Installing VST-Plugin

Angela Member Posts: 6 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Komplete General

I work with Adobe Audition for my piano recordings. Since I know my way around here very well, I would like to continue to do so.
I recently purchased the full version of “The Giant” Piano from Native Instruments.

Now I would like to install The Giant as a VST plugin in my Adobe Audition to improve the piano sound of my electric piano.
But unfortunately I can't seem to get any further here on my own.

Therefore I ask you for help.

Can you please describe to me how to install the VST plugin and where exactly can I find it?

Thanks in advance.


  • Ojustaboo
    Ojustaboo Member Posts: 347 Pro
    edited February 2024

    Download Native Access 2

    and from there you should be able to install it.

    Cant remember the where it puts the VST, probably in one of these (on PC, don’t know where they are on a Mac)

    C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3\

    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Steinberg\VST2

    C:\Program Files\Steinberg\VstPlugins

  • Angela
    Angela Member Posts: 6 Newcomer
    Thank you very much for the help.
    I'll try it out first thing tomorrow.
    Best regards
  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,453 mod
    edited February 2024

    Hello :-)

    The Giant Piano, is not a VST plugin! It is a Kontakt Library. Therefor, you need Kontakt.

    Kontakt is the actual instrument (and it has a VST3 only plugin).

    Still, you need to follow Ojustaboo's suggesting to download and install Native Access, if you don't have it already because through Native Access you will install Kontakt (or whatever other NI instrument you may have).

    You don't need to worry about VST path, since it has a VST3 version only, and all VST3's are installed by definition at: C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,371 mod

    Audition is an audio editor, it won't play plugin instruments

  • Angela
    Angela Member Posts: 6 Newcomer
    Oh. OK. Thank you for the info. I have already downloaded contact and everything that goes with it. But I had also read that you could install Giant as a plugin.
    My problem is, I can't find my way around the Giant. I would like to record all of my piano songs and use Giant to convey a more beautiful piano sound. Because my electric piano doesn't have a nice piano sound. Can you tell me where I can see how to do this step by step? Recording, settings and editing?
    Best regards
  • Angela
    Angela Member Posts: 6 Newcomer
    I hope I have expressed myself clearly enough. I am a musician and record all my piano pieces. But the sound is bad. So far I've done all the recording and editing through Audition. Then I came across the Giant from Native Instruments on the internet regarding the sound. My question now is, can I use Giant to record and edit my piano pieces, shorten them, insert pauses, etc., like I can in Audition? Or is it possible to export the edited audio file from Audition to Giant? I would be really grateful for help. Unfortunately I can't find anything on YouTube.
    Thanks in advance.
  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,371 mod
    edited February 2024

    No you can't do any of those things in The Giant, it is a piano plugin not an audio editor. I think you need to learn some basics about what a plugin is and how to use it. You need to load The Giant in a DAW (eg Logic, Reaper, Bitwig, Ableton Live), record your piano tracks, then bounce to audio, which you can then load into Audition if you really need it (most audio editing can usually also be done in the DAW though anyway)

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,366 Expert
  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,009 mod

    In order to keep confusion to a minimum then we ought maybe not call the Giant a plugin when it is not ;

    Quote Sunborn : The Giant Piano, is not a VST plugin! It is a Kontakt Library. Therefor, you need Kontakt.

    Kontakt is the actual instrument (and it has a VST3 only plugin).

    Also ref. : AT A GLANCE: THE GIANT part of product page ! : Product type   Uniquely direct upright piano plus avant-garde cinematic sounds , For use with Free KONTAKT PLAYER or KONTAKT


    Adobe Audtion is a program that works as an editor of the actual recorded audio of your electric piano. For you to be able to use something like Native Instruments Kontakt 7 then your keyboard will have to be able to send midi data to your computer , most electric pianos can do that but not all in the cheapest economy class can do that. So first we need to establish if your keyboard is sending midi data to your computer or if you have only connected it with an audio cable !

    The DAWs that other forum users here describes are software that are able to record the midi data sent from the keyboard and reproduce them while driving e.g. the Kontakt 7 plug-in with the 'The Giant' library selected as sound. As also written by others then to the extend supported by the particular DAW program then you can edit the midi data using a built in so called piano roll editor ! E.g. Ableton Live piano roll editor or Mixcraft or the free Cakewalk by Bandlab just to name a few ! (Google Free DAW for more suggestions or ask in the forum here) .

    The real great thing about Midi is that since it is data files that can be used to drive audio producing software and hardware then you can not only edit the data but also change the instrument and sounds afterwards by a simple selection !

  • Angela
    Angela Member Posts: 6 Newcomer
    Hello everyone,
    Thank you very much for your information. First of all, I purchased the full program with Kontakt 7 from Native Instruments. From the start, my goal was to record my piano piece and then load it into Giant. However, I didn't know that this only works with MIDI files. And yes, my electric piano can record midi files. My problem is that my English is not very good, and when there are only tutorials in English, I have difficulty following it. Here on the community I can at least use a translation program. Since the program of Native instruments is not very cheap, of course I would like to use it too. So for me, I have to record my piece of music in a Midi file in the future?
  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,009 mod
    edited February 2024

    You do not have to record the midi data into files to use the Kontakt 7 with the The Giant library you can play directly using your keyboard attached to your computer and with the N.I. programs , e.g. Kontakt 7 , setup to receive the data from your keyboard so that you can play with the The Giant piano library sound while you play your keyboard. Please consult the Kontakt 7 manual for information or ask in the forum if need be ! And you can record the audio sound from your Kontakt 7 on your computer while you play using an audio recording program so that you can edit it all in Adobe Audition also if you want instead of recording as Midi data (You can probably use Adobe Audition to record the audio sound produced from Kontakt while you play) ! Midi allows you to drive any program midi compatible or same piece of hardware, meaning that you could drive/play a very expensive externally attached synthesizer using a cheap keyboard or drive an 'expensive' midi compatible program ! You are by no means confined neither to Kontakt libraries sold on the N.I. site (there are third party sellers also) and there are other makes of midi software. And if you want you can record your playing by either recording the audio produced by the programs (e.g. Kontakt) or by recording the midi produced by your keyboard ! or both !

    But the recording your piano playing into midi files using a DAW while you play is purely optional and only if you want to save the playing as recorded Midi data for later playback and/or editing... But by recording the midi data into files then you can replay later and also re-record the sound output again without having to play it all again which is basically one of the ideas of Midi (the ideas being play once to create , replay many times later with any sound that you want)

    By the way , then you can get more apps and libraries from N.I. for free , like e.g. Komplete Start , that can all be driven by the midi that your keyboard sends ! Also , I noticed you mentioning that Kontakt 7 is expensive , and I agree , so I will just inform you that the most economic way of getting collections of apps and libraries from N.I. is by buying one of their Komplete bundles (Which most also includes Kontakt 7) and it is even cheaper at the sales. Also , you can always find present upgrade prices on the My Komplete Offers page when logged in !

  • Angela
    Angela Member Posts: 6 Newcomer
    Thank you
    I read the manual and translate it into German. ;)
  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,009 mod
    edited February 2024

    You are very welcome ! 🙂

    I hope that it will be of help. Incidentally then I have a bad habit of editing my own posts rather than posting again. So I don't know if you saw it . But you ought to be able to play using your keyboard and the Kontakt app and then most likely be able to record the audio produced by Kontakt and The Giant by using Adobe Audition to record while you play if you wish !

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,080 Guru

    The Giant is a nice piano library, for sure.

    But there are others that might be even better, and most of those will run in Kontakt too.

    Also, as a note to everybody, I have recently observed that VST3 plugins are "usually" placed into

    C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3

    ...but this is not always the case. It depends on the host's installer.

    For Angela:

    You will want to install a DAW to your computer before you install any sounds. Some free ones were mentioned in prior posts. When you install the DAW, the installer will also create the VST3 folder. It may also install a VST2 plugin folder, but VST2 is no longer supported by the maker, Steinberg, so we will be seeing less and less of VST2 as time goes on.

    Once the DAW is installed, next you'll install Kontakt, The Giant, and any other Native Instruments' instruments by using Native Access. Native Access, combined with each instrument's own embedded installer that runs in the background, will automatically figure out where to put the VST plugin files.

    Good luck!

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