Please update software for Templates so we can assign a Midi channel to Sustain Pedal.

EJJ Member Posts: 7 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Komplete Kontrol


Anyone who purchased a KK Keyboard (A Series) thinking they could use it as a Midi controller is currently SOL. I did a pretty Komplete (sic) review of the keyboard before purchase. Seemed I could assign Midi channels through the Template functions - awesome - but clearly I should have read the fine print.

Now outside of the return period, I have a keyboard that COULD be great - I do have Komplete 13 which is a solid package, so some of the KK functionality is useful. BUT, because of an odd design decision everything can be assigned a Midi channel in the Template except the sustain pedal which is "Globally" set to Channel 1. WHY ??

This should be a straightforward software fix for you guys that would greatly enhance the useability of your product. Is it a patent issue ? EPROM capacity ?

A comment from the Mods or a link to the explanation of why this is unfixable would be greatly appreciated. Please.


A NI customer for several years...


  • EJJ
    EJJ Member Posts: 7 Newcomer


    You know, I get 2 email adverts from NI per day announcing some new promo.

    Cool. But, here when I need some input, crickets.

    Is it possible to change the Midi channel on the sustain pedal or should I sell my NI hardware ASAP ?



  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,998 mod
    edited April 2024

    Please refrain from opening more threads on the exact same subject ! Also please refrain from using dubious slang expressions when addressing other people here !

    Besides that then your discussions here clearly expresses that you have misunderstood more things !

    First of all then 'Moderators', such as e.g. I, are not staff here ! I am not an N.I. employee, also I have no say with respect to anything N.I. policy, I am another user here given Moderator powers !

    Secondly , this forum actually do have a N.I. 'Customer Care' employee attending who is not in 'support' but to some extend 'liaise'. However then neither this 'Customer Care' person nor support works neither weekends nor on holidays and some European countries then the holidays started the 28th and in Germany , which is officially where N.I. resides then the holidays started the 29th , meaning that at the moment then the 'one man staff' is not here.

    Thirdly, your headline is an expression of a wish/Feature Request which is typically ignored until such time as that anyone picking such up finds yours, if actually tagged it Feature Request, and then then still do not expect feedback on Feature Requests !

    Fourthly, when you take this attitude where you address 'Mods' specifically then you indirectly express that you are not interested in any help from or conversation with anyone other than the 'Mods' who you don't want to chime in either since they are not N.I. employees either and can not possibly answer your questions !

    The closest thing that you will come to a real answer will be to attend one the discussions when one of those actually in charge of any of the design decisions takes feedback in a discussion thread in the forum or alternatively tries your luck with N.I. Komplete Kontrol Support though they are helps with problems and not in charge of anything either !

    Other thread on same subject by same user here !

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,837 mod

    @EJJ You should be able to change the MIDI channel of the sustain pedal, it doesn't have to be on Channel 1. The thing is that it will be set globally for the keyboard, affecting all templates.

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,080 Guru

    "Is it possible to change the Midi channel on the sustain pedal or should I sell my NI hardware ASAP?"

    You might want to try to calm down a bit, and then come back with a "can do" attitude that you're going to see what kind of help you can get here and maybe even solve the issue you're having. That would be kind of cool, yes?

    As @PoorFellow noted above, this is a user forum. In order to be successful, it MUST rely on people like Poorfellow, DunedinDragon, Kymeia, Jester, and others to have the kindness in their hearts to lend a hand without expectation of payment or profit.

    The really cool thing is, Native Instruments personnel have turned over a new leaf and have been coming here on a regular basis since last year. They're paying attention to us and they jump in and help quite frequently. It's still not perfect, but it is a HUGE improvement from the bad old days when you wouldn't hear "boo" from a Native Instruments person except when they were going to announce the end of support on some hardware or an instrument library.

    It's better now, and a lot of people can get their issues resolved; more than ever before. I know, because I've been coming here since the old forum days back in the 00's.

    So use us. Rely on us. But try hard to keep a good attitude, because a bad attitude tends to just get in your way and not help you at all.

  • EJJ
    EJJ Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

    For anyone stumbling across this thread...

    1) I solved the NI "Design Decision" to not have the sustain pedal follow the keys midi channel selection with templates using Ableton Lite. I record in Pro Tools. So now I leave the A61 on channel 1, route the midi from the A61 into Ableton - where I can remap the Midi channel of the keys AND the sustain pedal and then route the midi back into Pro Tools on any Midi channel I need. So, inconvenient yes, but a work around for anyone in my situation. The A61 in its current state is NOT a general purpose midi controller.

    2) @Jeremy_NI - Great engineering design ! That's kind of sarcastic right....

    3) @PoorFellow and @BIF. You will excuse me for thinking this was a NI run site - given all the logos and the URL. My post(s) were indeed blowing off steam after I realized that I really should have read page 73 in the manual before buying the A61 - it does indeed say global right there in bold. My bad. I had watch a number of YouTube videos where the shill happy changed Midi channels with Templates. Nonetheless, where the heck do you find the time ?



  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,998 mod

    You will excuse me for thinking this was a NI run site - given all the logos and the URL.

    This is a "NI run site" and this is the official N.I. forum. Despite that then the site is to great extend still being user driven in as much as the forum to great extend relies on users helping users, though as I explained in the above, then N.I. do have a N.I. 'Customer Care' employee attending normal week days and also there is two N.I. employees who's job is community interfacing !

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,080 Guru

    "...where the heck do you find the time ?"

    I get the sense that you were offended by my prior post above, and I also get the feeling that your question above might not be coming from a good place; as if to say we should mind our own business. I get it, you're angry. But I stand by my response.

    So let's all just be nice to each other. Happy Monday!

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,837 mod

    @EJJ A USER forum is not a substitute for support. People helped you here, regardless of the very arrogant and commending tone. They do this on their free time and to help other people. I'm also here to help but can't be a substitute for all support. Obviously you're new here but we try to be helpful and respectful, please give it a try.

    I've forwarded your feature request to the product team as it's a legitimate one, despite the attitiude.

This discussion has been closed.
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