the way NI handles older versions of software is just awful

john parker
john parker Member Posts: 40 Member
edited October 2024 in Komplete General

I went to open a song in logic from 2020 so I could make some patches from it. Guitar rig 5 only opens in demo mode now and all of the setting from this patch are gone.

GR5 has been discontinued so I will have to open it in rosetta mode. Same thing with Reaktor 5 etc.

Question, why doesn't native instruments have a system that automatically maps the latest version of the discontinued one to the new one? It just feels really ****** to open a project with what feels like a middle finger to someone who has been purchasing Komplete for years? If you are going to discontinue a product because it has a higher version, don't screw us when we load a song with the older version. Please.



  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,105 Expert

    I start to suspect that middle finger is NI preferred one…

  • john parker
    john parker Member Posts: 40 Member

    and I just realized opening in rosetta is not enough, you have to download earlier versions of service center or something like that. Native instruments has to be better about this. One of their suggestions is to try to recreate the sound from scratch. A ludicrous piece of advice.

    Now, I am worried that guitar rig six will stop working with the advent of version 7. Frankly, if they do this without GTR7 automatically replacing 6 on songs I will stop purchasing Komplete. It's an empty threat. They could care less whether I leave or not as I am just one person but part of purchasing Komplete was the peace of mind that my purchases would work with upgrades. This doesn't seem to be the case.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,009 mod
    edited March 2024

    I agree with respect to the EOL of things being something that brings worries. But generally it's wrong to blame any one company for the ailments of whole industries (e.g. Apple and Mac and constant OS changes and subsequent compatibility problems).

    I also agree that Native Instruments ought to get a lot better at making transitions better and more painless.

    As for Guitar Rig 6 then I think that the reason for switching to GR 7 will be as much carrot as stick !

    But generally then if one wants to be sure that e.g. software keeps working with present versions then one will need to freeze the software at the specific state and then take a backup and then also be sure to have enough hardware to load backup on in case of hardware failure.

    I know , I know , rotten advice , so I am sorry but I am not responsible for how things are I am just making a comment .

  • john parker
    john parker Member Posts: 40 Member

    you are right, it's terrible advice. Frankly, I'm seriously considering not buying Komplete anymore. if they end of life GR6 without a smooth transition to GR 7 I am not sure what the point of upgrading is other than the new features.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,009 mod

    Actually that kind of advice were the only really good advice with respect to when the Kontrol S-Series MK1 were declared EOL last year.

    However I am far from as pessimistic as you when it comes to Guitar Rig 6 Pro ! So while it's always good to prepare if there are coming any problems like have some good backups then why otherwise invent problems that are not there, at least not yet ?

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,251 Expert
    edited March 2024

    News flash - GR6 is already EOL and there is no clean path the GR7 - at least not on the tracks I used GR on.

    That said - another critical point on this - which I do not believe has been driven home very well (yet) - many concepts of a "smooth transition" can only be handled by the DAW in many circumstances.

    There are a few DAWs out there that actually do handle this "plugin graduation" gracefully - Logic Pro and/or Reaper come to mind but for many other DAWs out there - this has nothing to do with NI or the versions of their products. Or ANY vendor for that matter.

    Check out the hassle factor in my case - with Presonus Studio One. Each and every plugin I use - is assigned a unique ID at the instant that plugin is first scanned by Studio One. That ID is forever associated with that plugin and cannot be altered, edited or updated. That plugin ID also is stored within ANY .song file that is saved after each session.

    When GR6 was first "introduced" to Studio One - it gets a (unique) ID. Then when I upgraded to GR7 - it also gets an (unique) ID - completely different from GR6. And I am sure you can see what comes next.

    As long as GR6 remains installed on my system - all songs using it remain happy. But as soon as I decide to "upgrade" GR by adding GR7 and uninstalling GR6 - ALL GR6 songs have no idea what is going on since they do not "see" GR6 anymore and have no idea what GR7 is, where to find it or how to "reassociate" it with this (now) compromised song.

    I am on my own to try and remember what GR6 preset I used, what settings and so on.

    So - while it can appear to "look" like NI is dropping the ball here - it is not on them to make your DAW behave. It is certainly not on them to try to anticipate you opening a 4-year-old song that contains a long since retired plugin and magically guide you back to "current" without any effort.

    For us Studio One users - it is on me to never uninstall ANY plugin - used in any song - new or old - until such time that I can document the existing settings, make the switch to a new(er) version of whatever plugin is being transitioned - and then carry on.

    Similar to your situation - this has been a pain point for me for years - but this is one that Presonus is going to need to solve well before I blame any plugin vendor.


  • john parker
    john parker Member Posts: 40 Member

    Damn. I am using Logic Pro. I mean, the least they could do is not wipe out whatever the preset was in GR5. it just opens up blank.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,251 Expert

    Problem is - unless this exact "old" preset (along with all the amps, FX, routing etc) as it was in GR5 - is 100% identical in GR7 - this could never work.

    I do not believe the actual NI presets from GR5->GR6->GR7 remain 100% identical in function and composition between versions. If they are - that is a bonus.

    Even more strange would be a custom preset.

    What if you saved your 2020 GR5 song with some wacked out unique preset combo that only you would know how to assemble? Cannot rely on any NI or Logic Pro Or any DAWs "graduation" process to move that cleanly from GR5 to GR7 - regardless of how good it might be.

    What I have learned is to always document everything and be on standby to recreate it as necessary in the future.


  • john parker
    john parker Member Posts: 40 Member

    being able to see what I did give me a good staring point on 6 or 7. I don't see why this is even remotely debatable.

  • john parker
    john parker Member Posts: 40 Member

    or at the very least, provide a migration tool

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,009 mod
    edited March 2024

    Thank you very much VP !

    This is very educating ! 😀

    (But GR6 EOL ? , it's in Komplete 14 ! )

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,251 Expert

    On GR6 (and yes - even if it is part of K14) - unless there is any sighting of a new update for this version - and the fact that GR7 gets all the love now - I am thinking it is fair to say this one is probably done.

    Maybe not from a "support" angle (yet) but more in terms of "GR7 is the focus" angle


  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,251 Expert
  • john parker
    john parker Member Posts: 40 Member
This discussion has been closed.
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