a lot to handle!

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,302 mod

    Such a mess... Yet, everything looks to be in its right place! I can't understand why you can't see Korg nks...

    @Kymeia as a Mac user and more experienced on NKS might see something that we can't?

  • Kompletely Mad
    Kompletely Mad Member Posts: 16 Member

    I have managed to get the incompatible errors to go away. I just took those out of that folder, they may have been older user ensemble files that are now obsolete.

    One thing I had not checked on was the part I just noticed about adding the .preview folder. If I turn off the hidden file command, they seem to be in each category. Is there anything to do there that might help? At this point everything works as it normally did before I started this, and I think based on those images I attached and your knowledge that stuff seems to be in the right place. Only thing is, under brand, korg still never showed up, so that progress is where it is. If there is no fairly obvious, easy answer to all this, I will just use complete Kontrol as I always have and when I use wavestate it will be in logic or MainStage and that's the way I will roll.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,214 mod
    Answer ✓

    Have they clicked on the user section in the KK browser?

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,302 mod
    Answer ✓

    @Kompletely Mad have you done what Kymeia says above? Have you clicked the icon to enter User section?

  • Kompletely Mad
    Kompletely Mad Member Posts: 16 Member
    Answer ✓

    I had not. Just WOW...that fixed it! So to get to wavestate you have to make sure you tab over to user. It never dawned on me that the brand would not show up. It seems all good to go!


  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,302 mod

    LOL... it was extremely simple after all!

    I didn't pay any attention to it, because in the comment below, you mentioned that:

    "I know how to click on the icon to get user content"

    Yet you never did, even if we were always talking about "User Content"!

    Well, it can happen to all of us... :-)

    Happy to help you, now enjoy your wavestate!

  • Kompletely Mad
    Kompletely Mad Member Posts: 16 Member

    I did know how to do that but I did not realize that was the only way to get korg to show up under the brand tag. I was so focused on all this other stuff that I did not even click it after a certain point. I clicked through everything at certain points but at that time I guess it was not fully recognized.

    Thank (all of) you again for your help and patience, sometimes I am slow.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,214 mod
    edited April 2024

    It will be the case for any NKS you have installed yourself rather than what gets installed through Native Access or official NKS Partner installers. Anything you install, or create, manually gets classed as User Content

  • Kompletely Mad
    Kompletely Mad Member Posts: 16 Member

    Sounds good. Now all makes sense. Thank you again for all your help and your patience!

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