KVR offering free NI Utopia plus chance to win Komplete 14 UCE


  • GoaSkin
    GoaSkin Member Posts: 41 Member

    KVR wants to know my real name to get the giveaway. For this reason, I renounce.

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,080 Guru


    Yeah, my last employer wanted things like my real name, my real home address, my real email address, my real bank account information, my real social security number, my real gender...

    And that was back in 1997. The nerve of them!

    (it was a good thing I gave them all that information. I ended up with an amazing career and tons of opportunities in life. Go figure! 🤓)

    But yeah, I get you. I don't give out my info like that just for free peanuts!

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,364 Expert

    Wait, your name's not Goa Skin?!

    You could have used that. It's not like they'll be checking it, then putting you in cuffs for lying. 😂

    This morning I awoke to the responses in this thread........and a serial number for Utopia. Don't mind if I do.

  • Rico010
    Rico010 Member Posts: 140 Advisor

    Yeah, they really do. Never wanted this Utopia, but for free looks interesting to play with.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,999 mod

    I concur , this looks like an information harvesting expedition !

    I myself however already had an account on KVR Audio , and to get this give away I had to add both name and phone number. I however just added abbreviation for name and all the way through showed that I had no intention of giving any real info for this.

    Also , worth noticing here !

    This is not an 'automated' give away . It clearly says after entering that each key has to be manually approved/assigned so that should set a certain limit as to what will be accepted.

    Response time in my case were less than 12 hours and I personally got my key/license despite the use of e.g. 'abbreviations' as described.

    As a general observation then too many companies are harvesting both email addresses and other personal information in exchange for plugins that is either not worth your time in the end or as is the case with some makes (am tempted to mention name but will refrain) then they require obnoxious intrusively clients running on your system all the time for you to have the use of a single plugin (I recently uninstalled such a plugin and the software that it needed to be on system). But I personally think that the offer in question here (Utopia via KVR Audio) is at least OK-ish compared !

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,100 Expert

    Phone number is not mandatory.

    It doesn’t even have an asterisk

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