How to scroll through a sample while keeping time selection

Infrabass Member Posts: 39 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

Hey everyone,

I can't find a way to scroll through a sample after I meticulously adjusted the start and end markers on the Sampling page of the M+.
The idea is to keep the length while adjusting the start marker.

Are we able to do so?



  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,645 mod
    edited April 2024

    🤔 You can't keep the length if you adjust the start marker as adjusting any marker effectively changes the length, it's like saying you want a car to go faster without increasing the speed.

    I guess what you want is to adjust both markers perfectly at the same time? To Scrub within a locked length? not possible.

    Assuming you want such a feature to find a good small sample/loop within a bigger sample a workaround can be to use SLICE+Split, say you're looking for a nice 2-Bar slice within a 16-Bar sample, just use Slice in with an 8 Split, you will end up with 8 x 2 Bar Slices.

    There's many other ways to do it, but depends on your exact end goal.

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 819 Pro

    i recall moving the start & end points within the maschine software.... and it does move the length based upon where the start point and end point is... i recall the grid size allows the stepped increments or decrements based on which way you are moving the loop point...

    this i know works within Maschine+computer.... i dont know about the maschine+ however

    using the computer... you would hold Alt & Shift or some key combination... and then move the loop area within the midi pattern to shift the loop point...

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 819 Pro

    okay... i just tested moving the loop points with my maschine MK2(assuming this is what you were wanting?)

    Pin the pattern button

    select your start and end point

    hold Shift and turn the "position" encoder

    this will move the length based on the grid size

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,645 mod

    That moves the active Pattern selection around, start/end points of the Pattern, not the sample... It can work if OP is using an Audio-Plug I guess but it wont work for a Sampler.

  • Infrabass
    Infrabass Member Posts: 39 Member

    Yes, exactly I think we need a way to define a length using the start and end SAMPLE play range markers and then be able to scrub in the sound while keeping the length to discover new timbres/grooves.

    It's a crucial feature I use all the time in other samplers.

    I'm curious about the other workarounds, the one you mentioned doesn't fit my needs as I do this on the fly and unsynced.

    @6xes Yes I was talking about the SAMPLE panel, not the pattern.

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