M+ standalone optimized Reaktor content from the community



  • djneural
    djneural Member Posts: 27 Helper

    Thank you. That's fine for the L/R panning. There's no sense to have stereo voice/carrier input on this usage anyway.

    I guess most elegant way would be if NI itself added the feature in their FX. Even better, if they created an Expansion that widely uses it with different presets specifically designed as carriers, would be a sort-of equivalent to Roland's Vocal Designer Jupiter X/XM Model Expansion, but for the M+.

    Again, many thanks for your help. Will give it a try and get back here. I might create a specific thread to give more attention to this as many people would want a vocoder in the M+, without forgetting of course to mention you and the original ensemble creator.

  • darkwaves
    darkwaves Member Posts: 387 Guru

    @tetsuneko said:

    both types of Reaktor Ensembles can only output 2 channels of audio

    You get 8 stereo channels. The first goes through the sound slot. The other 7 are available as inputs for other sounds in the group.

    ...2 stereo inputs. Main input is whatever is being passed in. Second is sidechain input.

  • Dstep ATL
    Dstep ATL Member Posts: 95 Helper

    So what’s convenient is it does it in real time. Plays it an octave lower and at half speed. But can do it in 1/4 bar segments, 1/2 bar segments, bar segments etc. For the simple version, though, yes, Resample, set to audio track (repitch mode) and drop an octave can approximate it. That’s what I’ve done in the past. The plug-in just lets you do it real time and blends it with the original.

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 674 Guru
    edited April 2022

    How can it do it in realtime though? It must have some sort of latency.. you cannot play a sample faster than you are recording it. I thought I saw this one having an option of playing the sample +1 octave as well?

    But hey, if you think you would find it usable, I'd say that's a great build project as your first ensemble. Everything else should be simple enough, the most difficult part would be the live audio resampling (you'd need to tackle writing and reading memory buffers for that).

    Wait, what?! there is access to 16 CHANNELS OF AUDIO Out in Maschine Reaktor Ensembles?! And 4 channels of audio In?

    Never knew that, that's great news! So the second input pair (3-4) must be for utilizing that Sidechain interface at the end of every ensemble, which I cannot seem to get rid of.

    Thanks for this info 👍 I think I might want to create a multi-out version of NewScool now 😎 (and don't tell me it already supports multiout LOL)

    I suppose I could make the vocoder work without L/R separation after all. I'd just use inputs 3-4 for the carrier signal, and then you could set it up from the sidechain settings with the dropdown menus. Cool!

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 674 Guru

    @Dstep ATL If you're seriously thinking about trying making a half time style effect, this User Library entry should get you started:

    It's a realtime resampler with a pitch control, so should basically already have all the hard work done for you, leaving you free to concentrate on defining the features & controls.

  • darkwaves
    darkwaves Member Posts: 387 Guru
    edited April 2022

    It would take quite a bit of setup, but the audio table module in reaktor has a function to control playback speed. I think that's likely the best way to replicate the effect in reaktor.

    Constantly write to a buffer in realtime; read it back... but slower. Retrigger based on tempo.

  • Dstep ATL
    Dstep ATL Member Posts: 95 Helper

    Thank you. Going to start looking into that now. I’ve spent most of the morning/early afternoon doing some resampling.

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 674 Guru
    edited April 2022

    Also, check @darkwaves suggestion above as well, might be a simpler method. Always good to have options if you happen to get stuck.

    Good luck!

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 674 Guru
    edited April 2022

    Did you manage to test the Serious Vocoder yet? I was thinking about the L/R as Mod/Carrier again, and even though I now know how to make the Vocoder work without having to pan anything, I feel like it's still the simplest way to set up the vocoder in a way which produces only the vocoded sound, without also making the unprocessed components (dry vocal & dry synth) audible.

    I have more good news. I was looking into that autotune request you had, and while googling on the subject, stumbled onto this NI's article:

    ..which lead me to an autotune ensemble (last item in the article), which I'm going to try optimizing for M+ next!

    I still feel like I could port a lot more stuff to the M+, but am running out of ideas on what to add. I don't want to be adding too much redundant stuff, as in, stuff that Maschine+ can already do with it's factory content, unless there is some specific thing you feel like is lacking with regards to sound quality (This is why I wanted to add the better filters). If two decades of ITB music making have taught me anything, it's that having too many options for doing the same thing is a hindurance rather than an asset - You'll end up going through your options, instead of picking the tool that just works and moving on!

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 674 Guru
    edited April 2022

    ..aand it's done

    Big up to Jan Brähler for the original ensemble 👍️

    Seems to take up around 10% of Maschine+ CPU

    Might not sound identical to Antares Auto-Tune, but it works. I removed the live MIDI input feature (its not supported in M+), and the repitching output graphics, but left everything else intact.

    Should work with a live input, although didn't test live input myself, so don't know how the latency feels. Let me know if it works for you!

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 674 Guru
    edited April 2022

    I think I'll be porting some sort of 4-OP FM synth next. As cool as FM8 is, you really cannot program custom patches properly with it on the M+ due to the way how the ratio controls are implemented.

    I don't want anything too fancy, something with a few algorithms and feedback, maybe some filter at the output. I already have a few candidates checked out from the UserLib I'd use as the basis for it.

    I'm kinda surprised Reaktor building for Maschine+ doesn't seem to interest as many users as I thought. Or maybe folks just want to geek out in private 🥽

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 674 Guru
    edited April 2022

    I explored a couple options, and ended up going with gentleclockdivider's Mono FM synth. It's very close to what I was looking for feature-wise, so started modifying it further. Added the SallenKey mono core filter from earlier to the output, so now the ens can do both FM sounds and more subtractrive monosynth type sounds, or anything in between. It's a not polyphonic (as you might have guessed from the name), but you can load several instances into a group if you feel like going poly with it.. Like I said, it's not meant to replace FM8 but rather to complement it.

    I think I got it pretty much to where I wanted it to be, just need to add detuning controls to the four operators and then it's just a matter of sorting the ID's.. There's just about a hundred of them so we'll see if I can make them all fit into Maschine's parameter pages 😱 Sorting Reaktor ID's is such a bummer, I wish there was some way to edit them in a list editor of sorts, instead of clicking through them one by one..

    Anyhoo, should have the final ens up sometime next week. Already had a blast making DFAM-style techno (well, DFAM minus the kick anyway) with it, so I know it's gonna be a fun addition to the toolbox!

  • Flexi
    Flexi Member Posts: 366 Pro
    edited April 2022

    That OTT ensemble is the one i mentioned that is nothing at all like OTT (Ableton preset/Xfer OTT/Renoise Doofer or iOS WOOTT)

    Those above all sound very similar, but interestingly the Renoise doofer uses a 3 band EQ driven by envelope followers instead of multiband upward&downward compression.

    I helped Brambos design the iOS WOOT plugin, so i still have a ton of research and comparisons if at all useful.

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 674 Guru

    I never got around to testing the original Ableton Preset (did DL it but never tried it) so I don't know how dissimilar this OTT is to the real deal. Anyways, I like this version too! Feel free to build a more faithful version of OTT if you have extensive knowledge about the subject.

  • djadidai
    djadidai Member Posts: 462 Pro

    Hey. I copied the file to native/user content but can’t find the patch. I have reaktor 6 player but not full version. This on the computer. Just loaded the mono on M+, I’ll see if I can find it there.

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