Problem with recording my mixes.

MATTFRED Member Posts: 7 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Traktor Software & Hardware

Greetings, Im frustrated and need help with my settings..

Im running a Mac with Sonoma, Traktor Pro 3.11.

I use an. Allen Heath xone PX5 mixer. I use channel 1 & 4 for turntables on the phono of this mixer, I run my D2 decks on channels 3 & 4 of the mixer. I DO Not use time code , Just run traktor for the D2's.

I have my mixer plugged into my QSC Speakers, all channels work as they should and I get good sound out of my speakers weather Im playing on my turntables not using traktor or when I use traktor with my D2s….

Heres the problem, Im not sure what happened to my settings. Im sure I have an input and out put mixed up or not configured right for recording. I can record my mixes and dont get the recorder beat signal , recording works but since no signal in the recorder, the recording is blank. I have my audio output set to external, and my mix recorder set to internal. If I change my Output to internal then the mix recorder works…

How should I set up my audio inputs and outputs?

once again, xone px5 mixer set up to my qsc speakers..

channel 1 on mixer set to PHONO - TURNTABLE

channel 2 on mixer set to USB - D2 Controller A

channel 3 on mixer set to USB - D2 Controller B

channel 4 on mixer set to PHONO - TURNTABLE.

everything is working as it should besides the mix recorder. im baffled and figure you guys cold help. im no

genius when it comes to setting this stuff up…. please see photos on how its currently set up and thx in advance for any help you can give me. I would love to be able to play my music loud over my sound system and record my mixes. it worked great before and now I somehow messed it up


  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,872 Expert

    You have to select EXTERNAL in the mix recorder.

    And then the px5 also needs to send the master signal back, you need to map those channels to a deck or fx. You can probably find what channel master is in the manual.

    More or less this guide, ignore the first part:

    MATTFRED Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

    Im a rookie at this stuff and really dont understand. If anyone out there can look at my pictures and help me set this up so I can record my mixes I would be so thankful. The article posted above does not make sense to me

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,872 Expert

    Because you have an external mixer where the magic happens, traktor does not know what the final product sounds like. That is why we have to send the master signal back from the mixer into traktor.

    On my xone 96 that is channel 11 and 12.

    Now you have to read the manual of the px5 to find out what USB sound channel is the master channel. It's often under the title "USB Soundcard" or something like that. Xone have pretty decent manuals.

    Once you give us that, we can help with the next step. Mapping those two channel to a random deck, and assigning that deck to the mix recorder :)

    MATTFRED Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

    I was just told it's. channel 9 and 10? not sure what that means but does that help ?

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,872 Expert

    You where unable to read the manual yourself?

    Well if it's 9 and 10:

    Go to TRAKTOR Preferences >Input Routing

    I can see Deck D is empty, select 9 and 10 there.

    Then go Preferences > Mix Recorder.

    Select External to configure the Mix Recorder for recording an external audio signal.

    In the menu External Input, select the channel assigned to the input channel Deck D

    MATTFRED Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

    It was not in the PX5 Manual but a guy who had one on Facebook told me it was 9&10. I will try the above

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,872 Expert

    Bro .. what the f…

    I opened the manual and there is a freaking step by step guide on how to set up recording with traktor. Pictures and everything. Not going to lie, i'm a lil mad now.

    Remember to de-press the USB 9-10 button on the back, so it's on MST.

    MATTFRED Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

    OK !! Now thanks to you I can hear my speakers and record my mixes…. BUT…. now an OTHER ISSUE.

    I can now hear the music in the headphones even though I dont have the que button pushed on the mixer. any idea? Im pretty familiar with the mixer controls. I dont want to hear music in the head phones unless I push the question button on the mixer. any ideas? you have been a fantastic help..

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,872 Expert

    Not sure what it is, but make the Output routing look more like this:

    Right now you have C and D routed to the same channels on the mixer and also "output preview" to a single channel.

    MATTFRED Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

    Ok, I just did this…. not sure why I still hear the music out of my headphones when the external px5 mixers due buttons are not pushed. thx for your help man…. I really appreiacate your help. I can record my mixes when im jamming loud now.

    MATTFRED Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

    the PX5 Manual has the info about channels 9/10? or the traktor manual?

    please dont be mad. im a fool when it comes to anything but RCA cables

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,872 Expert
    edited April 2024

    The PX5 manual. All the steps, with pictures and everything. It's in the table of content right in the beginning "Recording a Mix; Traktor Scratch Pro 2"

    That has nothing to do with technical ability.

    It's not Splt cue where you have CUE on the left and Master on the right?

    When you turn the Cue/Mix fully ANTI clockwise, the left, and press cue on a dead channel, do you hear anything in the headphones? (You should not)

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,365 Expert

    @MATTFRED I'd seriously suggest you take some time to read the manual for your mixer, to learn how it works. It's normal to hear music in your headphones on a modern mixer.

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