Missing Images in Komplete Kontrol

Kompletely Mad
Kompletely Mad Member Posts: 16 Member
edited October 2024 in Komplete Kontrol

I realize there are some posts scattered around about this but I have never gotten a solution that worked that fixed the issue. I am sure I am the culprit. I tried to install a user NKS setup for the Korg Wavestate. I followed the instructions but somewhere along the way I must have made a mistake because afterwards there is no NKS for Wavestate and now many images are missing from the Komplete Kontrol menu.

The plugins themselves are functioning correctly as far as I can tell but they just don't have the images on the Komplete Kontrol menu. It took a moment to load one...had a little loading meter. I assume somehow this damaged the images or made them unable to be found..? I tried a couple of the fixes mentioned in other threads but they never worked. I would love to have the wavestate set up for NKS but if that won't work, I would certainly accept that loss if I could get my functional setup back. Any ideas? Thanks.

Best Answers



  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,400 mod
  • Kompletely Mad
    Kompletely Mad Member Posts: 16 Member

    I did do those steps and the pics still did not show up.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,400 mod

    Are you on mac or PC?

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,302 mod

    I see that your missing images are all by Native Instruments, right? So, i think that in this case, a simple re-installation of Komplete Kontrol should bring everything back... :-)

  • Kompletely Mad
    Kompletely Mad Member Posts: 16 Member

    I tried reinstalling Komplete Kontrol and the images are still missing.

    Here is my computer specs...

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,400 mod
    Answer ✓

    @Kompletely Mad Make sure to give full disk access to Native Access, Komplete Kontrol, Kontakt and Maschine(if you have it on your system): How to Enable Full Disk Access on macOS

    Restart your computer and try these steps again: Product Pictures are Missing in the Komplete Kontrol / Maschine 2 Browser

    If that doesn't do the trick try to reinstall one of the libraries in Native Access, see if you get an image finally.

  • Kompletely Mad
    Kompletely Mad Member Posts: 16 Member
    edited April 2024

    Hi Jeremy,

    I think everything is going ok. The images are back so I think it's all good.


    So dare I ask, is it possible to get the wavestate user template running without wrecking my whole setup?

    I got into some trouble the first time! I was just really enticed by the idea of installing an NKS template

    to be able to use the wavestate native via my Komplete 88 note controller instead of the 37 note plasticky thing on the original keyboard.

    Any tips I can read (over and over if needed) about that? Are there some folks that have confirmed that template works? I sort of assumed it did if it was posted but just in case...Thanks again.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,302 mod
    edited April 2024

    Normally, the Wavestate or any other Korg NKS can not create any problem at all!

    So, since you also mentioned an "install" (while you do not actually install custom NKS, you simply copy them to the correct folder), please let me know, from where you download those Wavestate NKS presets?

    There are 2 legit places that you can find tested and guaranteed custom NKS, the one is our Public NKS User Library where you can get everything for free, and the other is the Freelance Soundlabs where you can get paid presets. And of course the developers websites, if they offer NKS. If you got them for another place then, there is something wrong with it.

    btw, here are the NKS for the Korg Wavestate :-)

    Just copy the contents to the correct folders, that's all.

  • Kompletely Mad
    Kompletely Mad Member Posts: 16 Member

    I got them from the User Library. I just downloaded the folder from your link and I will try it shortly.

    I got the heads up in the email about the user library, took the bait, and the fish got away!

    I followed a set of instructions on the NI forum but somewhere along the way, the NKS stuff never showed up and whatever I did caused everything to go crazy. Hopefully I won't misbehave as much this time! Thank you very much.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,400 mod

    Cool, happy that everything's back to normal, can you tell us what fixed it in the end?

  • Kompletely Mad
    Kompletely Mad Member Posts: 16 Member

    I went by your instructions. I had never seen the disk access part...maybe that was a key ingredient.

    Then I did all the other stuff mentioned mentioned in that link. Thanks again.

    On another note I tried (again) to get wavestate nks going. It probably needs a some simple thing to make it work but so far it isn't there yet. The wavestate plugin is in there and they are talking to each other a little bit...I can open the plugin in the top window of KK where you can open non nks plugins. It works and if I look at my controller the image of wavestate shows up but it does not have anything set up like the plugin controls mapped etc, like the way other third party plugins work. It is not a huge deal, I can still play wavestate from the controller but you can't really change anything or go from preset to preset via the controller.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,302 mod

    The plugin controls are fully mapped, but to access those, you have to load the Wavestate VST3 template.nksf file first... it is a single file, alone, outside the Factory Performance folder.

  • Kompletely Mad
    Kompletely Mad Member Posts: 16 Member

    Could you give me a slightly more detailed version of that? I may be misunderstanding how the nks is supposed to work. For example, I have the synth master and synth master one plugins. They are inks compatible (not user created mind you) They show up under the Komplete Kontrol menus (with images) everything is mapped and you can browse through the presets via the keyboard browser exactly as the NI plugins. I assumed that is the way the wavestate nks setup would work. So far with the wavestate native, I can load it into the upper area (vst3 loaded from file menu in Komplete kontrol) where the small plus is, top left. You load that from the computer, not the keyboard. You are certainly correct that there is some mapped controls but I see no way to load a sound other than the first preset in Korg's list, either from the keyboard or the Mac. Am I missing the whole point in how this works? I mean I can certainly ignore complete Kontrol and trigger the wavestate plugin in Logic Pro or MainStage and scroll the presets from the plugin screen on the computer easily. I realize the controls being mapped is a bonus but I can't seem to get to any other sounds except the #1 preset...am I just a fool or am I missing something? Thanks for all the help in all of these recent questions I have been hurling at you guys!

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,302 mod
    edited April 2024

    To tell you the truth, i prefer to use Maschine, because they totally screwed Komplete Kontrol!

    Maschine has so many nice options who are missing from Komplete Kontrol, through it has much more sense to have those options to Komplete Kontrol! I really fail to see the logic of the KK developers.

    For example, on Maschine you can use a custom template as default (such as a fully mapped template), then every time you load the plugin it uses this template, even if you just load VST and no NKS!

    So, i have pre-map almost all my VST's with the templates i want. Same for the Wavestate. But Komplete Kontrol does not have this simple and very useful function!

    And on every level, comparing with the flexibility of Maschine, Komplete Kontrol is a big zero. A software full of fancy options but with a very limited usefulness to a real musician.

    Anyway, here is what you can do:

    Open Komplete and click the icon to enter User Content.

    Then on tags, click KORG, then click wavestate native.

    Scroll the presets and Double-click any preset to load it. That's all, now you have the full mapping!

    ALL the presets have this full mapping! All of them. No matter what preset you are choosing, the mapping is there.

    So, i assume that you are making a mistake. A very simple and very common mistake. You are loading the VST first by using the cross button (+), right? Well, don't do this! If you want mappings or any other NKS goodie, you have to load your instruments through a preset!

    ...unless you are using Maschine... 😉

  • Kompletely Mad
    Kompletely Mad Member Posts: 16 Member

    You are correct in deducing my mistake. That is exactly what I did. So I have to ask a silly question...you said :

    Then on tags, click KORG, then click wavestate native.

    I know how to click on the icon to get user content but I don't know anything about tags. I guess I am missing the point on something here. I have clicked/looked at every single thing on the screen in front of me in Komplete Kontrol and nothing says tags, edit tags, etc. There is no image with a wavestate to load presets like the standard NI plugins. For example, I can go to the right hand side and load user presets that I have tweaked from the list. To refine that I can click on the specific image block for a certain synth. Click FM8 for example, then go to the right to click on my FM8 presets. I do understand that part but the only way I know to get to wavestate from Komplete Kontrol is to load it via the plus, the incorrect way. Any ideas? If you can point me to an icon or menu that gets me to the next step that would be amazing. Here is my screen below. This is after the step where I click user content.

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