Reaktor Sequencer - Aerobic

AimFly Member Posts: 3 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Reaktor

I recently switched to a new laptop and realised I've lost the reaktor sequencer Aerobic, is there any way to download it? I think it came as part of a NI starter pack, perhaps with Maschine Mikro back in the day?




  • AimFly
    AimFly Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Oh wow, fast answer thank you, I'll download now :)

  • reffahcs
    reffahcs Member Posts: 874 Guru
    edited February 2024

    First make sure you have Reaktor Factory Library installed.

    However, it would appear the default factory library directory is not the same place "Reaktor Factory Library" is installed. By default Reaktor 6 points to /Applications/Native Instruments/Reaktor 6/Library, but Aerobic is installed here /Users/Shared/Reaktor Factory Library/Grooveboxes/Aerobic.ens

    I ended up changing the factory library location in Reaktor to /Users/Shared/Reaktor Factory Library. You'll lose access to the basic blocks though. No reason you couldn't consolidate the two directories though. This seems like a bug to me.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,100 Expert

    I also found an “original” version in my Reaktor 6. Here it is:

  • AimFly
    AimFly Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Ah may have spoke too soon, am I right in thinking I will need the full version of Reaktor in order to use these versions?

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,100 Expert
    edited February 2024

    For the User made ones, yes, I think full version is needed (since it’s at least needed for saving them)

    But I posted also NI original one.

    If you were already using it before, it should work (usually “official” NI ones work also with player) (You said you “lost it”, implying you had it working before).

    You can always try anyway the User made ones (if you have only Player): who knows? Trying it’s free

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,442 mod
    edited February 2024

    This is not a bug!

    /Native Instruments/Reaktor 6/Library:

    Is the place for Primary Modules, Instruments and Core Macros. All the stuff that you need to build an ensemble. But there are no ensembles there. So, it is a "Building Library". However, they are just the default basic tools by Reaktor. My building library is almost 5 Giga (from the users forum, other sources and my own works). Those, should go on a different folder, not on the default one.

    /Users/Shared/Reaktor Factory Library/ (or similar paths):

    Is the place for the ensembles only (the fully compiled instruments), the ones you use to create and play music with them.

    It is not a good idea to mix or merge those locations, as you already understood since you lost access to the blocks.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,996 mod

    If you find out that you need the full version then Reaktor 6 is included in the Komplete 14 Standard , an economic way to get more full version apps and libraries especially if bought at sales 😉.

  • reffahcs
    reffahcs Member Posts: 874 Guru
    edited February 2024

    Ahh that's good to know. Thanks for clarifying that for me.

    I'm not super familiar with Reaktor and don't use it very often, so how do people access the Reaktor Factory Library content? Do they map it as their user ensemble folder? Or do they just browse to it using the file tab in Reaktor? The Factory Library manual doesn't really go into how NI intended someone to browse the content.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,442 mod
    edited February 2024

    Factory and User are 2 different folders, for both "building library" and "playing library". So, in fact, there are 4 basic folders (could be even more, but lets keep it simple).


    Is the library with the ensembles and instrument blocks that you play with. There are 2 libraries actually:

    1a - The Factory Library:

    1b - The User Library:


    Is the library with the building modules, core macros and construction blocks, all the elements you use to create an ensemble (such as a sampler, a synthesizer, a groovebox, an effect etc.). Also there, there are 2 libraries actually:

    2a - The Factory Library:

    2b - The User Library:

    The names are the same, which is a mistake* (it also took me a while to figure it out), but their purpose is very different.

    Hope this makes some sense to you and help you to further understand Reaktor. :-)

    *Note to Reaktor developers: It would make much more sense if the "Reaktor Factory Library" renamed to "Reaktor Factory Content", or something similar... 😊

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