Komplete Kontrol 3.0.3 can't recall old sessions



  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,019 mod
    edited March 19

    This keeps coming up - just to clarify, KK3 does still support hosting VST2 if you add the path in Plugin Locations (and on Apple Silicon Mac run KK in Rosetta mode). It's just that VST2 is on its way out so NI have shifted NKS to being VST3 based primarily (and NKS2 exclusively) so it is no longer the preferred format (which is why they have made it optional).

    It just no longer comes as a VST2 plugin itself (like pretty much all recent NI plugins now) because of the following...

    The reason is Steinberg have recently changed their SDK so that anyone who creates VST3 plugins has to move away from VST2 asap so really this is Steinberg's fault, this came as no surprise to many so NI have been proactive in making sure the NKS ecosystem is not compromised by this (particularly since on Mac Steinberg's license for VST2 didn't cover native plugins anyway) but the problem is most developers did not support VST migration even a year ago and many are still playing catch up there.

    Komplete Kontrol actually supports migration very well and indeed it is only really NI and Steinberg hosts that fully support the plugin migration VST protocols at the moment. But for it to work the plugin and DAW (where KK is being run as a plugin) also need to support it and that is where the problems arise.

    Most of the problems with plugins not being found in projects are due to 4 things:

    1) plugins not supporting migration

    2) people not realising KK3 still supports VST2 and not adding the path and rescanning them in the first place (or not running it in Rosetta mode on M series Macs)

    3) The host not supporting migration so not migrating Komplete Kontrol VST2 projects to VST3 (often compounded by the plugins loaded inside KK also not supporting migration)

    4) Not running a full rescan of plugins in the standalone before trying to use in a host - KK3 wisely uses a separate database to KK2 so it needs rebuilding when first initialised. If that doesn't happen it can also lead to plugins or NKS not being found

  • Mark Oxley
    Mark Oxley Member Posts: 331 Pro

    If NI's core business is indeed VST dependent then surely that's even more reason to ensure that all users of their products are kept happy. The decision to go with VST3 alone was always going to present problems for a lot of people. Some of us have plugins that for one reason or another are VST2 only, including some of NI's older plugins.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,019 mod
    edited March 19

    It just no longer comes as a VST2 plugin itself (like pretty much all recent NI plugins now) because of the following...

    btw there is a way to turn that to your advantage as it means the VST2 version of KK2 will not be replaced by the VST3 version. This means I am able to run the VST2 version of KK2.9.6 and VST3 version of KK3.2 both on the same system (obviously hosting the VST2 in a host - Reaper - I have dedicated to run in Rosetta mode). NI wisely chose to give KK3 a separate database and plugin scanner app to facilitate this and avoid the 2 versions corrupting their databases.

  • Mark Oxley
    Mark Oxley Member Posts: 331 Pro
    edited March 19
    1. Pretty sure that NI said the support in KK3 for VST2 is time limited.
    2. I'm using a DAW that doesn't support VST2 to VST3 migration.
    3. I have quite a few older plugins that are VST2 only and projects that were made using them inside KK2

    I'm OK staying with KK2 for now but how long will that be supported now that KK3 has landed?

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,019 mod
    edited March 19

    It has to be unfortunately - see this as a transitional period (which we can use) - due to Steinberg pulling the rug out from everyone's feet

    I'm thinking when KK3 first came out it was a strong possibility at some point Steinberg were going to do this but it wasn't certain when so NI left their options open. However now they have done this, and even worse actually even rescinded previous agreements, so if developers want to continue to develop VST3 plugins they have to ditch VST2. So this may come sooner than even NI anticipated

  • Mark Oxley
    Mark Oxley Member Posts: 331 Pro

    Yeah, guess I just have to face the inevitable and move with the times.

    I suppose if I ever suffer from producers block syndrome I could always go back to old projects and redo them. Hell, I might even end up improving them, now there's a thought.

  • Mark Oxley
    Mark Oxley Member Posts: 331 Pro

    OK, I wasn't aware that was a thing. So if I understand you correctly I can use the direct install for KK 2.9.6 outside of NA but still have KK3 installed? How is this possible? I installed KK 2.9.6 outside of NA but NA sees it as 2.9.6 and says there's an update to the latest version. How can I update to KK3 without loosing KK2?

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,019 mod
    edited March 19

    First I installed 2.9.6 from the supplied installer in this forum. Then I backed up the VST2 (just in case it deleted it but in my case it didn't) and renamed the standalone to 'Komplete Kontrol 2' and placed it in its own folder in Applications (I am on Mac so this may be different on Windows). Then I installed KK3 from NA - that installed a new standalone and overwrote the VST3 and AU but left the VST2 alone (or if it hadn't I had the backup). So now I have both versions as standalone, the VST2 as 2.9.6 and the VST3 and AU as KK3.2

    Also on my system I have KK2.9.6 standalone set to Rosetta mode so I can continue to load legacy VST2 plugins (I have some that I love that will never be available as VST3 like Linplug Spectral and Air Loom 2) and load the VST2 of it in Reaper set to Rosetta mode.

  • Mark Oxley
    Mark Oxley Member Posts: 331 Pro
  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,019 mod
  • megaphonix
    megaphonix Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Thanks for the feedback, all - just to clarify, my gripe is not with the fact that KK3 doesn't come in VST2 format. I'm perfectly content to use KK3, and have done so in new projects! My gripe is that it seems no efforts were made to cleanly migrate KK2 instances to KK3, and the update from KK2 to KK3 was a drop-in replacement (with the exception of the VST2 .dll) so it subsequently BROKE those KK2 instances with no recourse - except for the downgrade installation @Sunborn graciously provided above.

    Even with that downgrade option, however, the overarching point is that I still had to go out of my way to search for and troubleshoot this problem online, which caused a significant rift in my workflow. And as a music professional this is undesirable, especially when I see other companies doing similar migrations just fine with almost no hiccups.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,088 mod

    Too many users are hoping for an update to fix this serious issue, however it seems that the KK developers are focusing on fixing far less important issues first... 🙄

    ...thankfully i have reworked all of my remaining projects and i do not have the slightest shred of VST2 on my computer anymore, so i can say that, i finally escaped from that nightmare, once and for all (at least until the day where another "brilliant" developer will have again the idea to mess-up with the formats 😝)!

    ...i suggest you all do the same, even if you loose something, otherwise you are risking an eternal waiting without any guarantee that the problem will be fixed, or just abandoned (as it happened with the -almost 2 years old- issue with Battery)....

    Good luck 🙏

  • Alex Niedt
    Alex Niedt Member Posts: 7 Member

    Thank you so much to the people in this thread! 🙏 Reinstalling the VST2 of version 2.9.4 did the trick, and I've recovered multiple projects I thought were lost. They all happened to have the most complex sound design I've done over the last couple of years, so there's no way I was about to recreate everything faithfully. So thank you again! And absolutely zero thanks to the NI team for making this transition so appallingly unprofessional; I will never use Komplete Kontrol again.

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