How to Add FX, such as Raum, using the Keyboard Screens?

Kevbo Member Posts: 12 Member
edited 11:57AM in Komplete General

I've finally received my S88 MKIII today. As I am working through learning it using Kontakt 7 (not Komplete Kontrol software), after I open an instrument up, how can I then add an effect to that instrument using the keyboard controls? I like to use Raum a lot, so is there a way to be able to launch Raum using the keyboard as well?

Thank you!


  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 2,773 mod
    edited February 8

    You can not use VST plugins inside Kontakt, not even the Native Instruments ones!

    Kontakt is not a DAW, its a sampler. To use FX or other plugins you need a DAW (Cubase, Logic, Ableton, FL Studio etc etc), or Maschine or Komplete Kontrol.

  • Kevbo
    Kevbo Member Posts: 12 Member

    Let me add to this then. I am inside Cubase, and running Kontakt 7 as a VST. Even if I add Raum as an Insert using my mouse within Cubase, can I manipulate Raum's settings with the keyboard?

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 2,773 mod
    edited February 9

    Ok, this makes sense. :-)

    But unfortunately the answer is still no. For the most part... At least not as you described it.

    For fully control Raum with your keyboard, you need to do it through Komplete Kontrol or Mashine.

    This can be done in various ways. Most common is that you open an Instrument channel, load Komplete Kontrol, then load Kontakt inside Komplete Kontrol and then load Raum as an FX to Kontakt, also inside Komplete Kontrol.

    Something like that:

    But, there are more ways to do things, even without Komplete Kontrol, for example through VST Quick Controls, but are rather complicated to explain here. Do some experiment, it is always the best way to get answers!

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 1,622 mod

    The best and easiest way is to load Kontakt into Komplete Kontrol then add the effects into the KK FX slots. Unfortunately there's no FX-only version of Komplete Kontrol and it's been said elsewhere that there's no timescale for one being available. You can load them directly into a DAW of course, but you lose the automatic key mapping and have to resort to dropping the keyboard into MIDI mode and use quick controls. You only get eight of those though, so you'd have to pick which controls to map. It works, but it's not quite as slick as using the FX inside KK.

    -- Mike

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